You will learn why trauma blocks money, how it’s harder for people with trauma to get visibility and traction in business ans you’ll learn tools to “stop stopping” with your dreams/goals.

Nunaisi 00:00

Hello and welcome to Rise. I have, today, Therese Skelly, and she is sweet, smart, funny, and fiercely devoted stands for her client’s brilliance. Therese mentors mission-driven leaders and entrepreneurs globally, who are ready to bust shame, clear blocks, and live their best life without apology. Through an intuitive process and her take no prisoners mama T attitude, she helps her clients move past obstacles holding them back from being truly happy, empowered, and free. Therese is a former therapist turned mentor, who lives in Arizona with her sweet pup, dogs and her two grown boys, Danny and John. When she isn’t working with clients or cooking up a storm in the kitchen, you can find her on the road, on the back of her boyfriend’s motorcycle, living life to the fullest.

Welcome, welcome, Therese.

Therese Skelly 01:18

Thank you. I’m, so happy to be with you for this. This is such a worthy summit, I’m so glad you’re bringing this to people, there’s nothing more important than this. So, thank you for having me.

Nunaisi 01:28

Yeah, thank you for acknowledging that, I second what you said. I think that, especially in these times of transition, now, where really collectively we can feel trauma in the air, and now this is new trauma on top of a lot of layers of trauma, that people were pushing and suppressing, and being busy with their daily lives, and their comfort zone work, that maybe they don’t really like, and all of a sudden, these unprecedented times made all of us stop and rethink, and reevaluate our life. I know that many, many, many people are pivoting from their careers, from their work jobs, starting working from home, making huge, huge changes. This is why I’m so happy to have you with us today, that you can really guide us through, first of all, how trauma blocks us from the income that we would like to create, and the impact, and the success, and the fulfillment, and what to do about it.

So, this is very important, because we all need money, this is just the reality of things. We need and we want, because the need is for the basic needs that we need to meet, we all need to eat and live under a shelter, and be clothed, and all that. But we all have desires, we all have dreams, we all have wishes, and we really don’t have to settle and compromise for little, because trauma is in our way. So, yeah, let’s dive in.

Therese Skelly 03:28

Okay. I do want to say, the title is about income and impact, because some people are extremely money-driven, and they have a lot of goals around finances and building wealth, and some people don’t care about their wealth, they want to impact, they want to make a difference. So, I wanted to include that, I just want to speak that in the beginning, because if you’re sitting here going, well, I don’t need a six-figure business but I want to help, so this is also for you, so it’s income and impact, because both of those involve you getting yourself out there in a bigger way.

And here’s the thing, when you’ve had trauma, it’s a heck of a lot harder, it is so much harder. How about if I start with a story, I’ll start with a story that will illuminate what happens. So, I’m a business coach now, but I started as a psychotherapist, and so I work with people on their businesses, but everybody comes to me to clean up their energy, and for their psychology. You know what I mean? It’s like, oh yeah, oh my God, you are in a business, but I do so much inner work. So, this is a funny story because I was doing a group coaching thing on Zoom, and I didn’t know this woman much, so I didn’t know her backstory at all, I’m just going to call her Sarah, and Sarah was a newer business owner and wanted to get out there, and she was massively confused. I’m sure your listeners will – I use a pendulum a lot, I’m an intuitive and I can just tap in, and so I get this guidance, and I say, “Sarah, what was your birth story?” I think it’s funny when I’m like trying to build somebody’s business, and I’m guided to go back to the womb, most business coaches don’t do that. So, I say, “What’s the birth story?”, because this woman could not land on how to help people, who to help, what her brilliance was, and yet if you would meet her, you would fall in love with her, the outside of her was magical, and I just was so drawn to her, but she lacked confidence and clarity, she had no idea. So, I just get guided, I used my pendulum, and I say, “What was your birth story?”, and she said, “Well, what happened is, when I was born, I came out fingers first, and so I literally shredded my mother, I caused my mother so much pain, and I took on”, listen to this, “when I show up, people get hurt”. And I said, “Aahh”, I was in one of those moments where I was like, whoa.

I said, “So, I bet every one of your relationships, everything you do has been affected by what happened when you literally were coming out of the womb”. When I cleared that, number one, I could find it, most people don’t know how to do that, but when I could clear it for her, the next week, she’s like, “Okay, this is who I’m serving”, she was super clear. That’s an example of if you have either unhealed trauma, or usually, you don’t know your birth trauma, or your origin story, those things unconsciously block you from doing the work you’re supposed to do. So, I just thought I would start with a story because it’s so freakin powerful, the way trauma gets paired with everything we want to do.

Nunaisi 06:55

As a breath therapist that has led and assisted, and guided so many groups where people breathe, and it’s not even directed to the birth as such, per se, but so many people go through their birth trauma, because that’s a trauma for so many. I have seen again and again, and again, people connecting all the dots, and they realize exactly as you said, how their birth story set up the tone for their life, and keep perpetuating their thinking, their behaviors, their actions, their beliefs. I’ve got so many stories about birth and life, I could write a book literally. So, yes, yes, yes.

Therese Skelly 07:48

Beautiful. When people think of trauma, they go, “Well, I wasn’t raped, and I didn’t survive a house fire, and I wasn’t in a hurricane”. It’s the little T traumas, sometimes, and those add up. I love there’s now so much conversation about trauma, so people are going oh!! It’s like you said, connect the dots, so I want to talk about, I’ve got three reasons why impact and income are eluding you, maybe, and the first one is, you don’t have permission to be here. So, think about that. As a business coach, if I’m working with you, I need to get you really boldly visible, I need to get you so self-assured, you need to understand clearly the impact you have, you got to own yourself, like, here I am, world. I think, for women, oh, gosh, like, I’m a little bit older than you, we were not taught to stand up and say, “Pick me!”. So, if you have had any degree like that woman, did she have permission to be here? Very often I hear stories of people that say, oh, my parents wanted a boy and I’m a girl, or there’s just the gender difference.

I was on a board of directors one time and I’m like, feisty and like stirring the pot, and apparently the executive director decided, like, you haven’t earned your place to talk yet. I was like, what? So, sometimes it is a gender thing. So, when you walk in the room, do you as a woman, a fully sovereign person, is there a little piece of you that apologizes or checks for permission, like, is it okay, is it all right. Is it okay if I say that, and so that’s again, trauma origin, you’re not giving yourself the permission to say, here I am, that’s a huge one, but most people don’t know that. Do you want to just riff on that?

Nunaisi 09:58

Yeah, because what you just said is very, very important, not only that, as women, collectively, we still carry the prosecution fear from collectively. So, there is that, that we’re still processing collectively because it’s not even seven generations past since, so it’s in our epigenetics, so it’s the fear of showing up, it’s the fear of burning alive on the stake, because we do what we’re here to do. So, there’s that. Also, I know that for many, many, many children, including myself, when I grew up, I felt I’m too much, I felt that I’m too loud, I’m too much, I have to be quiet. So, for years, I learned to kind of contain myself, and keep myself intact, and polite, and good girl, and all of that, and I had to go through an entire process to break free from that, and actually owning my too muchness.

Therese Skelly 11:05

Yeah, I love that. Every women’s group I run, I say, and I’ll do this now with the people you have watching, raise your hand, if somebody has told you, you’re too much. If we could see, we would probably see 99% of women that have had that experience, and sometimes it’s just dysfunctional family stuff, sometimes it’s patriarchal stuff, sometimes it’s whatever it is, but that lives in us. So, if you don’t have permission to be here- one quick way is- because I’m going to talk about what’s the broken parts of it, or what the challenges are, and then I’m going to talk about ways out. But I want you, as you’re listening and watching, to track this. Because what happens, and you know this, if I asked my brain, my conscious mind, which only is responsible for like 5%, I’m like, of course, I have permission, I’ve got a master’s degree, etc, our brain lies to us. Ask your body, literally just tune into the energy of your body, ask the younger parts of you, ask just the ancestral parts that are hanging up, do I have permission to be here? And you might be surprised. And if you ask your body, you might get a “Nuh-uh”, it’s like, “Oh, no”. So that’s it.

The second one is, the reason you’re blocking your impact and your income, is that you don’t understand the value that you bring. You’ve heard the term unconscious competence, like I’m brilliant, I’m a freakin rock star at what I do, but if you give me a spreadsheet, I will feel like a third-grader. Well, they probably do spreadsheets better than I do. So, I look at something that’s really hard, and I just go, wow, people that can do spreadsheets, wow, and yet, what I do, I’m like, meh, because it’s easy. And that’s the thing, we still have in us the puritanical work ethic, that if it’s not hard, if it comes easy, it’s like I didn’t earn it, it’s suspect. And so, Endor, you and I are the same, in that we teach transformation, if you’re a plumber, you know, like, well, boom, the pipe got cleared. If you are in the healing arts or transformation, it’s really intangible, it’s harder to talk about, it’s harder to concretize, you snake a drain and the clog’s gone. Because of that, it’s easy to say, does it really work, but Tony Robbins is already talking about that, and Dr. Demartini has already solved it, and then who am I, and everybody already knows this, our gremlins just lie to us.

So, what happens is because you don’t understand your value, you’re undercharging massively, if you’re a woman, you’re over giving, because we have to compensate, and you’re not taking a stand and saying, I’m the best person for you, I can solve this problem for you. It’s because you don’t get it, you’re like, oh, maybe you should- like, I teach selling a lot and I love to teach selling for women, because it’s so hard to sell ourselves. So, maybe you want to share about anything you’re bringing up about, you don’t get how meaningful your work is in the world.

Nunaisi 14:32

Yeah, what you just talked about, I’d like to give you the term, the golden shadow. It’s the shadow to differ from the shadow-shadow, that is the things that we like less and harder to love, and all that. The golden shadow is actually our talents that are such natural for us that we dismiss them, we don’t appreciate and value them, as you said. Exactly.

Therese Skelly 15:04

The one way to flip on this, a friend of mine introduced me to a friend of hers, and I was telling her what I did, and she looks at me, she goes, “Oh my God, I’ve been praying for you”, and I just thought, Oh, what a lovely lady, she prays for strange people. She goes, “No, you don’t understand. I didn’t know that somebody was out there blending business and spirituality, and soul work”. So, here’s what I need you to hear, my beautiful people listening, there is somebody praying for the thing that you have, you are an answer to somebody’s prayers, how dare you play small. For me, I am willing to walk through the frickin fire, I will turn myself inside, I will surrender everything, I will do all the painful as hell work, because I am an answer to somebody’s prayers. I know that on a soul level, so how dare I say, but I don’t know if I can say- shh. So, you kind of have to be in battle with the small self, or the old self, or the cultural conditioning, or the gender bubble, all the stuff, all the layers that we swim through, and understand that you are an answer to somebody’s prayers.

Nunaisi 16:17

Absolutely. When you realize that your mission, your purpose is so much bigger than you, it’s so bigger than your insecurities, than your little self that’s kind of afraid from judgment and afraid from criticism, and afraid to fail. When you understand that you are, as you said so beautifully, an answer to somebody’s prayers, then it gives you no other option but to show up, and do it, even if it does not feel perfect. Because perfect is a problem, there is no perfect. So, it’s really just a stumbling block on your way. Also, imagine yourself 20 years ago, if you could meet yourself, today. If you could have 10 minutes or an hour sitting with your younger self and giving her advise for the journey ahead, for the next 20 years, what benefit could you bring into her life?

Therese Skelly 17:31

That’s brilliant, absolutely, that is exquisite really good. Well, the third one, the third way you’re being held back with income and impact, is because you’re still being driven by what I call trauma response. I can tell if something happens, when literally my physiology gets jacked, my brain gets hijacked, and I’m not this sovereign being full of love and light, I’m like, oh my God, oh my God, oh my god. So, what happens is, if you have experienced trauma, often it’s a set point, and at least for me, what that looks like is the ruminating of what could possibly go wrong. Like, bringing up the fearful feelings, feeling the shame, feeling constriction, here’s the difference, you can tell. Are you in expansion or constriction? Are you like, oh my gosh, I’m so, yes, I’m a yes to that? Or, oh my God, that’s going to be hard, that’s going to be scary? Like you said, what if I get judged? What if it doesn’t work? And you start spinning and you get smaller, and smaller, and smaller.

So, the challenge is, most people don’t understand that. A lot of the work I do literally is interrupting brain patterns just like that, stop, okay, did you hear that thought there? Did you see how you- okay, stop, we’re going to redo that one. But if you’re not aware, if you’re not like constantly watching and monitoring your thoughts, and in your body and your energy, you’re going to, I call it, collapse. So, I could work with you and I can give you this brilliant strategy, and you’re like, Yes, oh, my gosh, I want that, I can do it, I can do it, and then by week two, it’s just like…. Because our Gremlins’ energy, whatever words you want to call them, get in the way. So, it’s like we keep stopping and stopping, and stopping, and stopping, and as long as you keep getting up, you’re still in the game.

But imagine if you weren’t hijacked by all that. Sometimes. It’s literally a physiologic response, sometimes it’s emotional responses. For me, I love to talk about shame, because it’s so insidious, like shame is, unfortunately, the out-picturing of trauma. It’s what’s left of the trauma and the shame is the lie of I’m not enough, I’m defective, so I have to get another certification and I got to get another degree, and I got to get another, etc. So, you’re either dealing with the after-effects of shame that tell you, you’re never going to be enough, so you’re on the hamster wheel filling it, or you’re literally in the physiologic shutdown, or where your brain is just hijacked and in this whole other scary room that you don’t want it to be in. So, those are some really significant things that slow you down.

What I know is, unfortunately, people want- like, everybody should work with you or I, they just should, but what they do is they go, “Oh, I just need a new website, oh, that’s the real deal”, “Oh, I need better photos”, “I need more Twitter followers”, “I just got to get my social media..”, and those things are all important, and I’m not saying they’re not, but very often it’s easy to work outside of you and try to fix the things, make the house pretty, but if you’ve got a stinking house on the inside, like if your basements rotting, it doesn’t matter if you plant roses. So, you’re at risk of trying to fix the wrong thing, so you always want to look at, what’s the pattern here? Where are the walls I keep hitting? Where do I keep stopping? And that’s the work. So, when people say, “I’m not working in my business”, I’m like, oh, yeah, you are, it doesn’t look like the hustle and grind, but you are absolutely working on your business when you’re healing your traumas.

Nunaisi 21:25

Yeah, I love it. Because I really believe that our sacred purpose, and I’m not saying there’s only one thing that we need to do, no, we have the choice create it, to co-create it and to express it in many ways, but we still have a soul purpose. That soul purpose is keep knocking on our inner doors for attention, it does not keep us away, it’s not just going to go away and wait until the time is right, it keeps knocking. We either hear it, sometimes in a moment of clarity, in a moment of connection, we might hear it very loud, and our soul wants to follow that. So, we’ve got that inner yearning to do something, and I think that each and every one of us have that yearning to do, to create, to make an impact in some way, in some form.

Then, there’s the trauma that stands in the way and blocks that flow of creativity, or creates a glass ceiling with all our limiting beliefs that, where am I, I’m not worthy, I’m not good enough, all the stories that we tell ourselves. So, we constantly have that inner fight, that inner conflict between the yearning and this calling that we hear, and how are we going to do it? Because we’re limited.

Therese Skelly 23:01

Right, we’re limited or we think we are.

Nunaisi 23:05

We think we are. There is stumbling blocks in the way that really are big challenges that, yeah, we keep bouncing against, again and again, it’s usually exactly the same pattern that repeats. So, really, the journey of self-development, as I see it, of our soul journey on this earth, when we are incarnated in this body, is to really work through our traumas, and through our own experiences, so we can break those glass ceilings and we can show up fully to embody the fullness of our being. This journey is super unique for each and every one of us, although in one way it’s almost all the same, we’re all dealing with the same fundamental thoughts and beliefs, and the ones that we inherited from our culture and years of patriarchy, but we still have the thread of our unique life and our unique experiences, and so often our mess is exactly our message.

Therese Skelly 24:20

So well said, absolutely. So, let me talk about some of the ways out. I’ve got two pieces. So, I’m just going to give some concepts, and then I want to do like a meditation visualization. One of the ways out, strange as it may seem, is to find the gifts. Like, I was a therapist, and strangely, I was a therapist and I discovered as an adult, a repressed sexual abuse memory. So, I didn’t know it until this weird thing happened, I’m like, Oh my gosh, it kind of destroyed a lot, like it’s probably ruined my marriage, because I was so traumatized and it created a whole lot. Then, a few years later, when I was sitting across from a woman who was sharing a story about being sexually abused and remembering that I was like, Oh, I can be with her, I really can, I know what it feels like, it’s such an existential crisis of like, holy shit, how do I now make sense of this, and it was not clinical knowledge. It was not what I was trained in school, it was not the books I read, I have walked this journey in my own life, so there is a gift that I can be with you in this journey. There’s always a gift, there’s literally always a gift. So, one of the things I like to do is to bless it all. Bless the shit, bless the messy, bless the good, because you and I have the same beliefs, we all chose this. It’s not like I can sit back and go, hark, I am such a victim, I can’t believe.. oh, no, no, no. While you’re in the middle of it, it just feels like, I can’t believe this is happening, and yet, when you kind of elevate to the higher picture of it, it’s just like, okay, there’s a reason for this. If you’re connected to the soul, it just is. So, five gifts, number one, decide to bless all of it, that’s the important thing. Like, I could look back at my life, I seriously have had boatloads of trauma and it didn’t just end as a child, my dog got killed suddenly six months ago, it doesn’t end. It’s not like, oh, well, that was just a childhood thing, it’s ongoing.

The next one is, know where the trauma still affects you. I’ll give you an example, you referenced in the bio, that my boyfriend has a motorcycle, which my children hate, they’re like terrified, that’s a point of contention, and this weekend, we were in a parking lot and we were on the bike, we were turning and the bike dropped. It’s pretty common, we weren’t on the freeway being hit by a car, but the motorcycle flipped over. Got back on the bike, rode home, I was in the bathroom and I just start hyperventilating. Like, lots of people drop a bike, it’s not a big deal, it hurt my leg, I kind of twisted my knee. I had the weirdest physiologic reaction, I’m like, *heavy breathing*, nothing happened. I mean, I didn’t get hit, I was safe. I didn’t judge it, I was like, okay, okay, isn’t that interesting? All right. You know what I mean? Because I could have really judged myself, thank God, the boyfriend didn’t judge me because I’m like, Wow, I’m losing my mind here. But you have to have gentleness, about – my nervous system, it’s just, “poof”, because of too much trauma. So, I don’t know if you want to say anything about that, I’ve got like four more to talk about, but you might want to chime in.

Nunaisi 28:20

Yeah. I mean, you just went through a somatic visceral reaction that your body took over, and this is so beautiful, and you let that be. So often we either get shamed about it, we’ll see, or we, ourselves, think that maybe something is wrong with us, or we push it away. When we actually allow those, this is actually the healing that takes place, and you allow that. I remember a moment that, it just reminded me as you were talking, I was in the shower, and I had a memory, I had all of a sudden that download, my little dog here that I have, Ghandi, and I’ve got him for 10 years, I all of a sudden realized that he’s exactly the same color and the same shape is a dog that I had many, many years ago, her name was Pinky, I was 10 years old, and I was forced by my stepmother to find her a new home in a matter of hours. She said that if I won’t do that, then she’s going to take it to SPCA, that kind of kind of place. So, I was holding that dog and I remember crying, and I remember the dog being wet from my tears, and I was knocking on door after door in those buildings, asking for somebody to take her, because I don’t want her to go to that home. So, eventually, it took me a few hours, I found a lady that said, “Bring me the dog”, and I gave her the dog, and I turned around, and I never looked back.

I’m saying this story and I’m feeling my body because I so suppressed it and what happened, and I never connected the dots until that moment in the shower, that I closed my heart for animals from that moment, it was so painful, and it was so traumatic that I just put a huge armor around my heart, and I could connect to puppies. Since I had quite a few dogs, and I love them as they’re puppies, once they get to one, two years old, disconnection.

Therese Skelly 30:46

Isn’t that interesting? Wow.

Nunaisi 30:49

I couldn’t do anything about it, and it was so painful for me because now I’ve got this dog that I love so much or loved so much, but I can’t feel that connection anymore. Same was with Ghandi, he was an older dog, and I love him, but there’s a disconnect. When I watch my kids with him, I feel almost envy, how can they connect on such a deep level, which I can’t, and so I had that burst of belly cry, I cried so much that my girls run to the bathroom, they [crosstalk] they thought somebody died. I just said to them, it’s okay to cry, and I just cried, and wept. After that, I could connect to Ghandi, again, and so that was the healing.

Therese Skelly 31:34

That’s so beautiful. See, so those are two stories of how it comes up, and you can either judge it like, I’m crazy, or I’m such a baby. That’s the trick, when it’s up, you process it, you allow it. Where are we at with time, because I know we’re getting to the end, so what do you want me to do? Jump into a process or keep going on?

Nunaisi 31:54

Keep going.

Therese Skelly 31:58

I feel like the wounded parts, very often, because, here we are, these powerful women in the world, and then we drop into those kinds of situations, and one of the tricks is to basically understand, oh, there’s a part of me that needs love, right now. Instead of, I’m nuts, oh, I’m never going to get better. I can’t do it, if you can be this sovereign spiritual, powerful being, like, if a child came to you and said, I’m really scared, you wouldn’t say, oh my god, again, but we speak that way to ourselves. So, sometimes we have very specific memories, like, I use a pendulum, so I’ll say to people, whoa, what was going on when you were seven? I can pinpoint it. But sometimes if you’re by yourself, and you have an overreaction, or an underreaction, in your case, freezing with your dog is an underreaction, or if you’re flooded with memories, or you’re just not right, just show me the part, literally show me the part, because your unconscious will guide you. It’s literally just like, oh my god, there’s that six-year-old in me that wasn’t picked in school on a sports team, so that’s true story, oh, that’s that little one that never felt like she was enough. And you just do work around that one, you love that, you embrace that.

So, if you understand, you are a whole bunch of parts of a whole, I’m not saying you’re schizophrenic or dissociative identity, but you have these ego states, these fragments that have been split off and wounded, and so the goal is to bring them back in, love them up, and just let them know that they’re okay now, and that’s how you reintegrate.

So, when I had that traumatic motorcycle thing, like you said, I know, okay, there’s part of me that was scared, be really gentle, and then just allow the emotion to pass. No judgment, just do it, so you got to love the parts up. Then, the next one, two more, forge a new identity, because I think if you had a lot of trauma, you can feel like a person with holes. Truthfully, I will say, I don’t have a lot of early memories, because when you have trauma, you block things out. So, I sometimes feel, when people are talking about childhood, and I’m like, I don’t remember that, it can feel really stupid or like damaged, right? And yet, I have created an identity for myself, where I’m a frickin powerful woman, it doesn’t matter if I don’t remember my third-grade teacher. So, you want to move away from “I was hurt” or “this didn’t work”, to “who am I in the future?” Like, who am I, when I walk in the room, and I’ve had a lot of loss. I’ve had a lot of things I had to surrender, and it’s been literally the stripping away of the stuff, and it’s like, oh wait, at the core, I’m love, I can always turn that on. So, you want to rework your identity from a person who is harmed or broken, you get to choose, who do you want to be? That’s a huge, huge, huge one. I will end that piece there because I think that’s lots to give.

Nunaisi 35:13

Yeah, I love that piece of forging a new identity that is aligned with your core being, and how do you want to behave, what is important for you, and really moving towards there. Yeah, I love it, I love it. Also, when we get inspired by other people or we admire other people, what are we admiring in them that we can cultivate inside?

Therese Skelly 35:49

Perfect, that’s how you do it.

Nunaisi 35:54

Right. So, would you like to take us through this process?

Therese Skelly 35:58

I would love this. You know how I talked about you have to find the part and love the part, so I’m going to do that now with you. I have a little script here for myself, let me get organized. So, I’m going to just say ahead of time, some people are very visual, and I’ll say find the part, you might literally see the little part in front of you, some people are not so much, you might get a sense of the energy, and mostly, just trust, because your unconscious and your spirit knows exactly what it’s doing. We don’t want your mind to go, Oh my God, is it three years or seven, I didn’t get… shh, get your brain out of it. Make sure you’re not driving, this is a release process, and this is such a powerful thing, because we carry so much stuff in our bodies. So, just allow yourself, get yourself in a very comfortable place, make a decision right now that you’re going to receive exactly what you need to receive.

Just taking a moment, breathe in deeply, breathe out, and let go of the day, let go of the stress. Breathing in peace and comfort, breathe out any resistance, there we go. I want you to imagine, from the top of your head, a light that literally comes through and creates a cylinder of light all the way down to the bottom of your being, all the way through the chakras, all the way down to your root. Just imagine that filling up, so you are filled with divine light. I’m going to ask that you are guided to find an age or a part, or situation that is carrying a great deal of shame and pain, and trauma. You don’t have to relive all the emotions, I want you to imagine that you’re sitting, and in front of you appears this part, this younger version of you, and you might see very much detail, you might just see just a sense, the knowing that it’s there, but just ask your unconscious to show you that part. So, in front of you is the part of you that’s carrying all these feelings that was harmed or experienced the unimaginable.

From a distance, I don’t want you to be that part, I want you to notice, what is this little you feeling? What decisions has this part of you made about yourself? What’s its self concept is like? And most importantly, what does it believe about its future. So, just notice that, and I want you to let it know that you’re here for it. You, the wiser, the more mature, the one that survived, the badass self you are today, you are here. And I want you to invite any other beings of light in, you could have angels or guides, or guardian angels, you could have beloved pets or family members, living or dead, anybody that you want in your posey, to be supportive. You’re just going to have them stand behind you. So, this little you has this whole crew just to help this process, so what we’re going to do now is we’re going to release that trauma, the wounding, the pain, the beliefs, and some of you intuitively and instinctively know how to do this, but if you don’t, I want to tell you that you’re way more powerful than you know, you need to hear that. You can command this gone, just by setting the intention, and just by making the decision that you’re no longer willing to have this other energy be in that little person’s body, you don’t have to have healing techniques, just follow my prompts, okay?

So, I want you to imagine that that little part of you can take all the pain, the trauma, the decisions, everything that happened to it, and you’re going to have it, literally, flick its hands. So, you’re going to basically say all that stuff, and imagine if your hands get wet, you can just like flick it off. So, I want you to help that little you just flick all that in, and it’s going to fall into the Mama Earth, and it’s going to be transmuted. So, we don’t have to worry about where it goes or what happens to it, it’s completely safe, but just help that little person, you’re just going to get it by shaking the hand and flicking the fingers, it’s just like it’s gone, it’s out, it’s going. So, as the little part’s doing that, everything that is not yours, go now. Breathe that in, all the pain, all the shame that you took on from others, go now. Any fear, any doubt, any part of you that is lacking trust because you were harmed, go now. Keep doing that. All self-hatred, any places that you judged yourself for being bad or wrong, go now. Any part of you that gave up hope, or can’t see a future for yourself, go now, you flick that away. I can feel that leaving. Any part of you that believed that you are unworthy, go now, and anything you are carrying from your ancestors, any generational trauma, any epigenetic trauma, anything that you have brought in with you, that you’re unaware of, that is not in your highest and best, go now.

I want you to notice what is happening to this younger you, and I want you to imagine you can walk up and you’re going to hold it in your arms. Then, I’m going to invite Mother Mary, the divine feminine, she’s going to wrap around you and hold you, there we go, I can feel that. Just feel that wonderful, Divine Mother, healing energy just cursing through both of you. There we go. Just breathe into this. I want you to take another couple of breaths. For this little part, ask it if it’s okay to live in your heart, ask it if it’s okay to just- it’s safe in your heart, just reside in your heart, so you can care for it and check on it. When you’ve done that, take another deep breath, and then come back.

Nunaisi 43:27

Wow, this was amazing. Thank you so much.

Therese Skelly 43:33

That was making my treat to do. Thank you.

Nunaisi 43:38

Very, very powerful. Thank you. I know that you also have a beautiful gift for our audience.

Therese Skelly 43:56

Yes. So, I have a beautiful visualization called How to Connect with the Soul of your Business, you’re going to love it, because a lot of us do strategy just based on what the marketers tell us, but what if you could connect with the soul of your business, that’s really more powerful. So, it’s like a 20-minute visualization and it’s got a worksheet that goes with it. So, it’s a really nice way to get some guidance on that next level of your business.

Nunaisi 44:21

I love that, I’m definitely going to go and download that. Great. If people want to work with you, connect with you, what’s the best way?

Therese Skelly 44:34

My website is, or you can find me on Facebook. So, just reach out. If you want to have just a conversation to see about working together, it would be, and just book a call. I would love to have a conversation with you. I would also love if you want to just go, “Here’s what happened as a result of your talk”, like, “this is what I did in the visuals”. Just message me. I’m really, really available. I would love to hear what you learned and what you’re working on, just reach out and message me through Facebook or my website.

Nunaisi 45:12

Yeah. Please also leave comments and shares, and feedback questions in the Facebook group, Rise. Most of the speakers will be there, available to answer your questions. So, go ahead and post there. Thank you so much, Therese, this was so packed with value and I’m sure that people will need to listen to it more than once, to really get all the value sinking in. Thank you so much for your lovely energy and your great vibes, I really utterly enjoyed our conversation.

Therese Skelly 45:55

I agree. Yes. Much love. Thank you.

Nunaisi 45:59

Thank you, virtual hug. Ciao for now.

FREE GIFT: Connect with the Soul of Your Business “Your business is an expression of YOU. And just like you have a soul, so does your business!

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Embody the person your business needs you to be.
Discover what you are here in the world to do.
Identify who you are here to serve with your brilliance.

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