Every physical illness, injury, or emotional issue has a message in it and is a sign from the universe that you need to do something different and you need to make a change. 

The important thing about understanding your illnesses and injuries is that you’re not going to get the solution by continuing to look at the problem.

Our body is controlled in our subconscious. We breathe, we blink, we swallow, we itch, we have to eat, we have to go to the bathroom, all that is controlled by our subconscious. So those habits are there in the subconscious, and in order to heal you have to change that and come from a more conscious way of thinking.

[0:00-1:12]     Nunaisi Ma

Hello and welcome to RISE. I am so happy to have today Dr. Veronica Anderson. She is a Burnout Recovery specialist and Intuitive. Veronica Anderson is the best-selling author of four books including Get the Respect You Deserve, Seven Secrets to Getting Seen and Heard In Your Job and Relationships and others. Dr. Veronica transitioned from her own private practice as an ophthalmologist to a spiritual guide and transformational coach delivering individuals and group programs to help people overcome strange rare and peculiar issues. Using her skills as intuitive and her signature respect method, Dr. Veronica guides high-performing professional women how to make successful career health and relationship transitions by learning the process to be their true self and be appreciated for that. Thank you so much for Veronica for being here.

[1:13-1:17]     Dr. Veronica Anderson

Thank you so much for having me. I’m so happy to do it.

[1:18-1:24]     Nunaisi Ma

I want to start by asking you what is a spiritual intuitive and how did you ended up being one?

[1:25-6:05]     Dr. Veronica Anderson

So I’m going to give you the plain everyday word that people use as a as a physician. I want to make it fancy but it just means I’m a psychic. And it’s something that most of us have this ability but when you’re in a profession like a doctor especially a western train doctor these abilities that we have are not considered to be real or valid and we are not encouraged to use them at all. And so although it’s always been there, I never knew it was something different until actually, I started realising that I could see things and I knew things that other people couldn’t which was way into my adulthood way, into my medical career. And I wanted to hide it, I didn’t want anybody to know because I was scared. And I’m sure people understand being fearful about something that is a part of you and as you know a lot of people probably watching can understand who’ve had these mystical experiences, it’s not something for a lot of people that’s been valued.

So I had to be pushed out of the closet. I had injuries on my way to admitting this and everything and one day my spiritual coach said to me you need to be using this to help people and another one said to me these are your gifts this is what you were meant to do and if you’re not doing this you are not on your master path in life. And so I had to come out the closet in a different way than we think about in our culture and society today. So I was an eye surgeon operating on eyes that’s what an ophthalmologist is. I was I had my own practice that I had built up from patient zero to double-digit thousands and very successful in that way that most people would consider. But I was miserable, miserable because I really wasn’t doing what I was meant to do but I didn’t know why I was miserable back then. So I went through a deep deep deep clinical depression. I had post-traumatic stress disorder which you know we understand about healing trauma. I had post-traumatic stress disorder from events that happened to me when I was in medical school when I didn’t realise what it was.

You know seeing and witnessing some other people’s traumas and deaths in a very dramatic way and having to act in a medical way and not being allowed to process it led to post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, compassion fatigue, severe burnout to the point where there were days where I was hoping I wasn’t going to wake up. That I felt like maybe it would be better to not wake up and although I did not attempt to kill myself I was hoping I would die. I really was. I couldn’t see a way out at that point. I couldn’t see and I’m sure there’s so many people that when you can’t see your way out and you know I was a woman who had it all together. So when you’re a woman who has it all together nobody sees you as needing help and so people don’t help you that’s one side. On the other side there is those group of people that see that you’ve had it all together and as you start to fall they are cheering so you end up in this area where like you have been through the I gotta figure out how to fix myself and heal myself. But with coaches and with mentors and with a really good psychologist I was able to come out of that really dark space and I had the Dark Night of the Soul which has led me here to being able to help other people in a different way. And I am on my master path in life my purpose which is why I’m so happy when people like you find me because that means more people can hear the message and hear that message of hope.

[6:06-7:25]     Nunaisi Ma

I love your story and I love how you share that your Dark Night of the Soul brought you the breakthrough that was needed to accelerate your alignment to your soul path. And I love how you spoke about your psychic abilities that you were pushing aside which I like to call your golden shadow. So we’ve got you know our dark shadows which is all our unprocessed unhealed wounds and you know maybe our weaknesses and all that but then there’s the golden shadow which is actually our talents and our genius and we all have that no exception. And then sometimes we push them away because we are actually afraid from other people’s rejection and opinions and also sometimes we afraid from success right? The fear of being successful. So I’m so happy that you went through this journey and you came on the other side to do the amazing work that you do. So first of all I acknowledge you for that and then and I want you to talk about the connection between your health and your spirituality.

[7:26-14:56]   Dr. Veronica Anderson

Oh wow, everything, every physical illness, injury, emotional issue is a sign from the universe that you need to do something different and you need to change. You know already when things start to happen but a lot of times we don’t necessarily act. It is the reason that I talk about The Dark Night of the Soul is because pain changes us. When we are in pain we wanna get out of pain and so some people take the root of I don’t want to be here anymore which there are so many more roots than that and then there’s the root of let me figure out what this pain and discomfort is telling me. And so every physical ailment, every injury has a message in it and the message. Now there are one of the pioneers here is like Louise Hay who talks about it as she says this is this this is that, I would say it’s not always that simple as one body part always means something and I noticed that because I have done you know I do intuitive readings I do energy assessments on people and people’s illnesses and injuries mean different things to them. And so it’s not a one-size-fits-all type textbook answer and so if you’re saying oh I have this.

So when you have something you know I can, you a lot of times can tell me why you have a particular illness now everybody else is gonna tell you you’re crazy and then what happens when you talk to someone who is an intuitive or medical intuitive even, they’re gonna start to help you complete the story so that you can understand. Now here’s the thing about understanding your illnesses and injuries the important piece is once you understand them you need to move on. You’re not going to get the solution by continuing to look at the problem.

The solution and the problem are in the same space but if you keep focusing on a rearview mirror you’re gonna crash when you keep going forward and get more more more more more. And so I wanted a lot of times when I’m reading somebody it’s let me unlock the story for you so we could talk about what are your next steps to move forward. And understand that the body can heal very rapidly but a lot of times it doesn’t necessarily happen in that rapid miraculous way because of our own mindset and belief system which is it all in our subconcious.

Our body is controlled in our subconscious. We breathe, we blink, we swallow, you know we itch, we have to eat, we have to go to the bathroom, all that is controlled by our subconscious. Everything is controlled by the subconscious. So those habits are there so in order to heal you have to change all that and that’s where once you have an assessment you don’t just say oh yeah I know alright go off and do something. That’s why coaches and mentors and teachers are exceedingly helpful in getting you on a path because it’s gonna take you a bit to break the habit and then be able to maintain once you break the habit. It is hard hard hard to break those habits. Why because when we’re breaking a habit it feels really uncomfortable. It feels it’s not right we want to go back to the old way. So just like think about people who’ve been in abusive situations and how they will be attracted to abusive situations not even knowing it.

It’s because the energy, the habit everything feels really comfortable and everything else feels uncomfortable and that’s why having somebody hold your hand through whatever it is and help you say oh no you’re falling back into that; let’s let’s move forward here is what you can do. Who has a lot of tools and techniques can really help you get out of this. So part of it is also understanding your spiritual self which is you know one of the things that you know I offer the people when I do these sumits is you know one of the tools I use is the human design and I use that because it gives people a picture of their spiritual self and a way to language it. And then once you understand who you are, the beautiful being you are and realise how unique you are, how unique everybody else is around you then you can start working with the unique authentic you and love being the unique authentic you.

Truly the secret to getting respect, the secret is not a secret the secret is you gotta respect yourself. But it’s easy for me to sit here and say it and it’s hard for me to do it myself and for other people to do it who aren’t used to doing it. And I realised working having the privilege to work with all kinds of people and especially a lot of women who are highly professional brilliant and realising they were having the same issue, we all are human it doesn’t matter what degrees that we have behind our names what letters we have behind our names, we still all fall prey to these same pieces that are going on in the universe. Why? we are all here to learn we are all here to evolve. And so we all have it doesn’t matter. And people think okay you’re smart so why are you and and that’s that the thing that happens people who are smart are embarrassed even more that they’re in an abusive relationship.

That they’ve fallen prey you know to being you know treated poorly at their job or their families treating them poorly or just you know why do I keep why do I keep attracting the wrong man. Right now I’m working with you know the follow-up is really just focusing in for people and their relationships and using the respect method to help them remould how they go into relationships and how they show up to relationships for in a romantic way. Because you know we all have that the fear that we don’t want to be alone but you don’t want to not be alone so much that you go into the fire all the time and there’s some people who were doing that and there’s some people who are so scared because they’ve walked into the fire a lot that they don’t even try anymore. And you can have beauty out of those ashes. You just have to realise one; that you are in ashes and two; ask for help and get help.

[14:58-16:42] Nunaisi Ma

Love that. I love that because asking for help is not a weakness. It’s actually a strength. Being vulnerable, being authentic, being real and understanding that we all in this together. As you said we all have the fundamental same needs that for most of us and I would even dare to say all of us have not been completely met as young children. Simply because we grew up in in a culture that have been oppressing and suppressing you know whether women or race or you know children. So you know it’s we are a culture that is emerging from thousands of years of patriarchy and then our parents our mothers and fathers bless them even if they tried to do the best they meant they themselves were not conscious enough or simply couldn’t you know just give us what we really all needed as young children. And I like to say that it is unconditional love, unconditional acceptance, unconditional belonging and then and safety. And so you know we all have some work around those areas to do and you know so we so we can move to the next level of our evolution. So yeah, I would like you to talk a little bit about your respect method, I’m very curious.

[16:43-19:12] Dr. Veronica Anderson

One thing I want to mention I just want a little bit about you know families because I want to say this because there’s people out there listening and my story is not that one of growing up in an abusive household. It is not. I have wonderful. My mother is still alive. She’s a great person and did it really fabulous. My father same thing. Now they still had their own stuff going on that because of the way they were navigating you still pick up these wounds and so people believe that if you’re not in a overtly nasty abusive situation that oh you’ve got it made but they don’t realise that it’s even more subtle and hard to pick up at times and that it gets ignored because you think well I don’t have any of that so what’s my problem. And you realise that there were little messages that you were getting even inadvertently in your family which have been passed down for generations even with your parents doing the best they knew how to be uplifting. You’re picking up those messages from culture and society and all those other places so when you’ve been in you know an abusive situation and everybody can see it and agree ok we know that we see it and it’s easy to it’s easy it’s not easy to deal with but we can say oh that happened so. But when you’re in a situation where that’s not the case it can be so much more subtle and that’s what you know I’m going in the situation I’m feeling all these things, these things are happening to me and I’m feeling like what’s the matter with me I didn’t have that I don’t have that story. I don’t have that soul-crushing childhood story so what else is going on. So I want people who have been in a situation where they grew up and things looked like they were fine to understand that we’re all indoctrinated in a certain way and we don’t even realise it’s happening and those things can cause us to do things to ourself and be ways that are self-sabotaging and still you end up messed up. Okay, so now your question was?

[19:14-20:40] Nunaisi Ma

So I just want to add on to what you said because this is such an important point that I so very agree with you. You know and I write about it in my book Rise and I said that I dare to say that all of us need some kind of healing is exactly that. that you know when I was a mess because that was obvious I’ve been through a lot of trauma and I really taken the path of healing. So on my path I’ve joined so many group therapies and what I’ve noticed and what I have learned is that people that did not have anything that stood out; their parents did not divorce, nobody died, you know their financial situation was okay nothing that stands out. They were very resistant to resistant or ignorant or unaccepting or you know sometimes accepting and understanding but often also it took them some time to understand that actually they also have what I call the primal wounds which is the mother wound the father wound the sisterhood wound the inner child wound the birth wound so yeah this is just.

[20:40-23:12] Dr. Veronica Anderson

And the thing is a lot of what happens also with people who don’t have those obvious situations is you have a lot of shame and guilt. When I’m going through my situation people tell me that oh you just don’t know how to be happy because I have a life that materially looks beautiful to most people and so therefore you’re just ungrateful you don’t know how to be happy and that’s [UNCLEAR (21:09-21:13)] there were there’re things that were happening of course and as you walk through the world you’re not in a hole, stuff happens to you also right. Just like when I had the post-traumatic stress disorder I didn’t realise what where I had it from until the psychologist pointed out to me what was going on. Now I was a fully trained doctor and had been through all that but post-traumatic stress disorder was something that only people in wars and super traumatic situations have been in. My medical training which had trauma in it that I witnessed wasn’t something that was really taken seriously as and you’re a doctor. You’re just all of a sudden because you’re a doctor you’re supposed to not have feelings or anything like that. You’re supposed to you become this superhuman where you know the letters go behind your name all of a sudden you’re not susceptible to that all that other stuff which is very false. Which is why in medicine the suicide rate is higher than almost any other profession especially for women physicians the burnout rate is crazy but we didn’t even start talking about that until about maybe 5 years ago when I I was burnout nobody was talking about it and then I started talking about it and I had other female physicians say oh yeah I went through that I’ve been there done that. It wasn’t even something we talked about it or admitted because we were also in fear that if we admitted that we were struggling that the livelihood and everything that we had worked so hard for would be swiped away from us. So no admitting that was anything at all wrong until you just you know you kind of fall off the ledge or a lot of people you know jump, shoot themselves take something because they can’t see an alternative because you aren’t allowed to admit that you’re human. You’re not allowed to admit you are human.

[23:17-23:28] Nunaisi Ma

So back to my question about your respect method. I am very curious it’s it’s an acronym and what is that standing for.

[23:31-28:50] Dr. Veronica Anderson

Yes and so each of the letter stands for part of the process that I take my clients to to be able to get them to respect themselves and other people to respect them all right. So the one that I really like to focus on also is the S which is Surrender to your spirit. And the reason that I focus on that is because that is when. There’s three parts to that. One is being able to see who you are, your spiritual side understand your unique person. This is completely separate from religion. You were born a particular way you were given a soul at one time and that informed you you were when you’re born that informed you, based on the way the planets are and it’s your heritage your imprint age it’s a beautiful piece to see. But also learning strategies like how to cultivate you know there’s a biblical concept the food of the Spirits.

How do you cultivate the Buddha spirits toward yourself? That’s taught and also spiritual intelligence what does spiritual intelligence look like? We know about brain intelligence. We’ve heard of emotional intelligence but what is spiritual intelligence and how do we begin to come forth in the world as a spiritually intelligent being. So that’s part of the method which allows you to then once you know yourself then you’re able to get to the end game which is to learn how to trust and take action. And trust and take action by the time you get to that last step you’re understanding a lot of what we’re talking about. How things work, how you were indoctrinated, how everybody else was indoctrinated in a particular way. You learn how to forgive yourself how to forgive other people but in a way that feels completely authentic to you. And when you have the spiritual you in order all the sudden everybody around you starts acting different. It’s absolutely amazing. But you really have to learn how to elevate your energy that’s one of the steps you have to learn how to do that nobody teaches us this as a. This is not something that you know my mum was you know today they will call it woke. My mum was pretty woke and you know did a lot to help us be the best that we can be but the type of stuff that I’m talking about is not it just wasn’t a thing at that time. Right now it’s just becoming a thing and we’re talking to it about it with our kids and stuff like that. But still you know most of the world is still very asleep and in the physical form and thinking that’s all that there is. So part of this is learning that other people are asleep they’re in their form. You’re here to learn something and to be it and you don’t have to you don’t have to change everybody else. You only have to deal with you, period. And when you the interesting part is whenever I want to focus on somebody else right think about it, I’m married and whenever I see my husband do something that irritates me or bothers me and I’m like I’m doing this how come he doesn’t do this alright or you wanna introduce something to him I’m like I just need to worry about me. I just need to worry about me and that keeps me you know calm and everything like that. But also I got to tell you here is the absolute I think they are 5 words I learned from Wayne Dyer and you gotta try this. Whenever you’re having any kind of heated discussion with someone learn to say you’re absolutely right about that. Why do you say you’re absolutely right about that? Because it’s your acknowledgment that their reality is their reality and their.  You accept that it’s their reality so they are absolutely right about whatever is going on. I’m right too. My truth is my truth their truth is their truth. And so to be able to deescalate back down and understand I am dealing with other souls that are doing the best they possibly can with what they know and understand that they are absolutely right about that. Let go of my wanting to be right about everything because we all want to be right. Let go of my wanting to be right and prove that I’m right to somebody else. My truth is my truth. I’m right about my truth and I don’t have to prove it to you or anybody else and so you’re absolutely right about that. Let me tell you how challenging it is to do it.

[28:53-29:40] Nunaisi Ma

You know I love what you say. I am I do not do arguments. I do not do arguments. You will not hear me arguing with people. and then my son you know a couple of times ask me mum but you know you, are you so weak where is your point of view and I said I know my point of view and that’s fine. I don’t need to bring that across and convince somebody else you know. I can share what I think but if I see that they’re very persistent or or in their opinion that’s okay. I just agree to disagree and I agree to have different points of view and maybe I’m right maybe I’m wrong it doesn’t matter. So I’m totally with you on that one it’s just for me it’s it’s a waste of energy.

[29:41-32:37] Dr. Veronica Anderson

You gotta get there though. It is there anything like we were we were chatting a little bit before and I was sharing that 2020 was a difficult for me not because of Corona Covid 19 and the pandemic. It was more difficult for me because of the climate of the political climate that had emerged in our country and being pulled into that and asked to help I realised was just against what I stand for. Now that doesn’t mean I don’t believe that people should be treated the same and all these things aren’t, I just decided you know what this isn’t my particular life purpose it’s pulling down my energy. I’m feeling resentful about this. Obviously this is not what I’m supposed to be doing. It is taking away from how I am able to help other people with the gifts and the talents that the universe gave me. And I believe that the Universe gave me the gift the being wrapped in brown but not solely so that I can teach people in America to be woke you know people look and they’re just like oh wow she’s different what is what does let me see what she have to say. So you see me I look different and it’s like ok well let me see what she has to say. So you have to understand that something that. It became last year just one of those negative things when people were waking up and when I would mention to people about hey if you’re waking up what you really need to do is start talking to people right. But people weren’t even awake enough to realise that talk to some people who aren’t like you and then you’re gonna that don’t look like you and I think you’re going to realise that they really are like you because we are all human and everything is the same anyway. But people weren’t awake enough to be able to do that. And so I’m like know what you’re not ready for it yet but it’s ok. It’s ok because everybody is where they are and it’s like let me pull collect myself put my energy into areas where I can use what the universe gave me to be able to help people. And if you look at my natal chart, my human design, my hand analysis, my name it says I’m here to be a guide a spiritual teacher and when I do that people begin to heal.

[32:38-32:43] Nunaisi Ma

And that’s spiritual intelligence that you’ve been talking about right here right?

[32:44-33:53] Dr. Veronica Anderson

And it’s it’s yes and here’s the thing no matter how IQ points you have you know it’s still challenging to be able to exercise spiritual intelligence because it’s not something that we’ve been exercising our whole life. It’s not something we’ve ever been taught about. It’s not something we’ve been trained about and that’s why it’s just like. It’s like listen you have to learn how to surrender to your spirit and that’s a whole new way to do it You know there is a process that’s the other piece the universe works it’s not all random. There is processes for everything and so when I ask people well what are you doing to develop your intuition what are you doing for your spiritual health and the most common answer I get from people is I’m  meditating. Ok meditation is the preparation for you to do the rest of the work so if you’re meditating great you know how to become so that now you can go through the process where you can really begin to change.

[33:58-34:02] Nunaisi Ma

And that is all part of the respect process that you offering.

[34:03-35:26] Dr. Veronica Anderson

Absolutely absolutely, so I like to give to people when I do interviews and summits for them to come and get the human design made and when I do that for people I do it all by hand. And so when you send in your stuff you gotta give me a little time to get it together I have my assistant helps me too but I gotta check everything to make sure that you know everything is correct because it’s not it’s not automated. You send it in I’ll send you back videos where I’ll explain what it is so while you’re waiting you have some idea of what you’re going to get. But then I myself go in and do them all look at them and you know I check them and comment on people hey I see this in your chart and then if you want more information of course you can get more information and then on top of it you know when I was in my medical environment last year I’ve been teaching about resilience what is this resilience it’s about how to have the staying power of perseverance and so I have a course on just that. A 20 module course where we’re a little bit meant to do everyday to help you develop this stick to it perseverance when times get tough you have to have some tools and these arent the tools that we get in school.

[35:29-35:49] Nunaisi Ma

Wow and you giving that gift of the human design to our audience right? So they can just login with the provided link somewhere on the page and get that and you going to personally overlook each and every one that comes in right?

[35:49-36:57] Nunaisi Ma

I look at them all yes and so you know right after I do these and they come out all of a sudden the bunch come in and I’m like oh my gosh i gotta [UNCLEAR (36:56-36:58)] I get this overwhelmed feeling and that’s why I’m like ok calm down you’ll get through them. And just enjoy it because I think it’s fascinating and fun to me to do this because it just reminds me of how unique people are. So I’ll see one and I’ll be like oh my gosh that one looks just like me oh my god that looks like you know I’ll see ones that look like but not exactly like. The planets are different the channels are different you know there’s things that are different even when people have them what we call the types of five types of people have different types. There’s still all these different nuances that guide your personality and your subconscious so this is a way for you to start learning it and you’ll have that forever, it doesn’t change. It will never change and so you’ll get it and even if you should say I have no idea what it means you get the top level and then when you’re ready to explore more you explore more.

[36:58-37:19] Nunaisi Ma

Wow I love it. So go and grab yours and maybe exercise some patience along the way so you get it in divine timing. And then if people want to work with you further where they can find you. What’s the best platforms or what’s the best way to connect with you.

[37:20-37:24] Dr. Veronica Anderson

Very easy drveronica.com. D-R-Veronica.com.

[37:26-37:53] Nunaisi Ma

Thank you so much Dr. Veronica. That was so marvelous and enlightening and I can see your passion and your expertise and your wisdom and your sworn path and you radiating when you talk. And I had lots of energy moving through my body when you were talking so complete alignment. and I thank you for taking out your you know time from your busy schedule and coming and being with us on the summit.

[37:54-38:02] Dr. Veronica Anderson

Thank you so much for having me. It’s a joy, it’s a pleasure and I am so grateful that you decided to share me with your audience.

[38:03-38:06] Nunaisi Ma

Thank you and ciao for now .

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