Now is the time for women, particularly, to resolve our trauma and discover our gifts, to be able to move forward towards the divine feminine within.

So many people spend their lives stuck in a freeze, stuck in trauma, and unable to bring their gifts online and into the world.

When we unpack trauma through gentle practices like clarity breathwork and somatic experiencing, on the other side of that free dissociation, we bring so much greater awareness to the divine feminine, including what some may term spiritual awakening, because of the depth that we descended through the trauma into the underworld.

And many of us as women have had to go through the initiation of that doorway. When we unlock trauma in a safe and sacred way, then we can rise into who we are and bring our divine feminine powers online, and become a leader in revolution.

Part of that healing is going to a point where we can meet what has happened to us and bring the love, compassion, healing, and nurturing to it and transmute and alchemize it into the gold of what you’re here to do in the world.

So then the trauma becomes an incredible gift rather than a curse. Something that is holding us back becomes something that drives us to bring the divine feminine into a world that is in great need of feminine healing right now.

We can talk about healing trauma or our experience through traditional forms of therapy, but trauma healing now shows that we don’t heal only through the mind; we don’t heal through telling the story over and over again. Doing so can reinforce the identification of victimhood and trauma and keep us in a lower vibration that is not true to who we are.

So, when we have an opportunity to share it and be heard in the space of unconditional love, it’s like the system waits until there’s someone that can lovingly hold space and witness the pain, whatever we have gone through, and then lay down and breathe. And that’s the true miracle when we go from the mind, and we turn it over to the breath, and we turn it over to the greater cosmos because we’re so much greater than this human identity that we attach to ourselves; we are all part of the divine feminine.

The breath is the bridge to our greater spiritual self, where we come from, the Stardust which we come from, and the ancient lineages from which we descend. So the breath starts to bring everything online and light everything up. It helps us get in touch with our unconscious, which is so important because it’s in the unconscious that we’re holding most of the barriers holding us back, and unconscious means we don’t even know it’s there. But what the breath does is it shines the light. It’s like a searchlight that goes into the unconscious to uncover the places where we’re holding on.

Clarity breathwork is a nurturing, feminine approach to breathwork. We’re not forcing, and we’re not pushing, we’re not going for intensity, we’re going for integration and resolution, discovering what has held us back so that we can most powerfully move forward in what we’re here to do in this world.

People are often amazed because they didn’t even know what was holding them back, or they’ll have a visitation from a grandmother or an Ancestral Spirit, or they’ll remember other lives. Other times, the breath is just simply miraculous and mystical; it transcends our mental, logical, linear, masculine thinking model and opens us to the intuitive divine feminine vastness.

In a breathwork session, we may get information about our higher purpose or receive spiritual guidance about a challenging experience that we have gone through to bring us a lesson to help unravel that experience.

We are here to optimize those experiences, turn them around, and give it back as a gift. That’s the task of the Bodhisattva to come into this dimension, take on some trauma, some wounding and work through it, and then turn it around and give it back as a gift.

We either make a choice to go there and then harness all the gifts that it provides, or we remain unconscious in victimhood and stuck in it. Part of that can be a protection from our system that is millions of years old. Protection to freeze, to shut down, to not move until the threat of danger is gone. Animals will quickly move through this, but human beings can spend a lifetime stuck in unconscious victimhood. It may be protecting us from feeling the fear, from feelings that we couldn’t express at that time, including, for some of us, murderous rage around a violation.

We don’t want to feel that, and we certainly don’t want to act that out on anyone, and we want to remain safe. Nor do we want to be swept away in that feeling of powerlessness and helplessness and overwhelm. By safely facing these feelings in a contained environment, such as what can happen in the clarity breathwork workshops, women and men too can acknowledge and heal those feelings.

It’s not just for women to face these deeper layers and bring love, compassion, and healing; men can also be the space where we can witness change and healing. Horrendous things have happened, and we don’t want to deny any of those atrocities, some of which are still happening today.

When we can face them with compassion, bring the light of forgiveness to ourselves, and see how far we have come in relation to the feminine, then we can start to turn it around. We will then get a lot of power and energy, then we can turn it around and create a movement that can really transform our current world.

And we all have it; we all have been through trauma, we cannot ignore it. No matter where you are from in the world, trauma is being part of your life. But how do you work with it to turn it around? We don’t have to stay stuck in it. When you’re in the trauma vortex, when you get triggered, and you might have done years of work on it and think you are free, and then something happens, and you get retriggered into a trauma vortex.

We can so easily get pulled back into the way of seeing through the lens of that trauma. That’s why we need all these various modalities to help each other remember that it’s just another layer of clearing. It’s not a place where we need to stay stuck, we may need to visit, but it’s not where we’re going to live. It’s okay; there’s another layer coming up, and there’s another opportunity to see through it.

On the other side of the trauma vortex is the healing vortex, the miracle zone, the magic of an ancient grievance becoming a present. It is an opportunity to know when we have faced our most profound trauma, the next moment, the experience of light and oneness is right there. So if we can keep going, we don’t have to stay stuck in suffering.

You cannot dive into the depth of joy and pleasure if you haven’t visited those places or all the other emotions on the alternative spectrum. They’re all part of the wholeness of the human experience. In a divided culture, a patriarchal culture, the suppression of complex emotions and numbing and medicating against difficult emotions so that if negative emotions arise, we’re so quick to throw medication at it, to suppress it, to hide it.

We can allow the sacred mess of it all and let ourselves fall apart because we have to fall apart to allow a deeper rising, and yet we’re so conditioned to move away from difficulty or falling apart. What if we could go towards it and welcome it and see that we can trust that alchemical process? We can face it, and we can breathe into it.

Our cultural response to pain is that we run away from it, and pain has its own medicine. It is also part of our human experience to have pain, and that’s to not to over suffer from pain but also to allow pain to be our teacher. If we can use the pain to keep opening, it’s the avoidance of pain that causes us to suffer so much. The avoidance of our difficult emotions is what is causing global suffering right now.

You can’t avoid it because it will keep knocking on your door until it is resolved; it will come out in one way or another. If you stay stuck within, it takes so much vital energy to keep it at bay, so it’s straightforward, make that choice to feel it to heal it. If we are committed to doing the work that we need to do, and facing the things that we must face, and stop running away and avoiding or numbing ourselves or blaming the outside, we can genuinely transcend into our greatness.

The rise of the divine feminine is one of the greatest evolutionary leaps of consciousness that we are making right now, and it’s not just for women; it’s in men and women. It is time for us to step into leadership, but not from a masculine leadership model, but be a leader from the feminine, which means not to override, not to burn out, but to serve from that feminine energy. We’ve heard in the ancient Vedic scriptures that there will come a time when the minds of men will go insane, and it will look like the end is near, and the only energy powerful enough to turn it around is the Divine Mother.

She will begin incarnating all over the planet to help bring about a global shift. She will do it through pleasure, which is crucial for women because we are our pleasure and have such capacity for pleasure. As we move forward in leadership, it’s vital not to do it from a feeling of burden or having to prove ourselves or win love or overdrive ourselves, but to do it from pleasure. It is our pleasure to give and love and serve and take care of our planet and our children and our species, and actually to support our men to rise and do the right thing; this is the feminine leadership.

Healing happens through the feminine energy because that’s where there is movement and change and flow. For men to access their healing, they also need to tap into their divine feminine energy. So many men lack this feminine, and they want a softer, feminine way of being, and men need to balance that feminine and masculine just as much as women need to balance our feminine and masculine. In some cultures, we see that there’s been a reversal, men have become much more feminine, and women have become more masculine-driven. Allowing more balancing inside of ourselves, of both of those energies, is what allows us to come into our wholeness more.

Clear boundaries are also essential for our well-being and wholeness, and this is also something that we need to step into and know what works for us personally or collectively. A big part of trauma healing in somatic work is the restoration of self-protective boundaries. These boundaries may have already been stepped on in the womb, through mistreatment of the mother. Also, when we strategize or negotiate over giving, over caretaking, and not saying no.

We need to do that work to sweep out and release the trespasses, the violations, the violence, the images, the programming, the conditioning, and to take up, to occupy our entire beautiful energy field, which is enormous around us, and to take sovereignty in this space. Return to being the bride of our own hearts, take up the throne of the queen in our hearts, and release any thieves that have been in the castle of our dignity and royalty.

Then if we’re in a relationship, let the masculine show up as the King, and if we’re not in a relationship, then allow that space for that King to show up, whether it’s our own sacred masculine or whether it’s out in the world. Only we can do that work; no one can do that work for us. They can help us, and they can hold space for us, they can give us tools like clarity breathwork, but no one else can do it, except ourselves.

Choosing that we are worthy of healing, we are worthy of clearing out what happened to us in the past, and not let it dictate who we are now or in our future because that’s us giving our power away. Yes, that happened and was difficult; Yes, there’s healing needed. We do not have to let that control how we live life and how we show up to give our gifts in the world.

Our opportunity as women right now is to come out of victimhood consciousness, into being victorious and embodying our right to live a life of joy and pleasure and everything that comes from within. What happens out there is a reflection of the state of the collective. So if you want to make a change in the world, start with yourself. Do the work inside to reclaim our energy centers, and we begin to ignite.

We become unstoppable when we start to reawaken and activate the light codes within, as we call back the goddess in all of our centers of energy, ignite the light body, the divine feminine vessel that we are, and claim it. An essential component for healing the universe is a conscious force that unites through sisterhood because we are all in this together, and our wounds and wombs are connected.

Listen to the Podcast:

How to Love Yourself eBook: Seven Spiritual Keys for Transformation 👈 #Selflove

If you feel called to heal your sexual wounds, grab your copy of the Healing Sexual Wounds Summit here

FREE Sexual Healing Playbook 👈 #SexualHealing

Nunaisi Ma x

This blog was written from the I Rise Sexual Healing Summit session with Ashanna.

Ashanna Solaris is a co-founder, practitioner and trainer of Clarity Breathworkâ„¢, which developed out of Rebirthing. She is also a Somatic Experiencing Advanced Participant, Intuitive Counselor/Healer, Dancer, Certified Hypnotherapist, Light Body Teacher, Sound Healer, Reiki Master, Public Speaker & non-denominational Minister officiating for weddings, blessings and important rites of passage. Since 1990 she has facilitating hundreds of workshops, trainings, and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally. Her education includes numerous trainings and certifications including education at New York University and California Institute of Integral Studies, and currently the Somatic Experiencing Training Program of Dr. Peter Levine. Ashanna is also a student of sacred embodiment through dance and movement,  including 5 Rhythms, Body Tales, Soul Motion and Authentic Movement.