How to reclaim your personal power, How to create abundance through soul-aligned focus, Conscious connections through business & life.

Nunaisi 00:00

Hello and welcome to Rise, I am so delighted to present the speaker that will take you on a journey to find your purpose. Her name is Tanya Lochner and she’s a business intuitive, helping creative and driven entrepreneurs in the arena of conscious coaching, consulting, and advising. She combines quantum human design and powerful strategy for clarity, focus, and inspiration that creates more abundance in your business and life. She’s passionate about helping solopreneurs to unlock their highest potential and personal power that inspires and empowers the next generation.

Welcome, welcome, Tanya.

Tanya Lochner 00:48

Thank you for having me.

Nunaisi 00:51

Yeah, I have been coached by you in the past, and I want to bring your wisdom and expertise when it comes to women finding their power, finding their purpose, in a conscious way, and really, really bringing it into their work and life. I am looking forward to dive into this topic.

Tanya Lochner 01:19

Me too. It’s such a juicy topic to be covered.

Nunaisi 01:24

Right. Who doesn’t want to be on purpose, and have the success and fulfillment combined, right? Because it’s really about that. When you have success but no fulfillment, sucks. When you have fulfillment, but no success, sucks even more, right?

Tanya Lochner 01:44


Nunaisi 01:47

So, tell me, what is your secret formula to really embark on that path?

Tanya Lochner 01:56

Hmm, interesting choice of words, because I actually don’t believe that there’s a formula for any of this stuff. I wish business and life would play by the rules, but it just doesn’t want to, but one of the biggest insights that I’ve had since becoming an entrepreneur, because it’s been the biggest personal development journey for me, was the entrepreneurial piece. Even though before that, I’ve always been interested in what makes people tick and who we are, and like personal development’s always been a theme for me. It’s just when we come into our own businesses, it’s just amplified, and so one of the most important things is actually learning about myself, I have realized that we get conditioned since young little girls to be in a certain way, to fit in, especially if we’re intuitive and we pick up the energy around us, and we don’t really know how to interpret that. So, we start believing there’s something wrong with us, especially if we voice some of that, what we pick up and what we’re experiencing, and we get told by parents and teachers, and those around us, that “No, no, no, no, it’s not like that. It’s something different”.

I remember it always used to create this disconnect for me, because I would like sense somebody’s intention on what they mean, and then when they were saying something different or acting in a different way, so it became a learned behavior for me. Realizing now that the most important thing is to start to know ourselves and to know who we are at soul level, and being able to truly step into that, which is a whole nother thing, once we become aware of who we are, to then decondition ourselves. Once we can do that, and just know we’ve got this infinite potential and incredible power to create amazing lives, and it’s just about owning that, it’s about that awareness, and that owning.

So, for me, that’s been the journey. I come from a corporate background, so it’s bringing some of that masculine structure, which is important, we all have some sort of structure and framework, and processes that we work within. Then, we also have this incredible feminine, incredibly powerful piece, so it’s not about the one being better than the other, it’s creating that beautiful blend in the middle where it overlaps. Sometimes it will be a little bit more masculine, sometimes it’ll be a little bit more feminine, and it’s being able to move between these energies, and it all starts, again, with who we are at soul level. Part of that has been uncovering the internal narrative, what we are saying to ourselves all the time, because so much of science and research is showing that language actually has the ability to splice our DNA.

So, we can literally reprogram our DNA just through the language that we’re using and if we look at, again, how we’ve been conditioned about “you have to do things this way, and you should do that, and you must do that, and you’ve got to do that”, and we create all of this pressure, and a fixed way of being, which has really limited us and created this belief that we don’t have the power and we don’t have a choice, we just have to do what we have to do.

Nunaisi 05:21

So, you touched on a few points that I want to go even deeper because I find it so very vital. One of them is that feminine masculine balance which I write on it, in my book, I strongly believe that as souls, we’re androgynous, we’ve got both, and it’s really about the collaboration and cooperation of those two energies within and without, but it all starts from within. In my own journey, for many years, I was really immersed in the feminine, but I completely disregarded my masculine, and so I had all these ideas and I was creative, but there was no structure or there was no movement forward that makes sense. It’s only when I realized that and I started really mindfully bringing my masculine online, and creating systems, and creating, planning, and directing, that things started to materialize. Especially writing my book, I cannot think of a better or more significant foundation than bringing those energies together to the table, and really making them collaborate, because writing is very feminine, it’s bringing the wisdom from the unknown, it’s downloading and creating, and that’s the birthing part of the feminine. But I could not do that if I did not have the masculine structure that really took me through the process of actually bringing it forward. So, I’m really happy that you touched on it and let’s dive a little bit more into that.

Tanya Lochner 07:18

Yeah. A lot of people, like I said, and I love this analogy of a pendulum, because often we sit in either on the way upside of feminine or way upside of the masculine, and then somebody brings to our awareness that there’s a little bit of an imbalance here. Then, we tend to swing right over to the other side, because I was the opposite of you, I was very much in the masculine, I was in the financial world, I was raised by a dad who was from the military, so I was all about structures and pushing hard, and climbing the corporate ladder. Then, coming into the coaching world, I learned about this whole new energy thing and this feminine thing, and I was like, oh, I’m missing this thing. So, I swung completely over to that side and I just like, oh, I never ever want to go to that masculine side, because I’d realized I’d almost associated with, “it’s a bad thing to be on that masculine side”. Then, realizing that, okay, it’s not good to be stuck, like you’re saying, on the feminine side, either, because then we don’t move forward, we don’t take action, we don’t bring that beautiful energy and downloads, and ideas, and creativity, into form, into structure.

So, it’s almost like that pendulum, and that’s okay to swing a little bit more into the masculine, then swing a little bit more until we sort of come and rebalance, and we come to the middle, and that comes with time and with wisdom, and with age, that we learn how to balance these different energies, and to be really kind and gentle to ourselves in this process. That it’s not like you’ve got to be this way or that way, there’s no fixed formula. That doesn’t mean that, okay, you’re this old or you’re at that phase, that you’ve got to be in that way. It’s really learning to be able- because life is really about transitions all the time, so being able to transition from masculine to feminine, sometimes bringing in both together gloriously, and sometimes being able to just tap into the different energies. So, absolutely.

Nunaisi 09:27

Right. And I think awareness, it’s where it all starts, knowing that if I have all this creativity and ideas, but it doesn’t come forward, then maybe I should really consciously call my masculine to come and support me, and vice versa. So, it’s really a process of we really have the choice, we really have the power actually to activate them both, and there is ways also to activate them. Say, if you find yourself, and I see many women really stuck in the masculine paradigm, because that’s how we grew, in a culture that that was patriarchal for 1000s of years, so this is really what we inherited, is doing, doing, doing, running after something, and it comes really against the feminine essence if it’s not balanced, and many women reach that point of burnout, and life brings them that awakening call in whatever way shape or form, to bring them, to call them back into the feminine. So, I know that, for me, for instance, one way to call in the feminine, if I need more of that, is being in nature, is doing something creative, is dancing, anything that moves me like that. What’s yours?

Tanya Locher 11:04

This is quite a recent thing that’s come in for me, I’ve actually started tapping into the shamanic elements of fire, water, earth, and air, and I’ve actually thought of bringing that into my business, because I went and I looked at where does this working Monday to Friday, 9 to 5come from, and it actually never used to be that way. If you go through even 300 years ago, we just did our chores and we lived our lives, it was no sort of, okay, you clock in and you clock out, that sort of came with the whole revolutionary era where people had to do that.

Especially as a woman, we have energy cycles. Besides our monthly cycles, besides the moon cycles, we have energy cycles within us, and I found that if I bring that into my business and into my life, as an example, when I’m in my water week, it can differ from person to person, let’s five to eight days, when I’m in my water week, it’s not a time for me to be pushing and selling, and doing all of these masculine things, because my energy is more reflective, it’s nurturing, I can still show up and serve my clients, and serve my children or connect with them, it’s just that guilt-free, allowing myself to let go, rather than feeling like I’ve got to be on anchor all the time.

When I’m in my fire element, that’s when I feel confident, and I’m selling, and I’m launching, and I’m marketing, and I’m doing all of these things, because I feel that masculine fire energy of like, I can just go and conquer the world sort of thing. When I’m in my earth, that’s when I structure and I plan, and I move stuff around, I declutter and organize. When I’m in my air, it’s usually when I get all those downloads in the shower, where it’s just like millions of ideas of what I want to do. Being able to embody that, so in a beautiful circle of women, where we would each embody those different elements, and it really helped me to connect in that way. So, let’s say I was embodying air, I would go outside and I would make a little video of the air, the wind going through the leaves, and that would just remind me about communication and blowing, and setting boundaries. When I was embodying earth, it would be like barefoot on the grass, connecting to the earth. So, yes, a lot of that stuff is out in nature, to show us, and that’s been helping me to really get to know my energy cycle. So, I no longer feel guilty for when I take some time off, because I know that cycle is coming, that time is coming where I’m going to be in my absolute best energy and power to sell, to talk, to share, to bring out what my potential is into the world.

Nunaisi 13:55

I love it that you mentioned the elements. Yes, yes, yes, we are nature, nature is us, there’s no separation, and we do have all those elements within, and it’s really embodying them in their flow, they’re changing and transforming all the time with the moon, which is also something that I write about in the book, because when we understand our flow, and we are governed by the moon, it’s just a fact, when we understand, then we can leverage that to our own benefit. We can flow rather than try swim upstream and against the current, and we can just happily flow with the movement that is our natural cycle. I know exactly what you’re talking about, I can find myself some days of the month, very specific, it’s usually around new moon, that I can stay until 12, 1 o’clock at night, clearing papers, and I hate doing that, I cannot do that any other time of the month. So, when I have that urge, that flow, I just go with it, even if it’s until that day, because I know it’s not going to come again, any other time.

Tanya Locher 15:11

Exactly. When we can actually harness that energy and we can be more intentional with it, rather than, like, now I feel like I have to do paperwork but I don’t really feel like it, and I’m going to push through, because that’s how we’ve been taught. You just have to do it, we can say, hey, I know that time is coming, so I’m going to leave it for them, because then it’s going to be quick and easy, and inspired, it’s like me writing a newsletter when I’m not in my air week, because it’s like, oh, like sitting there, like, what do I want to say, takes me like an hour to write this thing. When I’m in my air, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, done, because it just flows out of me, and it comes so naturally out of me, I don’t have to force it.

So, when we’re honest, those energy cycles, life becomes more in flow, like you were saying, rather than that upstream, like I have to do this now. Sure, we sometimes got adult obligations that we have to do, especially in a water week, that’s been one of the most difficult ones for me, to learn to go with that flow and allow myself the race, because I’ve noticed when I push myself through a water week, then the next week, I’m going to pay the price for it, because my body didn’t get the rest and the nourishment, and the nurturing that it was asking for in that time. So, the biggest thing for us I feel, especially in that very masculine world, is to be able to switch off, to learn what it is to relax, to just go within, to be, and I, myself, am guilty of this, I don’t always know what to do to switch off. Especially it’s winter now, so it’s not always as nice to go outside, what do I do? How do I switch off? How do I just let go? And finding those practices and things that help us to switch off mentally, and just go within, and be more connected to our bodies, because I feel like in the Western world, we’ve cut ourselves off here at the neck, everything is about the mental and the rational, and the logical, and we’ve got this whole being intelligence underneath that we’re discarding, and I know you do a lot of breathwork and that kind of thing, just reconnecting back into the body, into this incredible wisdom and intelligence that we have within us.

Nunaisi 17:25

Right. Yeah, that’s absolutely spot on. I just want to mention here, that in my book, I have a resource to connect to the moon, so I’ve got really something that you can download and check your flow, your own circular flow, as it’s connected with the moon, so this is just a beautiful way to make that connection, because sometimes it’s not clear, and we were not observant of it. Once we are, once we know how our energy is doing with the moon, it’s, as we spoke about, easier to navigate life, it’s just easy, it becomes effortless.

Tanya Locher 18:15

Exactly. What’s interesting, a lot of this stuff is actually quite scientific, it’s not just us saying like, it’s woo-woo, like it’s all energy and stuff, it’s really scientific. If you look at how the moon affects the tides of the ocean and our bodies are more than 70% water, coming back to the whole language thing, if we look at that research where the water, it was some Chinese doctor, I forget his name now, where you had the water and then you had love, and then you had hate on the other one, and how they could actually scientifically measure how the crystals would change in terms of that language. So, just tapping into our own energy and what we say to ourselves, that internal narrative of like, “I have to”, and “life is hard”, or “I’ve got to push”, and “got to show up” in a different way than what’s your true feminine or just empowered version of who you are. It really can make a huge difference when we step into that and we start being aware of what we’re saying to ourselves, how we are, and knowing that there’s some science behind this, of how we can reprogram ourselves, without that pushing and going through years of therapy, and all of these quick fixes that people are looking for in today’s day and age.

Nunaisi 19:39

Right. You mentioned the work of Dr. Emoto, which is really mind-blowing. If you haven’t read the book or watched any of his videos, please go and watch it, because once you understand the structure of water, and how our emotions and our thoughts, and our mind can influence that structure, and as you said, we are 70, maybe even more, percent water, then we really have here so much power. Even blessing your water before you drink it, that’s another way to really make such a huge transformation in your inner being. That’s really beautiful and I want to dive into really harnessing that inner power, when it comes to our work life. What is your take on it?

Tanya Locher 20:56

So, business, to me, comes down to two main things. We’ve got our business strategy and all of these other things, and knowing yourself, I’ve got a three-step framework, so it’s knowing yourself, the business strategy, and your energy. When it comes to business, these two elements, for me, it’s really the make or break, or run, another one is decision making and the other one is resilience. Decision-making, for me, it’s so connected to our intuition, we actually cannot split the two, in order to unlock that power in our business, it’s so critical for us to get connected to our intuition, and I do DNA light up, and we call that our light, so we have our light within us.

For some people, it’s our soul, our essence, or our intuition. So, being able to connect to that and knowing what decisions to make, so when to do a summit, when to rather do a [inaudible 0:22:00], it’s like these little day to day decisions, what kinds to take on, what to charge for your offers, being able to make those decisions, because that’s what keeps people stuck, because they’ll either procrastinate because they don’t know how to do it, or what’s the right way to do it, or they’ll give their power away to other people to make the decisions for them.

Especially in today’s day and age, where the marketing is so convincing, and it’s like, rah-rah, it’s like really big and flashy, and people put a lot into their marketing budgets, so we get pushed by FOMO, right? Like, oh, I don’t want to miss out on this and there’s this limited opportunity, and I’ve got to get it. My first two years in business, I was like that, I was learning everything, I was learning how to build websites and funnels, and Facebook ads, the whole story. So, when we can really connect into our own light, our own intuition, of what’s the right next step for me, like is it the right time to start my podcast, is it the right time to write my book, and again, linking that with the energy, only doing it when we’re really in that inspired state, that creates the sustainable business, and that’s where the resilience comes in.

Because with resilience, we often feel like we have to push through it, or we’re so much in the other person’s shoes and have so much empathy, that we stand back and we sacrifice ourselves, and we become the victim. Resilience is actually saying I see the situation, I see the challenges, and I decide to bring the fullness of who I am anyway. So, it’s being able to give those to you and it’s part of what I cover in my program, as well, is helping people to really connect to that light, and being able to make those decisions that’s right for them. As a business coach, I don’t want you to be dependent on me to give you the answers, I would like to facilitate you to connect to that for yourself, because that’s true empowerment, is when we can start making those decisions for ourselves, and this is where the next generation comes in for me, because we model that to them. We get used to going into corporate environments, or even running our businesses, especially family-run businesses, like, okay, this is how you’ve got to do it, like, I’m going to tell you all the answers, and we don’t ever learn how to make those decisions for us, those empowered decisions. That’s really, like you were saying, for the highest good of everyone, not just for myself, not just for financial gain, not just for success, and the trophy of like, I’ve done this and I’ve got the cars, and the house, and the whatever. It’s really like we’re coming from the materialistic era into the quantum era, where the currency is well-being more than it is money. Money is still important, so money is not a bad thing, it’s just another energy exchange and when we can connect it to that.

Those are probably the two main things that I focus on in my business, is making those soul-aligned decisions for me and my business, being able to do that, and having the resilience. When the challenges comes up, to learn to distinguish when is it, okay, this is actually a closed door, or this is something for me to master, so just go at it a little bit more, figure it out, trial and error, just test it and see how it goes.

Nunaisi 25:14

Right. Love it. I think it’s also important to really clarify the why behind everything that you do, that you want to do and create, what is your why? It took me some time to really dissect it enough, so then that why becomes my fuel in days that I might feel ran out of energy or not as fired up, not in my full power. We all have days like that, that why is what keeps me going.

Tanya Locher 25:57

Yeah. My business didn’t really take off or get real meaning for me, outside of money and paying the bills, until I got that clarity, when I really got clear on what am I standing for? What is my big message in the world? The interesting thing about this, it’s very much linked to our purpose, and so a lot of people feel like, they only have one purpose, and we’re looking for that elusive one thing, what’s my one thing, and in reality, most of us are multi-talented, multi-gifted, and our purpose can change, and it can change all the time. So, for me, it was realizing that I’ve got more than one purpose, I’ve got more than one potential, and that it’s okay to focus, and that’s where focus comes in.

Focus has been a game-changer for me, just to say, this is what I’m focusing on right now, because we’ve got multiple potentials that come our way every single day, there’s so many different directions you can go and create, especially if you get that internal narrative, especially when you get that intuition connected, there’s so many ways this can play out. There’s no right or wrong, there’s no good or bad, it’s just our experience and our perspective of that situation, and being able to say what do I choose, and really taking the driver’s seat on that. I’m not in the passenger seat where life is happening to me, I am able to make an empowered choice and say, “This is how I would like it to play out”, and then comes up beautiful co-creation from the universe, where you can do your part and the universe will do its part to support you, in creating this magic in between.

Nunaisi 27:33

Love it, I love it. It’s about not so much finding your purpose, but rather creating your purpose, because as you said, we are multi-passionate, we are multi-talented, and oftentimes our talents are so obvious to us that we actually dismiss them, we don’t see them as talents because they’re so natural, they’re second nature, we don’t put any effort to do that. Therefore, we don’t appreciate it as maybe other people will. Many times, we can do so many things, and it’s really about our own choice of how we want to create, and what we feel most passionate, most excited, and most aligned with. It also can change, we have different seasons, different stages of life, and what feels aligned, and suitable when you’re in your 20s, will be very different in your 30s, 40s, and 50s. You’re in a different stage, in a different season.

Tanya Lochner 28:39

Yeah, that’s why I love the idea of multiple potentials, and not just like one potential, one purpose. That’s where that internal narrative comes in again, because it’s like, well, I’m supposed to do this and I have to do that, it’s like taking off that shell of what other people have put on you, and actually saying, well, what do I choose? Not just what do I want, what do I actually choose to create in this world? That’s when I feel like giving a little bit of time for the momentum to build up and that’s when we really come into our full power, and our potential, is realizing that there’s no one way, there’s just multiple ways in which this can happen.

Nunaisi 29:20

Right. It’s many ways to climb the mountain and it depends which way you choose to go, and it’s okay, there’s no right or wrong, as you said. Sometimes you need to pivot and that’s also fine, you’re doing one thing and the universe kind of placed challenges, or even not, even you just don’t feel that same calling, that same fire, and you decide, okay, well, I might make money but I’m not going to feel fulfilled. Therefore, if it’s not fulfillment plus success, not only the success, not only the fulfillment, then time to pivot, time to change, time to reinvent yourself.

Tanya Lochner 30:06

Yeah. It comes back to like believing that it has to be hard and we have to work hard for it, once we tap into following the joy, following the inspiration, people pick up from that. So, your relationships, your business, your clients, it all gets affected by you being in that aligned emotion and energy, and that inspired action that you take from there. It doesn’t have to be hard work, yes, we sometimes, like you said, you work from one o’clock, sorting out papers, and it’s because you feel inspired to do that. Where, if any other time, I say, well, now you’ve got to push on till one o’clock, that’s going to [inaudible 0:30:46] really hard, right? So, it’s taking that “it has to be hard” out of the picture and saying, it can actually be easy, as long as I feel inspired. I use the term, adult obligations, even when there’s things that we have to do and we don’t feel that inspired in that moment, it’s saying, “How can I bring peace and joy into this?”, and this is where focus comes in. Having the right focus on what is nice about the situation, versus what I don’t like about the situation, and it’s so hard, and it’s like a real effort to do it.

Nunaisi 31:22

Right. So, change what you don’t love, and if you can’t change it, then learn to love it.

Tanya Lochner 31:28

Yeah, exactly.

Nunaisi 31:30

Right. All of us will have to do things we maybe don’t feel like doing. All of us, in every possible way, even cooking three meals a day to nourish my family, each and every day, can be daunting, I can tell you, and I like to cook, but if I have to, I have to. So, finding ways to support myself in the process, and I’m mentioning that because this is what I’m going through at the moment, I’m building a menu, and I’m trying to make things, I’m trying to bring in systems to support me to do the things that needs to be done, and it’s really when we can slow down. I think that is a very important point because oftentimes when we are in that rat race, and we are constantly in do, do, do, do mode, we don’t have the time to actually stop, breathe, and take in inventory of how life happens for us and is it supporting us, and what can we do to take back that power and create sometimes really slight changes that can make a huge difference.

Tanya Lochner 32:41

You know, how many times that’s happened, where I’m like, oh, I’m trying to solve this problem and I’m like rushing, and it’s all over the place, and then just when I stop in that moment, I’m like, “Oh, here’s the solution”. It’s like, it’s been here all along, and it’s just because we’re so busy. That’s why I really like the power of intention and connecting to the present moment, as much as I love planning and strategy, so I’m always thinking of the future. It’s so powerful to also just stop and be in that moment, and say, “What’s my language, what’s my narrative around this?”. Because, like you said, I can either really hate the fact that I have to cook three times a day, or I can say, “Well, I actually get to cook and I get to nourish my family three times a day”, so it’s all about our focus and connecting, and slowing down, and breathing into that moment, and giving ourselves a little bit of air. Because breathing, you’re probably much more knowledgeable on the subject, it just puts the whole nervous system, the whole body in a different state, when we just allow ourselves to take in that breath of life, rather than rushing because life is busy, especially with children, running your own business, having a marriage or a relationship, all of these other things that goes on, life can get very, very rushed.

Nunaisi 34:08

Right. It’s really when we create that distance that we move away from the busyness of life and we take ourselves into nature for a hike or a swim, or just immersion in nature, then, first of all, we charge ourselves which is essential, because if we are not healthy and vital, nothing else will be happening, so it’s really bringing it back to first and foremost self-nurturing, but also creating that distance.

For me, I found, since I did my first big [inaudible 0:34:52] back in, I don’t know, 20 years ago, I then couldn’t for a while because I had little children, but as soon as I could, they’ve been big enough, and I could leave them for a few days, I have been doing regularly, twice a year, silent retreats. It’s been my soul regeneration, realignment, re-collaboration of knots, just to be in my quiet space without getting my energy out, because when we speak and we do, the energy constantly going out and just taking that old energy back in, and sitting with myself, it was, for me, wow. So, yeah, really remember that we are the first one that we have to take care of, even before our kids. If you fly and the flight attendant gives you the instructions, what happens in an emergency, they always will say, you have to put the oxygen mask on yourself first before you put it on anyone else.

Tanya Lochner 36:07

I heard this beautiful saying the other day of giving from your sources, so not just from your cup, it’s actually like what’s flowing over your cup and falling into the saucer, giving from that space. So, that takes that time and it’s hard for us, I remember when I did [inaudible 0:36:25] for the first time, it was actually a little traumatic for me when I reflected back, because switching off has been so hard, and we are not trained to do that anymore, we’ve trained ourselves to be busy 13 hours of the day, to be distracted 13 hours of the day, and that can sometimes be hard. I remember the first probably like three, four days, it felt like my thoughts were on loudspeaker, I was like, why won’t it stop? I didn’t realize how busy my mind had been all the time and that’s an acquired space. So, yeah, it’s really important to learn that we can sit with ourselves and really connect.

Again, that’s where the intuition and the connecting with our light comes into our business as well, is taking that moment. I sometimes like to do that in the morning before I started saying, “What am I really excited about today?”, “What would I really like to create today?”, rather than just jumping into reactive mode of responding to emails and appointments, and getting everything done. It’s actually asking myself intentionally, what is it that I desire to create today? Who would I like to connect with today? What would I like to say and to share? Coming from that pure energy, rather than the forceful, like, have to do this, have to do that quickly, like write a newsletter, keep posting on social media, just really finding that beautiful flow and authentic energy that we share with others.

Nunaisi 37:52

Yeah, this is so important. I feel that when we rise and before we go to sleep, these two transition times are so potent times to really take a moment to reflect, to intent, to sit quiet, this is when I do my practice every single morning, and it really sets a whole new tone for the day. Days that I don’t do it, looking different, it’s just like that because when you start your day with that intention, and with that state of mind, you already set yourself up for success, right?

Tanya Lochner 38:38

Yeah. Like I said, it’s responding versus reacting to your day. So, it’s like saying, I choose to take the driver’s seat here, I choose what I’m going to create and what my day is going to look like, because we have that power within us. It’s all about perspective, it’s all about internal narrative, I can say to myself, “Oh, this is going to be a crazy day”, and then it will be a crazy day, or I can say, “Oh, this is going to be a wonderful day, it’s going to have so many interesting different energies and things coming my way, and I get to choose how I’m experiencing that”.

Nunaisi 39:14

Yeah, beautiful. We do have the power, we have the choice, we are multi-talented, passionate, divine human beings, and this is really our birthright, to thrive, to do what we’re meant to do, to do extraordinary things. If you’re here, you are one of these human beings and I salute you for that. We’re coming to the end of our time together and I know that you have a free gift that you want to share with our audience, maybe you can talk about it.

Tanya Lochner 39:47

So, this is for solopreneurs, I call them, so people who bring their sole calling out into the world through their business, I created a masterclass where I share with you the three steps how to activate, uncover, and reclaim the highest potential of your business.

Nunaisi 40:07

Sounds very juicy. So, for all of you here that have their own business or thinking to have their own business, I know that so many people, especially in these times, are pivoting, whether by choice or by chance, circumstances, just know that you can do it, you can do whatever you choose to do, and have that great success and fulfillment that you so deserve, and your birthright, and will make such an important impact in the world of somebody, even if it’s one person.

Tanya, it’s been a great pleasure to speak to you. It’s been enlightening and very, very inspiring. If people want to work with you or find you, follow you, what’s the best place?

Tanya Lochner 40:58

Best place is probably my website, which is I’m sure you’ll be sharing the details in the email as well and with the free gift, so that’s the best place to start. I’m on the usual social media channels under the same name.

Nunaisi 41:14

Great. So, we’ll have all the links on this page. Thank you so much and blessings your way, and lots of love. Ciao.

Tanya Lochner 41:26

Thank you. Bye.

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