• Master your body and natural laws to understand life’s messages
• Discover methods to instantly change negative patterns that control your life
• Overcome limitations to advance financially, physically and spiritually

Nunaisi Ma 00:06 

Hello, beautiful Rise community. I am so delighted for this next session because we have here the special guest with us. Her name is Marisa Russo, and she is the founder of their forensic healing system, which is an international award winning teacher, speaker, alternative therapist and author of Framed and Loved Girl. Marisa’s mission has led to sharing the stage with the world’s foremost thought leaders including Rev Michael Beckwith from the secret and the late Wayne Dyer. Welcome, welcome, Marissa.

Marisa Russo 00:53 

Thank you, such a pleasure. Thank you so much. I’m excited.

Nunaisi Ma 00:58 

Yeah, so let’s right, let’s dive right in. Right. I want to start by asking you this big question, why people are not getting what they want? What stops them from getting what they want in life?

Marisa Russo 01:17 

It’s a big question with a big answer. But I’ll say like this, is itsdevice, we understand vibration, we understand that we vibrate, and then we attract, like attracts like me. So we get that. And I think the difficult thing is we don’t understand that ourselves. And we don’t see ourselves. And we can see someone else but we can’t see ourselves. And then why we don’t see ourselves is because we’ve always been a certain way. Because most of the conditioning, and most of the damage or healing whatever has been done to us, is childhood.

So I usually say to someone, I’ll go, why it’s so hard. It’s particularly hard if someone has been stuck. They don’t get out. They don’t mix. They don’t mix cultures. And because it’s like saying Stop being like if you’re American, stop being American, and someone will go ‘I don’t know how not to be American, if all I’ve ever done is lived in America’.  You’ve just told me that you’ve traveled a lot. So it’s you get a broader view, you get to look outside the box, and you’re able to see everything from a different perspective. So they don’t get what they want one, because it’s very, we’re not taught to look at the programming or how everything sets us up in patterns and cycles. And I didn’t sign it, I’m still seeing it at a deeper level, the older I get, and, and life is our benchmark. So when we look at when something’s happening, there are many reasons it’s telling us if there’s negativity, it doesn’t always mean that we’re a negative person, it can be many things because the universe can tell you to go on a different route. And if you’re not, it’ll throw a roadblock. So it’s a really, it’s a big question. And it’s got a big answer. And I did write a blog post once giving 13 reasons why negativity can come up in your life. 

And it’s about trying to understand that, what you know, why don’t I haveI what I want? What is inside me, what have I programmed. Why am I programmed like that. But life’s always showing you the message. And if you keep saying you’re showing me the message, then it gets clearer and the universe will be clearer with messages. Yeah, I like, I really like to work with demonstrations, because I normally will go back, someone will say, well, you know, I’m struggling with finances. And then I’ll go back to an age and childhood, and it is probably a time where some trauma happened. And maybe they lost their house or maybe, you know, the parents really struggled with money or something around money affected them as a child and they’re carrying that vibration. Sometimes there’ll be that bit of money just as conflict for them because it was conflict in childhood. And so they’ll have an emotion about it. But you’re not thinking that, you’re not really thinking that as an adult and you don’t really know whats sitting inside you. So it’s this, this is what forensic healing really is, it’s been the detective. And I’ve always – I did the journey. I was on this journey to heal myself because I’ve had everything thrown at me from toxicity, you know, ate arsenic at age 18 and sexual abuse, physical abuse. So my journey would push me to try alternative stuff. 

And when I would be healing someone, I became a practitioner, I would say to myself, why didn’t I get 100% Why weren’t the – and I was always thinking why didn’t I get 100% And then when I did tours, that’s quite stressful to be in front of someone and then do a healing out if I never got 100% I would say why what was it that I didn’t get the results I wanted? Didn’t say I didn’t get results, but I just always wanted 100% I wanted. And so that was always my question. And, and there’s many aspects to it. When I teach in the class, I’ll say, there’s many things going on right now because your environment is filtering in. And if we’ve got a room full of people that are loving and kind and want the best for that person, they’re all part of the healing. Do you know what I mean? There’s just like, our home environment, if we’ve got negative people that don’t want you to change. That could be part of why, you know, there’s all these kinds of links, it’s kind of being put on the matrix, right? They tie it down in so many ways. Yeah, right.

Nunaisi Ma 05:50 

Yeah, thank you for that. That was a just the iceberg. I’m sure that you can go much deeper into answering that. And really, I want to tie it into the theme of our summit, which is about trauma, and you mentioned, you know, if something happens to us, and we carry that, and we create an entire Europe logical pathway that we kind of follow in on autopilot without ever stopping and asking, Where did we get it? And do we still need it? And how can we get rid of it if we don’t need it, and it does not serve us? So I wanna I want to talk about how do you detect those patterns? How do you pinpoint on ‘Oh, that’s why I have this block to manifest what I want in my life.’

Marisa Russo 06:45 

Some, some of them are very obvious, but it’s called Becoming aware, you know, it’s this level of like someone saying, Okay, I’m gonna look at the laws of attraction, you have to stay out there. But I’ll tell you one, one pattern that, that was just incredible that I realised about myself. And so this is the depth of it, is that my father was a real estate agent, and he beat me, he had an army belt, and like, he would be mad, and he just beat me. Plus, he sexually abused me. And I didn’t realise, but when I would buy a house, which didn’t happen often, it’s not like, yeah, so you don’t notice it. But the times, especially when I started doing energy healing, because then you become once you start there, this this, you know, two edged sword, you start opening your energy up to get healing, and then it starts to show you what’s inside you. And I, we’ve ever bought a house, which isn’t often, there was always extreme difficulties, you know, the interest rates go up, I put myself in a situation where we bought before we sold, and then we couldn’t sell, all these kinds of scenarios. And then I realised and because this isn’t that obvious that the trauma of my dad, my dad inflicted upon me from, you know, for coming home after you know, after selling real estate, was put trauma in me about real estate. So that like, that’s like the pattern that’s, you wouldn’t be thinking of, but we have all these types of patterns of fears of certain things. But I will say to someone, I’ll go Okay, so let’s take let’s go. Like, I usually like to, you look like you’re so balanced. And so lovely. I used to sit, I like saying to somebody, tell me what’s not working? And then I’ll go back, and I’ll do it with you. So do Is there anything that you can think of like anything?

Nunaisi Ma 08:52 

Yeah, I mean, you said it so beautifully, that it’s all about the awareness. So once we shine that light of awareness into the dark into the corners, then we can start seeing what is there and when we remove that resistance, right because sometimes we hold on to our identity, almost for dear life. And this is not our identity, our identity is the divine being that we came here to be right. And then along the journey we collected all these conditioning and you know, society, input from our parents, mother, father, and all that input that made us move from our authentic self and made us you know, we had to survive through for many of us through whether abuse or dysfunctional patterns that goes in the family, or poverty or whatever. This is our personal stories. It doesn’t really matter, because we all have our personal story. And then and then it’s really you know, the life that we are living as adults is to unpack and actually undo. Right more than do we don’t need to do much we already perfect and, you know, perfect imperfection and divine as we are, we really have to just get in touch with that essence and clear what stands in the way. So I see the work is more undoing than doing.

Marisa Russo 10:24 

Yes, it’s undoing what we’ve been, we’ve been pro, it’s a system that disempowers us. Particularly women, you know, I find because my my workshops are for women only, and there is a difference in you know, they struggle more in creating a business than a guy does. Because it’s natural for them. A guy will naturally see their father do it, a woman tends to be serving others. And so there’s there’s different, you know, archetypes and things like that. But through all this, there’s this, the ultimate thing that we’re here to learn is to trust the universe and connect to source. Because once you get that connection, and it needs to push you in that direction. The other thing is I say to the universe, I say, I will do what you want me to do. And I’ve always been this way. I’ve always I was Mormon for 18 years. And I’d always get these blessings, saying that I was good, you know, I was obedient, not in the real obedient way. But in the, my heart was always in the right place. So I’m very obedient. And I know that if I don’t learn something, the universe will give me some pain, the pain is to change, really all our pain is to say, you’re worth more or, you know, spend time on yourself and heal yourself or meditate that our pain is a reflection of of us. So I or if we’re angry and mad, I say to people that causes bad karma. I mean, because my business is healing, that I really understand the universal laws because we’re just we’re dealing I have a business that runs on energy. And if I don’t have the right students, or the right people working for me, then that filters through, but then I’ll say, That’s not, that’s still me. I’m still the attractor of those people. So I will go yes, that might be a bit universe you’re telling me? Don’t I need to value myself more like what I do? And so it’s yes, so the journey is about really, you know, find out, letting go, surrendering and getting the messages so you don’t go into pain say okay, universal I’ll been kinder. Going on to that, to be mindful that when we are angry, we actually are harming somebody. And I see this a lot when someone will be very resentful with maybe a partner or, or you know, a family member, and I’ll go but you have a choice, and you harm them when you’re angry. And they teaching you that you deserve more and you don’t, you need to change you know, that’s not working for you, messages change something. And because we’re harming people and and then if we have negative people around us or even I noticed jealous people that have that really affected I notice how I’m so affected by what’s around me. So we have to be that aware and awake to say, is this the right energy and if I have the right energy, I’m in the flow. If I don’t have the right energy, I need to change me that might be out there. But I am the creator. And I love to give, you know, show people that they have all the choice and all the power to create and trauma really makes it difficult for people because it’s it’s fragmented their soul. So they’re actually parts of them that aren’t even whole that they’re, you know, they’re not with them and the more you heal, the more you can bring that part those parts back. And so trauma is that journey and the journey will be to that’s that’s spiritually evolving is to get uncomfortable. And so healing is so uncomfortable because it’s like really going through what happened to you it’s actually feeling the pain to to see the truth you need to see what happened to you. And that’s why if someone you know, has been hurt and they’ve been abused as a child, one of the biggest healing parts that occur when when I do workshops or work how I teach the instructors is to apologise and stop and say you did not deserve that, you know, I’m sorry for your pain, and that they’ve never really heard that many, many people don’t ever hear, hear. And for once they’ve been acknowledged and for once they can stop going. You know, they used to stop, it’s not suppressed anymore. I’m saying you’re hurt. I’m saying you’re in pain. And that is part of the healing process. But then it’s for someone’s seen the pain. So it can be painful to be recognised. But it’s also healing. Yeah, so the journey of a traumatised person, it needs to be done. Because if they’re traumatised, they’ll create chaos outside of them. So we just have to do it. And, and to ask for the truth. If you want to know the truth, you’ll always get the right people, you’ll always get, you know, the right environment to heal. When you say I’ll do it. I’ll be courageous with this. 

Marisa Russo 16:01 

So yeah, it’s it’s, I, I love to help people in that because they changed their life. I mean, what happened to me I, you know, I, I’m such a truth. I’ve always been wanting to seek the truth. And I remember, I was a moment at the time, so the Mormon church helped me in a way that it stopped me from killing myself. There was no drinking, no smoking, you know, I cleaned up my energy, but also taught me to connect with God, and the god would answer you. So it was a good training for me. And so I was starting to, you know, have this cleaner life and then the trauma inside me started to, you know, come out. But I remember standing up in my lounge room, and I remember getting the visuals of my father abused me as a child and the flesh, they flashed before me. And I called my mother because then I remembered, I remembered, yes, that did happen, because I remembered, you know, it was almost like, the memories came back because it’s, you know, I remembered it, I finally remembered it, because you can hide, have memories that are hidden. Long story short, my mother didn’t believe me. But when I went to my father who lived in a different state, and I said to him, I wrote him a letter, you sexually abused me, and I want an apology. I just, I just said that. And then finally, I think after some time, I was invited into his house when I visited that state. And he was no one everyone left the house. And it was just me and him. And he said to me, he said, so you want an apology? And he goes, you want me to say sorry. And so he pulled out a letter. And then he gave it to me, and I’m sitting at this table. And then I’m still learning to read and I was 20 reasons why I should never have been born, like I’m a whore. I joined a cult and was just this I’m sorry that you joined a cult, sorry that you’re a whore of a daughter. I’m so and he just listed 20 reasons why. And, and that was so traumatising. I remember trying to get out of the house and I couldn’t anyway, I finally got out. But I look back. And I think if I got an apology, I wouldn’t have seen the power of what it can do. Because I would have got it and then I wouldn’t have thought twice. Me longing for that is why what I think makes me you know, and my understanding I go, that’s what you’re wanting, you’re wanting someone because the family members who abuse you generally don’t say sorry, you want that you might some to say you didn’t deserve it. And that’s, that’s a big way to heal by actually looking at what happened to you. And someone acknowledging that part of you know, the healing journey for you. So, so, but all those you know, it’s that as you said it, and I said before, it said awareness of looking at yourself and going ‘Well, who am I?’ And how do I think and what am I judging? And where’s it all coming from? And to just see that it’s come from the conditioning and the programming and trauma really makes you so in fight or flight that it’s very hard to see outside yourself. Because you know, you’re you’re anxious, you’re worried about what people think of you or you’re just in pain, you have all these things going through your mind. So that’s why this is the journey and the journey to say I’m going to turn my pain into my power, you have to convert that. And, you know, I say turn it into something beautiful, because it is, because a lot of people and a lot of pain are actually here who have been abused and in a lot of pain who are part of this transition on this planet now. They’re actually when they’re healing. They’re healing the grids. They’re healing humanity. So it doesn’t sound like fun to say, oh well, you know, you’re a blessing to humanity, you’re a star seed or an indigo child or something like that. But when you can get past that, and know that healing yourself is actually healing this planet. And that, you know, you will get through it. Yeah, it’s deeply I don’t like to say to people you agreed to it before you came because I couldn’t hear it myself I go, why would I agree to that, but you let the person come to their own conclusion about that. But there is purpose to that pain. And I wouldn’t want someone to waste it to think that there’s no value to who they are, and that that pain that they went through can be put to purpose.

Nunaisi Ma 20:51 

Yeah, thank you for sharing. And this conclusion that you just brought up is really the essence of this work that I’m doing and sharing with so much passion, because it’s really about turning that pain into, as you said, power, purpose and passion, right, we have that capacity is the Alchemist of our life. And, you know, I resonate with what you said, because I also have turned a lot of pain into power and purpose and passion. And I know that if I did it, then anyone else can do it, because I’m no special. And you know, we all equal souls in that realm. And it’s really out of the comfort zone where we grow. And so we either willingly take ourselves out of our comfort zone out, of that comfortable little place that we created ourselves. And we go, and we explore the depths of our soul, the depth of our journey here and really unpack it, and we walk into it willingly. Or if we don’t, then the universe will take us there with a slap, because this is our truth, we can’t get away with hiding, we can’t get away with playing small and not wanting to grow through the discomfort, right?

Marisa Russo 22:13 

So  would that be true for you that? Because you obviously have this mission and purpose on the planet? Do you find that if you’re not listening, or you’re not following it, the universe does give you a slap and makes it nice and clear to make sure that you fulfil this mission?

Nunaisi Ma 22:34 

Absolutely. I think it starts with little nudges, and a whisper. And if we’re attentive and we listen, great, but if we don’t, then it’s a louder shout. And it can result, you know, in something more kind of a life interrupt, or like an accident or dismissal from work or whatever it can be. Because life is always always supporting us to grow, supporting us to realise our essence, it’s never just happening to us and definitely not punishing us for something bad we’ve done or anything of that sorts. And it’s really about shifting from victimhood consciousness into you know, being the victor, being the co-creator of life, taking that responsibility that we are divine creators of our life. And life is there to show us the past to show us what we still have to either undo or master within ourselves.

Marisa Russo 23:40 

Totally. In fact, I’ve got to the point now, because now running my own business, you know, I have freelancers, and people working for me. And I find that, that when people are around me, I find that I bring out so sometimes some dysfunction. But what I’ve decided to do, and this is with anybody, I’ve decided, now, this is how I’m going to respond when anything doesn’t work out, you know, if they do something wrong, or whatever, it’s not. I’ll say, that is my creation. And so if someone wants to blame me for something, I’ll go now, you know what, yeah. Because I’ve engaged I’ve chosen you to work or be part or you’re a part of my family or whatever it is. Yes. That I now I’m saying that is my creation, and I’m not going to fight it anymore. You want to blame me? I’ll go Yeah. Okay. Because there’s something in that dynamic that I, you know, that I want to learn from. And also, I don’t want to put any charge on it because I don’t want someone to think, have bad thoughts about me. Because if I teach that I’m the creator. Why would I turn around go? Well, no, you did this and whatever. I’m not going to go into any of that. I’m just going to say yeah i’ve created that. So that’s my new response to anything. Let’s say whatever it is, yes, I’m the creator of that, and I’m not going to engage in it. I’m not going to go back and, and so that that is really helped me even go to another level.

Because my mother, my sister who’s 16 years younger than me she wasn’t around any abuse because my father left and I called my mother, this is some time ago because she says that I say to her I wonder why I’m a little bit antsy with you. And that’s because you don’t acknowledge what I went through. You know, you don’t you don’t take any you don’t say sorry, you don’t do anything. And I tried to do it in a really good way. And she just goes, why would I want to? Why would I apologise? I didn’t do it. I said, I was beaten at the age of three. She doesn’t believe I was sexually abused. But she knows I was beaten. And I was picked on more so. And yeah, so she goes, well, why would I apologise. And so I called her like, she’s, like, disconnected, I said something a little bit. I don’t know what I said something like she’s so dysfunctional or something like that. And I apparently upset her. And then my sister had a go at me. And I said to her, well, this is why – you weren’t around, you don’t know my life. And then she said, and I said, Don’t worry, I’m going to apologise to my mother. And what I actually realised is by talking to my sister, who is actually a biochemist, she’s a scientist, she thinks that my mother is autistic. She’s totally, totally smart. But I think we’ve all got these levels of disconnection, because and so we just don’t get it. People just don’t get in, there’s happening around the planet now. They’re all the people that go out and make all these choices that are detrimental. And that’s all the, you know, the toxins that they put in our bodies. And I think that’s what when we get to that level, where we can just go neutral and go, You know what, okay, and Alright, I’ve created that that’s, that’s really big. I mean, that’s big to say, Yep, I’ve created that someone wants to be up, I’ve created that, because I’ve got an interaction with you. But that’s the next level of saying, I’m going to stay in peace. And it’s difficult. It’s my, you know, it’s always, I’m always kind of new level, but that’s the level I am now. So. But I did apologise to my mum for calling her that. And my sister turned around and actually told my mum – apologise for me, she actually stood up for me and, and my mother actually responded and said, Well, I hit, I hit her so that my father wouldn’t hit her. And I’m like – are you kidding me? So excited, you know, I kind of don’t remember, but she beat me so that I wouldn’t get beaten by my father.

Marisa Russo 27:57 

And that, like the level of lack of thinking and lack of awareness of how, how much how much someone can be harmed is what is on the planet. And so, and it’s very difficult for the impasse, because they, you know, you feel everything so much and you go, don’t you see, don’t you see my pain, but this is the whole agenda. And if we can get through it, and if we can heal ourselves and connect to source and then completely put our trust in source, that’s the new 5D that’s going into this new humane world. And without us being empaths, an empath wouldn’t hurt anybody. So it’s actually a gift. And that will allow people to move forward because they’re connected. And that’s what I say people that are a disconnected would harm and someone that’s connected and feels why so it seems you know, like it’s difficult being an empath in this world. But that is our journey, to be able to finally get through this as this is a once in a lifetime of what we’re going through. But our reward of this new humane world will be, you know, this will you know, this pain will be a thing of the past and it will be free. But it’s that journey, you know, you get to one level, and then you get to another level and we’re peeling off those layers as we go through. So I’m always looking at my life and I go, I’ve attracted that I don’t like that, or I do like that whatever is happening. And I’ll say I’m in the flow. Yep. And if it’s not, I’ll say what is it? And often I know I’m mindful of people around me because there’s something about me, where’s people’s energies come into me, and then I go and manifest what who they are if they’re hanging out with me for long enough, or I’ve got somewhere you know, this really fine line. I’ve had great attractions when they’re great and then if they’re not that great. But you know this out, but when we look at someone that’s being abused will have toxic people around them. So their comfort zone in adulthood can be a toxic environment. And that’s where we, you know, wake up and go. I’ve got to change that home environment because most of the time I’ll say to somebody when I, you know, they’ll tell me a problem, I’ll go, you’re still living that childhood right now you still thinking like that, you still got the same chaos, the same patterns. And they’ll go, yes… we’ll get uncomfortable now get on. Because if you’re not uncomfortable, that blueprints not changing. It’s, and you must have had a lot of courage to go through, it’s really courageous saying, I’m going to do this, I’m getting out of this, this hell of a life, I’m getting out of this pain. And it’s having that courage and coming, and then you go, it was the best thing that ever happened to me, because I’ve never felt freer. And then you go to, you know, you always just continue to level but you’ll go, ah, and it’s also satisfying.

Nunaisi Ma 31:05 

Yeah, I resonate completely with what you saying and been experiencing a bit of a similarity there also, with my mother, that her husband sexually abused me, and she never believed me, she really thought, you know, on bail saying to the judges that I invent stories, and that’s a lie, and never admitted her own life, was always under the carpet. He then and whenever I brought it up in certain landmarks of my life, you know, I got to the stage where I just burst with, with that whole truth in the face, and it was always, very badly received and created the whole chaos. And yeah, and then I went through my healing, and actually from after doing healing, I decided to cut off my relationship with my mother, because she was really toxic in my life. I realised that after every conversation with her, I not only cry, but I’m like a mess afterwards, I need to pick up the pieces. And I realise that I don’t need that, and I don’t choose that anymore. And so I cut my relationship with her in my early 20s for two years, which is really hard for me, because the you know, the, the nature of our dynamic was very manipulative from her side, she was always threatening to commit suicide. And she tried when she when I was younger, I saved her life, so. So that was really a real threat. And but I knew that for my sanity, and for my journey, I not willing to carry on this toxic relationship. And when two years passed by, and I was ready to renew the relationship, it went on a whole other dynamic from there on. So that was a very essential part in in my relationship with her. And I was always very strong in this is my story, and I’m gonna tell it to the world, whether you like it or not, you obviously did not like it. And when I was publishing my book, I was really nervous. It took me years to get to the point where I’m ready to share my story on a global scale. And, you know, I was holding back for many years and not having the courage to go out with it. And once I decided, okay, I’m owning my story. I’m, I’m, this is my story, nobody can take it from me. And my mother called me just before my book was published, and she said to me, for the first time in my life, I am so proud of you, bless you, I bless your journey.

Marisa Russo 33:45 

So that is that’s fastening, I mean, that’s courageous. That’s what has to be done you you have to be courageous enough to say it, something’s toxic, I’m going to have to get another relationship with source or I’m going to have to pull on something else, because it’s not worth it. That’s amazing. And I would say that, and I’d asked you this question, because your mother is manipulative, or was I mean, I don’t know what she’s like now. But that is the programming from childhood and also she’s betrayed you then that sets up the print the programme and the blueprint that you would then start attract people that betray you or manipulate you? Because that is, I mean, until you work through it. I don’t know. Is that been something that you’ve seen?

Nunaisi Ma 34:34 

Absolutely, absolutely. I was attracting I was recreating my childhood dynamics in every possible way. Now, I also grew up with a mother, with a stepmother because I moved there when I was 10. And, and she was very manipulative and mean, and I have attracted those people into my life until I started embarking on healing until I let go of these people and really took responsibility for my life. How I want it to look like and really holding on to that vision. And, you know, yeah, it’s been a journey of years.

Marisa Russo 35:18 

Wow, you’re extraordinary because I’ve seen people that can have those types of role models, and then become like that, or have parts of them like that that they don’t see. So you’ve really not saying that I’m just, your energy is just really a warrier as a courageous, but very pure. So you really transmuted the damage. And that’s quite extraordinary. And yeah, it takes guts it takes takes guts and putting out the book to, putting out your story.

Nunaisi Ma 35:55 

Yeah, well, whatever you see is a reflection of yourself because you are just the same. So is the workers and the teachers of the world. It’s important to share this message that we all have our own story. It is not a competition who had it worse or what, what event was worse than others because we all have our baggage that we carry and it’s a heavy baggage, right? It weighs ourselves down. 

Marisa Russo

You see you you’re probably you’d be healing your ancestors damage. I mean, that’s also part of why you’ve incarnated is to heal the your ancestors pain. So, and that’s why you know that you’re courageous and you’re a warrior. You’re because you’re the one that could only do it because most people it’s tough for anyone that wants to go on this journey. You know, I have to just, you know, stark hard soul stuff.

Nunaisi Ma 36:58 

You’re absolutely right. I went in there consciously to heal my lineage. I’m coming from the Holocaust lineage. So the terror stories in my second bloodline, I mean, my grandparents have experienced the Holocaust. So there was a lot of terror and I have used plant medicines. Thank goodness for them, too.

Marisa Russo 37:26 

I did that too. And how was that for you? Did you what how was it? Was it a difficult journey, the plant medicine, what was it like?

Nunaisi Ma 37:38 

So it’s all from all – I had journeys, where I really died, right spiritual death in the journey I had literally dissolved, completely lay out my ego completely die to reborn. And it’s scary. It’s going into the underground. It’s not pleasant. But it’s so empowering, that I would not see myself being who I am today, had I not done that. And then I had journeys, that it was pure bliss. And I had the journey that I would share, because we brought it up. And I really encourage plant medicine done in the right setup with the right shamans, it’s not something to take lightly. It’s, you have to be called, you have to be called, and you have to be guided with the right energy. So that’s really, really important. But I had a journey that I walked into an Ayahuasca journey, and my grandmother was begging me to come visit her in Israel with my children. She hasn’t seen my youngest one. And she hasn’t seen all of them together for many years. And I was not coming to visit her because of many reasons, partially because of my mother being around and the dynamics and all of that.

Anyway, I was eventually decided, okay, I’m buying the ticket, and I’m, I want to make her wish come true. I knew that she’s not feeling very great. So I had the tickets. And here in three months, I’m going to visit her. And I happen to speak to my mother just before I walked into the journey, which I haven’t spoken to her for a long, long time, some months. And she said to me that my mother, my grandmother is really not doing well. And I didn’t realise that she deteriorated that much. And I walked into the journey and I was under the influence of the Ayahuasca. I went outside, under the big tree and her face came to me from the moon. She literally came and stood in front of me. And that was a moment that I told her she told me that she’s proud of me, which was incredible. And I told her that she doesn’t have to wait for me if she needs to go. I’ve got goosebumps when I’m saying that because we had a moment of separation. And I have learned that that was when she passed over.

Marissa Russo 40:16

Wow. Amazing.

Nunaisi Ma 40:19 

So so that was a moment of saying goodbyes, and she visited me on her way out, and I will forever cherish that moment.

Marissa Russo 40:32

How beautiful. Yes. I mean, I’ve there’s not much I haven’t done. And I’ve always done something where I’ve been called. I’ve done lots of healing modalities. And then I’ve done the forensic accredited the forensic healing system. And that just keeps taking me deeper. And for when I did the Ayahuasca, I had gone through dark night of the soul many times before. So my Ayahuasca’s, which are about three ceremonies, we’re basically seeing the matrix, and it doesn’t sound bad, but it was bad and very bad, in fact, and there’s a night from hell, and it was blank being I, the first time I saw them, I saw everything fake, everything was fake. It’s like being you know, an amusement park and you get pulled on a ride. And you just keep kind of going round and round and round.

And like, you know, Rotorua thing. That was the first time the second time was really bad and sort of different location. But the thing was, the first time I did it, I had a Sharman and a beautiful shaman sing over me, and their vision stopped. And I’m like, oh, that’s relief. The next time I was in the this ceremony among the matrix, and I could see the coding and their sound telling me, they say you can’t get off this matrix, because we’ve coded you in every way. Like they code your family, they code, but everything’s kind of we’re all we’re in a system. And they said, you know, you can’t get off. And, and I was just seeing the codes, and then the music would play I get pulled back on and like, and I thought, okay, I’m not going to ask these people that are here, because they were like, toxic, the people that were running it were toxic, and, and I had to deal with them.

Because I couldn’t be near anybody. I feel everyone’s stuff I had to be away. And anyway, so basically, it got to this, I saw that I slipped out to the sky, I saw the lines, the matrix lines out in the sky. And then I just said, you know what, all I’ve got to get off, this is my power. And my and I’ll just sit affirmations and I just go have to use all my power to get off this matrix. Because there’s nothing else I have, no one’s going to help me. And I was using my consciousness to get off. And it was this whole night of this. And that’s really what the message is today. There are people to help us we need to unite, we need to have that unity, consciousness.


But in essence, it’s this consciousness that get us uncomfortable, I gotta go above this. And that’s really tough. If you’ve got negativity, or you got people that have hurt you, you’ve got this anger. And that’s why I like to help people. And I say, yeah, we’ve got to move you on. But we’ll, we’ll stop and we’ll talk well, we’ll say I’m sorry, we’ll bring back fragments that you’ve lost. And a lot of times we have crucifixion implants, on our, on our meridians. And they’re like, being like a martyr, you know, like Jesus is the false is a false archetype of, you know, martyrdom. And that vision puts, is a is a role model for martyrdom and for having a life of suffering, hardship, and you know, an unhappy ending. And we’ve got to get out all this coding that we’re here to suffer. That’s the other thing, we’ve got to start undoing the suffering in plants. And religion does that baptism does that. So not only not only do we have childhood, we’ve got to undo the black magic and spells and be mindful of what we say. And I, that’s why, you know, I have a group, it’s not very big, I moved groups, I had a big one of 9000 people in one group, and I thought, you know what I’m getting out of this. I’m gonna go create because I didn’t feel comfortable. And it’s now a small group of, you know, four or five hundred people, but I don’t let anyone that’s got negativity on their page. They’re not coming. I just don’t I go, well, if I if you’re negative, and you’re saying that and I bring you into the group, you know, we’ve got it. I won’t do that. I’m very mindful of what we’re choosing. And that’s the other thing that we need to be aware of. What am I choosing? What am I eating? What am I, who am I hanging out with? Were my thoughts and everything is an energy. Like for me. I don’t want to offend anybody but I’m you know, vegetarian vegan, because I don’t want to eat something that I’ve caused harm on another animal, I don’t want to cause any harm.

And for my own selfishness, you know, so I won’t do that. This, everything that I do is like, or if I buy makeup, is my makeup cruelty free, I don’t want to have it tested on an animal because I’m only I’m just not ignorance is no longer a choice anymore. Because that still has karma or even if we’re not aware of what we’re doing, it still holds a karma. It’s like someone’s saying, well, I went to war and I killed people. Yeah, you were forced to and all that, but still, you did the act. We all we all have this level of, you know, whatever we doing, unknown or known, is got some sort of energetic effect. And I don’t want to have anyone that’s, I don’t like around me, because then I have to shut down my feeling since I don’t want to be mean to them, I don’t want to have to shut down my feelings. It’s you know, it’s all this I’m always looking at the energy. And when I’m you choose the good energy, you attract the good. Well, you know, it’s a bit like, when you’re on a diet, let’s say you say I’ll eat a doughnut every week. And then after, you know, two donuts, and then after a while you put on all that weight, you’re not noticing it that much. But it adds up the same with when you choose energy.

You go, I’m going to be mindful, the energy is slowly a little bit like something I’ll eat, I’ll eat well, and I’ll have a good friend and I’ll have a positive conversation or join a positive group, I won’t engage anymore in negativity, but all these little bits of energy start accumulating, then they start coming back to you, you go, Oh, my life is nicer. I feel more peace. And that’s that that awareness. And you know, that’s my next book is the Laws and Effects of Everything Energy. And having a energy business is really and then healing as well. And then being forensic healing this, which means I gotta go and find out why this is happening for you. What’s going on here because there’s, there’s an array of all sorts of reasons. But what it really comes down to is, even if you do have a curse in you or whatever, 


we’ve still got a release, like toxicity is it we’ve we’ve got heavy metals and toxins in our body, that’s a low vibration, so it’s going to attach to that. That’s what they that’s why they like to throw the chemtrails and poison us with fluoride because it brings down our energy. So then they’re all these entities are negative stuff can go into our bodies. So everything we just got to do this journey of keep getting lighter and cleaner and thoughts and feelings and be very responsible. Because I’ll say to someone – was when you do energy healing, you know, especially when you do it via zoom, you know, we’re here and you know, someone’s got pain on the other side of that we might be in another state and they’ve been their pain goes all we are speaking words and doing our healing. I go, well, we can do that with just energy. What about negative stuff, you know, if I’ve got a bad thought, That’s can just as much as you know, good energy can heal. Negative energy can harm. And people compromise too much on that. And I won’t compromise because I pay for it. And so deliberate in that choice of energy, but if it’s coming to me, I didn’t choose well, there’s some things I don’t get a good flow there. I still take responsibility. And then so if I take responsibility, and I changed something, you know, I look back, where’s this pattern? Is this this pattern of relationships? I’m used to someone that’s kind of toxic or bit negative? I’m always looking and analysing, do you want me to go this way or whatever, then if I do a change, I’m going to be different in a week’s time in a month’s time in a year’s time, because I keep saying, I’ve created that and I need to change. And then I have all the power, we have all the power right? And it’s yeah, so it’s a takes a lot to get there. The reason why I get there is because I know this is the law you know, like you would know you know it’s the law of of what why would I want to be mad at anyone, why do I really want to write anything bad? Why would I do and put it because then I know that it will just come back to me it’s the it’s showing me who I am if I’m if I’m writing all that stuff, I gotta be more than that. Because otherwise I’ll get crap in my life. I just want to be more so if I want more in my life and the pain if I had everything I’d be bit complacent, wouldn’t if I if everything was so smooth, there’d be complacent I wouldn’t be changing because I’d be like, I don’t feel compelled. I’ll just mosey on discomfort makes us makes us change all the time and grow. And so I go I’ll just change voluntarily universe don’t have to give me a lesson. I’ll just go I’ll choose now. You know, I’ll get up getting up in the early in the morning. I’m going to create this day and make the most of everything. So you don’t have to make it difficult. I just, I’m already changing. I’m already ahead of it. That’s kind of I look at it, because I think when you suffered enough, and I don’t know how you’ve gone through what you’ve got, you’ve gone through Nunausi. See, because with the genetics of the Holocaust, plus the abuse, that’s just beyond words. So, wow, you know, like you inspire me you are having, having overcome that and doing what you’re doing, because most people don’t get that far. And you’ll probably find it you’ll probably find in your journey, someone that has gone through something like that, it’s they don’t often make it or mean or they they get to, you know, it’s, it’s when someone falls off the horse, and then they go, that’s I give up. And that’s wrong. You can fall off the horse, but you just get a you go, I just know I have to keep going. And I really admire, I just used when you told me that I just think because that’s like that’s that’s your whole blueprint, you’ve had to change your whole blueprint. So what do you think has been the way you’ve changed the blueprint has made the most impact?

Nunaisi Ma 51:08 

Definitely my willingness to do the healing work, I have done many modalities, I have really went off the cliff, so to speak, in my dedicated healing, which I’ve been doing for three decades now. Don’t need much of it these days, I must say, because I just don’t need it. I’m just happy if I practice my morning routine, my daily meditation, my call dimensions, you know, and I do find that if I don’t keep that, then I’m slowly spiralling down. So it’s it is a maintenance, daily maintenance. But yeah, willingly going into that healing journey. And also, I think that being a mother, that was my life mission, and I was willingly accepting what my kids have been pointing out to me that I had to grow and change, which a lot of parents get very defensive and reactive to that because kids have the ability to see all our blind spots, and they have the almost obligation to point them out. And when we are willing to take it in and sit with that very uncomfortable fire. Oh, gosh, it’s very uncomfortable. To hear the truth the most like potent hurting in your face kind of truth. So I was willing to sit in it, and really take it to heart and see, okay, they’ve got a point, how do I transform that? How do I change so I become more of myself, so I’m becoming a better human being a better mother. You know, and so so they were my biggest teachers besides the healing, definitely my, my gurus. 

Marisa Russo 53:05

You’re right, you have to because when you have been abused and had somewhat suffering, you want to protect as much self worth as you can and then be right about anything that you can be so in by really looking at your flaws, like you did takes a lot because that’s what most abused people they want to maintain whatever they can to not, you know, not change or not look at their pain or not look at their their flaws. So yeah, that’s, that’s, I think that’s the next part, the biggest part of everything is is actually getting real and, and, yeah, I push people when I do the workshops, I really push them and I decided not to push as much. And I just and I kept changing I found that I always felt I get a different group of people in the workshops I get they just get better because I I look at the workshop and I go do I did I like that part? Or didn’t I? But I will notice if I tell someone – I go well, your parents, they go why isn’t this working? And then they’ll be hanging around with their parents who are very negative and toxic. And they may not like me saying that but and then they’ll go oh, that doesn’t fell bad. Oh, that felt uncomfortable. But they’re the people that go I’ll look at that instead of fighting it are the ones that always go but that’s I think that’s that’s the probably so important. What you just said is I will be – I am I willing to see myself in all my flaws and change and take it on board. And I think that is definitely where we draw the line when someone goes further and someone doesn’t. And that’s, that’s with anything though, isn’t it when you when you when you think you know it all and when you want to hang on to your status quo, then you’ll be the same you know, your energy stays the same. If you do what you’ve always done, and you do it your way you’ll always get what you’ve got. So, why not, say okay. And then you I always say, well, but let’s just look at it. Let’s look at the law of attraction. Okay, so you got people around you that are toxic and negative? Well, that energy is going in here and you’ve got a child, well, that’s gonna go in them. But so don’t you think? Well, let’s look at that. We wonder why you’re not getting the results you want. So it’s not that I’m right. I just say this look at law of attraction. And that’s what I like to do. I go, don’t look, I’m not running on belief systems or anything. I’m just going to show you the laws of the energy. So that you go away and you look at laws of energy in your life, you start questioning, you know, what am I what am I choosing – is the good energy. And all yeah, so anyway. That’s yeah, I’m glad you brought that one up.

Nunaisi Ma 55:51 

Yeah. Thank you so much for such a enlightening conversation. I have to wrap it up, because we are a bit over time. But yes. So I just want to end up by asking you, if people want to connect with you work with you hop onto your workshop, what’s the best way? 

Marisa Russo 56:11

Well, I’m actually teaching my last workshop. So I’m actually in live training so that they can come to forensic healing.com. I have some free freebies there. And that’s how they can connect and just, you know, got some free startup energy courses. So, you know, they’re welcome to do that. Yeah. But it’s been great. You’re, I’ve loved I’ve loved this conversation with you Nunaisi, so thank you so much.

Nunaisi Ma 56:41 

Yeah, it was a pleasure. It’s a pleasure. Thank you for being here. Thank you for the work you’re doing for the world. Yeah, you shine sister that’s needed. And I really honour you for that. 

Marissa Russo 56:54

Bless you. And I wish you a million blessings over on to anyone that’s watching this a million blessings your way.

Nunaisi Ma 57:02 

Thank you. And I do know that you also have a free gift for our VIP members. So if you just want to quickly say what it is. 

Marisa Russo 57:10

Yeah, so the free gift is the first module of Get the Universe Working for You. So it gets everybody thinking about the laws of the universe. So that’s the first module so they can start unpacking and looking at all the parallels of where or why they’re creating what they’re creating. So it’s great. It’s, like a life, you know, what we’ve got to understand is these laws we’re living in with with these laws at play, this is not law, you know, there’s energy laws, and we’ve got to learn them. We’re never taught them. It’s like saying, well, I don’t know, you know, the court laws, we then you’ve got no power. Well, let’s look at the energy laws and look at why am I creating what I’m creating? And so that’s really, I think it’s a life skill, and getting people to understand, you know, be mindful of focusing on all of those kinds of things. That’s the use of laws to get what we want and to heal. So, yep, that’s that you’ve got that one available. Get the universe working for you. Yeah.

Nunaisi Ma 58:10 

Great. That is really what he’s been talking about this whole conversation. So go get it. Another reason to get a VIP ticket for you guys, and wrapping this beautiful conversation and until the next time we meet. Ciao for now. Lots of love your way.

Marisa Russo 58:31

Beautiful. Gorgeous. Thank you. Thank you.

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