Bring Resonance to your wounded self, Heal the past wounded self and Return to a state of unity.

Nunaisi 00:00

Hello guys and welcome to the Rise summit. I’m your host, Nunaisi Ma, and today I’m delighted to have my sister, colleague, amazing woman, her name is Abigail Mensah-Bonsu, and she is the founder of Moon Goddess Publishing, Moon Goddess Academy, and Moon Goddess Circles.

She’s an elevated consciousness and feminine embodiment mentor, multi-dimensional healer, number one best-selling author, and host of the Sovereign Divinity podcast. She works with master souls, leaders, visionaries, way-showers, lightworkers, and powerhouse women, to bridge the gap between their physical and spiritual selves so they can maximize their success, creating greater impact, more money, and an aligned resonant magical life.

She helps her client remember and embody who they really are, breaking down the mental constructs, illusions, and programmings, and removing all those masks; freedom is the result. She does this through goddess mentorship, DNA and light activations, mindset restructuring, multi-dimensional healing, archetypes, starseeds awakening, quantum manifestation, and divine remembrance.

Welcome, Abigail, it is an honor to have you here with us.

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 01:38

Oh, thank you, sister. Thank you for having me here.

Nunaisi 01:41

Oh, it’s such a pleasure. I just love you, from the first moment I saw your bright shining light, I’m like, “This is my sister”. So, here we are, once again delivering some magic, and before we start, I would like to invite you to share a little bit about your backstory and what brought you to do this phenomenal work that you’re sharing in the world.

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 02:08

Oh, man, where do I begin? Right? Where do I begin… I have a passion for- I like to see people understand that they’re not stuck in this reality. And this, what we’re perceiving as our life, that at any given moment we have a choice of calling in something else or creating something else, where we’re so much more than what we think we are.

And so, that’s what I grew up with, that mindset. Nobody taught me this, that’s the funny thing, this is how I came into this world, and you can imagine how intense that journey was, to come in fully awakened, fully aware. But then, you’re not supported in that way, and that’s part of my journey, right, to understand the other side, so I can be able to truly help someone in that wholeness. Because if I came in aware, and my family was all awoken and aware, like how would I be able to understand what you are coming from because I would not understand that life, because I would never have been able to live that life.

So, I’m grateful that I went through that life. I’m grateful that I went through those experiences because they all made me who I am right now, and being able to be very passionate about empowering others in their lives as well.

Nunaisi 03:36

Right. And does any of those experiences stand out that really shaped you into who you are, today?

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 03:50

Let’s see. I’m trying to find like one out of the many. So, I keep being taken to childhood and I keep seeing myself standing there, I used to do this thing, when things got really tough, one thing that you have to understand is that growing up, I never felt like I belonged in this world.

I knew that I belonged up there with the Divine and I yearned deeply to go back. I was not part of this world, I was not accepting this world, I was like, is it time to come back? I’m done. Can I come back? But that was me growing up and it was like that all the way to age 26, where I was like, well, I’m still here, I might as well embrace this life and see what this is all about.

But I see myself as that child and I’m looking up to the heavens and it was like sunset, and I could see the clouds shaped in angels, and I felt this deep sorrow within me, this deep yearning to go back home to be part of that unconditional love that I came from. And it was so strange because one of my uncle’s friends, I think it was a mistake, maybe he didn’t even know because he would do that a lot. He just popped out of nowhere and he just started talking to me, and he was like, “you know what, up there, I know how you’re feeling, you want to go out there, but it’s not time yet. When it’s time, you can go back, but it’s not time yet”, and then he walked away.

I’m like- you know, I mean, this is a person who was very into church, it’s about church and going to church, so when he said something like that, it kind of like took me aback. But this is the experience that’s coming in at this time, like that whole process, like when it’s time, but you’re here for a purpose. So, it kind of helped me come back into “okay, I’m here on earth, why am I here?”.

That was just the beginning, why am I here, right? And then it came to- it was like my sisters, okay, I have my sisters, I need to take care of my sisters, what do they need? Oh, my mom, I need to take care of my mom. And then, oh, my neighbor, I need to take care of my neighbor. Which is where the healer was activated, actually, the healer was activated in the womb with my mom. But that’s when I started really noticing the healer that I am and how I could heal people, and then it just kind of went from there.

Nunaisi 06:40

Yeah. So, you’re going to speak to us today about healing trauma through time travel, right? So, that ties in with the elements of time that you were mentioning, and so let’s say dive right in.

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 06:56

Beautiful. So, this one is actually something that came in earlier this month and it’s very interesting, because I went through that experience and then you reached out to me, and I was like, oh, okay, I need to share this experience.

And in this experience, so I’m just going to dive right in, when I first met my beloved, it was very… what word am I looking for, tumultuous. He’s my twin flame, so it was very intense, it was challenging, and there were so many times that I just wanted to leave, I just wanted to escape, right. So, it was a traumatic time for me and as I have been working through all those times, and even the trauma like from childhood, which I’ve been doing a lot of work there, but this one, I had never really went into that.

So, earlier this month, as I was working with my therapist, and she’s like, “Well, what does she want? Let’s go back to that version of you”, and I was 33 at that time, and so I went into visualization on meditation, and I brought her upfront. And we were back where we lived and I couldn’t find her at first because she was like crouched on the ground, and she was just in fear and crying. And the first thing I did, and I learned this actually from my 100-year-old self, which is very- that’s part of the time travel thing, where she showed me my power stance. And so, I went behind her and I grabbed her hand, and I helped her up, and I showed her that same stance, and she looked at me and I said, what do you need? And she was like, I just need to leave, I just need to leave. And I remember saying like, what do you mean by you need to leave? I don’t know, where would you- how’s this going to happen?

And immediately I was like, okay, where would you like to go? And, I think I’ve told you this before, I’ve always been drawn to France and also Italy, and we were transported to like the countryside of Italy and they had like the valley with an orchard and it was like sunset. And I just remember her standing there watching the sunset with a breeze in her hair and she had the biggest smile ever, just being there by herself, being able to leave that situation, which before we left, we actually did a healing, that’s how she was able to, but she was like, I still need to leave, I still need to leave and recuperate.

So that’s how we ended up there. And so, I’m there with her and I’m watching her, and I am feeling the same thing she’s feeling which makes a lot of sense. My core self or you can say my higher self was the 100-year-old version of me, came in and also stood there, so it’s like a triangle thing, all supporting her. And at the end, I had to leave, where I asked her how long she wanted to be there for and she said a month.

And so, I left her there for a month, and every now and then I check-in, and I’ll see how she was doing and she was fine, she was chatting it up with my core self, you know, she was healing. At the end of the month, she came back, and oh, man, I feel like I might jump, but at the end of the month, I went back and I said, okay, it’s time to come back, and so, we came back to where it started. But this time, it was different, when she entered the room, instead of feeling like the victim in that situation, literally she shifted the entire room. I was like vibrating, it was so powerful, like she entered very empowered, she felt whole again, like she found herself again.

And the cool thing is that I am experiencing this in, you can say meditation, or I’m visualizing this, but then when I came into the here and now, I felt the same thing, like how she healed over there, I felt it right here and I continue to. And from then on, I was like, okay, which aspects of myself need healing? Let’s do this, right? It’s so powerful. I’ve worked with different dimensions of self in different ways before but this was the first time that I’ve worked in that caliber. And it moved me and I wonder how many people- we all know when it comes to inner child work, like, oh, we can go find our inner child, but you can also work with your 33-year-old self, or maybe like even a year ago, yourself that went through the traumatic event, and actually go and check in on him or her, “what do you need?”, “how can we heal?”, do all of that, and then come back. And the effect is mind-blowing.

So, that was my experience. Like, it moved me in ways that I can’t even put into words, I still can’t put into words.

Nunaisi 12:25

Wow. Yeah. So, what is your main takeaway? Like, if you have to really find the essence of this experience, what would it be?

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 12:39

Well, first of all, we’re multi-dimensional, right? We, at any given moment, have access to all dimensions of ourselves, all the ages of ourselves, we’re still alive. It makes sense why when we experienced the trauma, like we relive it over and over because there’s a part of us that’s still stuck in that cycle. And until we realize that and pull that person out of it, and heal that aspect of ourselves, we’re going to still be stuck in that cycle.

And even though we, in our current life, might be successful, we might have everything, we’re still going to feel like, damn, why am I still feeling that hurt from that time? Why am I still feeling broken? Because that part of you is still going through that. So, this experience, we’re multi-dimensional, doesn’t matter how old you are, right now, you can still go back there in a safe secure way. Because this is not like going there to relive the trauma, this is going there empowered, like going there with your forces, you’re safe, right, [but? 0:13:48] even helps that part of you that is feeling scared and afraid, you emerge like, whoa, wait, that’s me? We’re good? We’re secure? We’re safe? You know, like that kind of brings hope to that part of yourself immediately. And then ask them, what do you need? What do you need in order to feel your best in this moment? And then working through that.

Nunaisi 14:14

I love that question. I think this is such an important question to keep asking ourselves, because so many times we have not known what our needs are, so we didn’t have clarity, or our basic needs were not met as little children. And so, we somewhere made the connection that maybe our needs are not so important and we started to dismiss them. And so, to do that check-in and check what do I need now to feel safe, to feel content, to feel elevated, to feel sufficient or content, or empowered, all those questions are really bringing the awareness to our needs. And at the same time, gives us the power, because we can actually fulfill those needs for ourselves, right?

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 15:17

Yes. And you don’t have to have the answer immediately, even just stating that question you’re asking the universe to bring you the answer. You don’t need to know the answer, by just- how do I need to feel safe at this moment? Because I don’t feel safe at this moment. What do I need in order to feel safe and secure again? That’s it, and let the universe take care of it.

Nunaisi 15:44

Right. And trust that the right answer will come when we’re ready to receive it, right? It’s also sometimes we’re not ready and then we just block it even if it comes, so keep asking that question again and again, right?

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 15:58


Nunaisi 16:58

Right, so how would you suggest to heal your wound itself? What are the steps? What is your wisdom when it comes to healing?

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 17:10

So, what I would first do is awareness. What part of yourself is wounded? Actually, perhaps I can walk you guys through this. What do you think? Should I? Is it a good time to?

Nunaisi 17:29

Yeah, go for it.

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 17:30

Okay. So, let’s just go through it. So, wherever you are, if you can just close your eyes, and I want you to just breathe into your heart, just taking some deep long breaths into your heart and imagine your heart just opening up. It might look like a door opening up for you but just enter into your heart, and you emerge into this bright, it might look like a temple, mine always looks like a crystal temple which is full of light.

It’s just this bright room, and in this room, I want you to call in, just stay in this room because it’s a conscious room. So, let’s state it this way, which part of me needs the most healing at this time? And then watch as this part of you emerges and walks towards you. You don’t need to know the story, you don’t need to understand, just receive the part of you that is walking towards you. And as he or she is standing in front of you, asks him or her, how old are you? You might already have a sense of how old he or she is. And then ask, what do you need? And receive. It might be like, I need to be loved, I need to feel safe, I need to feel heard, I need to feel seen, I need to leave.

What does this aspect of yourself need? Now, if it is, I need to feel loved, for example, you can just go ahead and hug him or her, and as you embrace this aspect of yourself, you’re doing it from a place of the heart, so you see this light literally engulf both of you, have this warm nurturing light engulf both of you and just hold on to this aspect of yourself, and really give that big warm squished hug, let that aspect of yourself know that he or she is okay, that he or she is safe, you are safe, you are loved.

If yours wants to leave kind of like mine wanted to leave, ask, where would you like to go? You can go anywhere in this world, where would you like to go? And once you receive it, you notice that where you are, the room you’re in transforms into wherever he or she wants to be, taking a deep breath in with her and then ask, how long do you want to be here for? How long do you want to take this vacation for? Beautiful.

Now, before you leave this aspect of yourself, call in your higher self to come and keep her company, also call in the angels to come and be with her or him. Kind of sit in that stage, so that everything that she or he needs to heal, to come back home to herself, she has it, that she feels safe there. And once you know that she is good, come back to that light, that heart space where you started, wherever you are, come back to the heart space, that room filled with light, and I want you to open yourself up and receive the light from this infinite room, this source room, receive the love. Receive whatever it is that you also need at this moment to be your best, to feel your best, receive that now.

Breathe and receive, go ahead and anchor it into this physical reality, go ahead and hug yourself, and just kind of wrap your arms. You can even rub your neck, just kind of touch your skin lightly, just telling your body, hey, right here, whatever we experience, we’re bringing it into this here and now. Integrating it fully into your physical being.

I’m just going to do a quick like language to kind of just support you and that aspect of yourself that you just worked with. So, open your heart to receive this. [foreign]. Taking a deep breath in here and out, taking another deep, long breath, hold it and release it gently. And it’s done, it is done, it is done.

When you’re ready, open your eyes.

Nunaisi 26:54

Thank you. I feel elevated and grounded, and relaxed. Will you tell us a little bit about what you just did and where it comes from?

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 27:09

Yeah. So, light language is basically the language of the heart. It’s not like a physical language that you understand the words. Of course, as the channeler, I can have a feeling of what message is coming through, but even the message in itself is not linear.

I always see it as like a zip file that comes through, and whoever needs it, whoever is hearing it, they get what they need from it. The other thing about light language is the language of the fifth dimension and up. So, as we are allowing ourselves, as we are raising our frequency, as we are stepping into the fifth dimension of consciousness, more and more people are going to be in tuned and awakened to their own heart language, they’re your own soul language.

My light language got activated earlier this year and what I love about it is that it goes straight to the point. So, for most of you healers, you will kind of relate to this, where when you’re doing healing, sometimes you put your hand on the person or you use your words, there’s steps that we take to make sure everything is good. And light language comes in and kind of takes you from all of that, and it just comes in and goes straight to whatever needs to be shifted, healed, activated, and it gets it all done.

It kind of cuts that time to like nothing, because now I’m activating you, I’m healing you, I’m aligning your energy centers, all with justice a secret language of light. More and more people are going to be awakened to this and I’m excited for that.

Nunaisi 28:59

Yeah. It reminds me a lot of the vocals and some familiar sounds that I received while in ceremony, especially the [Siri], this is very powerful and strong.

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 29:22

it’s so interesting because when you start listening to other people who do light language, you notice the different dialects and it’s not like I speak this language, and this person speaks it, no. It’s like, think about all the heart language, all the soul languages that we are attuned to, because this is like a universal language.

And so, sometimes when I do a light language, it might sound like- I did one where someone was like, “it sounds like the Māori”, the Māori tribe, like the warrior tribe, like that’s what it came through. I had one person whose light language sounded like my language, my native language, and they’re not from Ghana, they weren’t anywhere close, they’ve never been, had no idea it was like that.

So, it’s really cool. I feel like it incorporates some of these aspects of our world, the languages in our world, to help ground this powerful light into our physical reality. That’s really cool.

Nunaisi 30:22

Right. Because really what I’m trying to bring across, the biggest message is that we are in such a potent time in the history of humankind and we are ready to quantum leap in our healing. In other words, I have gone literally through dedicated two decades of healing, I’ve done every possible healing modality that is out there, I’ve tried it. At least dived a little bit into it, in the attempt to heal myself, and, of course, I had a lot to heal, because I was a big mess. I went through the [real training? 0:31:11] through the underworld.

But nevertheless, I feel that we are not there yet. So, healing doesn’t have to be this long journey and stretched, and very painful, and very dramatic. We don’t need that, we can shift like that, right? Yeah, in no time, in no linear time, tap into a new frequency without- of course, I always have to emphasize without spiritual bypassing, without [crosstalk].

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 31:48

Exactly. You have to feel the feelings. And I’m glad that you mentioned that because I feel like that’s why light language really has been activated, lately, is to really help us realize that we don’t have to prolong the healing, we don’t have to prolong the suffering, we don’t have to prolong the pain. Once you’re aware, like, okay, this is my pain, I don’t want to be here anymore, because I want to feel better. I want to feel joyful, I want to feel whatever it is you want to feel.

Once you’re aware of that, now, the tools are there for you to literally quantum leap. But again, it is your choice, you can choose to quantum leap, or you can choose to also prolong it. But either way, you have to know that you are in charge, you have that power, you have that choice, at any moment, to shift if you want to.

Nunaisi 32:50

I love that. Because really it is coming down to our power to choose, right? This is, really, what I see as our biggest power, as co-creators of our reality, we always have the power to choose what we will think, what thoughts we will entertain, what does not serve us anymore, and decide to break it. How are we going to respond versus react to anything that life presents? And the challenges will always be there, right? We know that. That’s part of being a human and moving through this multi-dimensional world.

And yet, life is always happening for you and not to you. So, how do you cultivate that wisdom and how do you take the teachings, and how do you implement it in your life?

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 34:12

Yeah. And it takes practice, don’t be hard on yourself. One thing I want to say is that when you get to the point where you’re like, you know what, I’m tired of suffering, I’m tired of going through this pain. This happened, like how many years ago and I’m still experiencing that, when you get to the point where you’re aware that you’re ready to change, it’s okay if you have no idea how that shift is going to look like, how you’re going to look like, or where you’re going to end up, or how the healing is going to look like.

What I always do is that whenever I step into that place of, oh, crap, no, I can’t do this anymore, I need to shift this, I can’t keep feeling this way anymore. The first thing I do, literally, I call in my guides, I call in the angels, this is where I am right now, this is where I want to be, this is how I want to feel. I have no idea how I’m going to get there, please show me the way.

And it never fails, the right people will show up, the right modalities will show up, the right book will show up for you, like, whatever you need to get you to that place will show up for you. So, we need to stop being so hard on ourselves like, oh, my gosh, I need to know the answer. Not only did you go through the trauma, but now you think you have to figure it all out, you have a whole amazing team that literally is waiting to work with you. So, do yourself a favor, love yourself enough to say, this is who I am, this is where I want to be, divine angels, goddesses, guides, higher self, how do I get there? Just show me, just lead the way because I don’t know how I can do it. All I know is that I can’t keep being in this anymore.

That is more than enough. And then loving yourself through it all. And you’ve already been through enough, you cannot keep traumatizing yourself. You need to choose to love yourself, you need to love yourself now more than ever, because if anyone can love you the way you want to be loved, it’s you, so start there.

Nunaisi 36:18

Right. Because you are the one you’ve been waiting for, right?

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 36:25


Nunaisi 36:29

And know that you can shift and you can heal, that it’s not- any trauma is on the periphery of your beam, it’s not in the essence of your soul. In your soul, you are whole and you are perfect imperfection, right, in this human body. And the self-love is really to learn to love those parts that are maybe more challenging to love.

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 37:00

Especially those parts. Yes.

Nunaisi 37:03

Especially those parts, right? And I think that by normalizing our humanity in that way, it’s by talking about our trauma, by sharing about it, by being vulnerable and authentic, this is how we can shine the light and shift from those wounded places, right?

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 37:25

Yeah, not hiding it anymore. And, find your own way of expressing your pain, your suffering. If talking to a therapist is what works for you, go for it. Find the one that is aligned with you and go for it. If it is writing a book, go for it. If it is writing a blog, an article, sharing it in a women’s circle, whatever feels good to you, that’s what I want you to follow.

Don’t do things because someone else did it and you think therefore it will work for you, it never works out that way. That can actually cause more trauma to you, if you follow it that way. So, you really need to tune in, what do I need? What will feel good for me? Is it being part of a women’s circle and just crying into your arms? Maybe that’s all I need. That is more than enough, that will do the shift that you want.

The other thing I wanted to share, this is an exercise that I did. It wasn’t an exercise, it actually a ceremony that I did and I don’t know if you’ve heard about this, it’s like the self-marriage ceremony. At some point, I was like, I think it has been like probably 15 years ago now, I did a self-marriage ceremony and the whole aspect of it is that you’re committed to yourself. Regardless of who comes into your life, you are number one.

And so, lately it was like, yeah, again, this year, I realized that I had to recommit to myself again, especially being a mother you forget and you put yourself in the backburner again. And so what I did, I bought myself a ring and I put it on my self-love ring finger, which is on the right hand, and so whenever I need to remember, like, I come first, it’s right here, I cannot ignore it, right.

So, find a ritual, find something. It can be a bracelet that reminds you constantly that you are number one, you got to love yourself first. Because once you do, everything else will fall into place, but you are the most important person in your life. Find something tangible to really anchor that message in.

Like, we can do all the spiritual work but we need to begin to merge that, like pull that spiritual work into the physical. It can be a bracelet that has like a saying under it that reminds you, can be a ring, it can be a necklace with a gemstone that really holds that message. Whatever it is, make sure there’s something physical and tangible that will anchor that message for you, to support you in your healing. So, I wanted to share that with you.

Nunaisi 40:10

Beautiful, I love it. My labradorite symbolizes that for me, I wear it… I don’t know, for the past, I think, seven or eight years. It not coming off my neck. I cannot wear any other- I’ve got a collection of beautiful jewelry and I just keep coming back to this, because this is my reminder for my self-love, for loving all parts of myself, for calling all parts of myself back home, back to my body.

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 40:47

Yes. Oh, it’s funny because mine is also a labradorite. I think I have like three, I keep getting gifts of labradorite because I guess I just keep a need to keep it around. But it’s a very powerful stone for me, I can’t get enough of it. But right now, I’m wearing a citrine.

So, each year, a stone will come to me, to support me through the year, and the labradorite is always there. So, when I need it, I will add it to this and it amplifies whatever energy or whatever support I need. The stones are powerful, they’re so powerful to help us through the healing.

I have a story. So, my first stone was actually a turquoise and it was given to me by my first spiritual teacher, a shaman, and she would make jewelry, too. And I remember it was a huge chunk, it was a necklace, and I was like, I want that one. She’s like, of course, you do. I was like, what does that even mean? Because I had no idea, I just knew that it was beautiful and it was calling to me. And she’s like, that’s the stone of the ancient healers, and I was like, ah, okay.

I wore that stone for years. And those are the times I was doing some major deep work. After that stone, the next one was rose quartz, that one was very interesting, because I wore it- I literally bought it from her again, from my teacher, and I put it on, I was like, oh God, this feel- and it was, again, a big one, like necklace, and I got home the next day, I put it on, and it literally somehow just drops from my neck onto the ground and it literally cracked, but it didn’t break.

So, I was like, look at what I did, and she’s like, good. I was like, what do you mean by good? It’s broken, she’s like, no, it means your heart is finally cracked open. And I was literally in tears, I think I cried for a whole week, and I still wore it because I knew it was doing that. Rose quartz, a lot of people see rose quartz as like the stone of love, but what they don’t know is that when you put rose quartz on, what happens, it will show you how you don’t love yourself first.

So, most people who put that on first, they usually go through some kind of breakdown where they cry, like they just cry, cry, cry, and then eventually your heart breaks open. And then, the gifts of the rose quartz can really come in to support you. So, rose quartz is really about self-love. So, this, especially if you’re healing through trauma, the rose quartz, turquoise, labradorite, if it calls to you, they’re great ones to work with.

But pay attention, like go to a store and pay attention to which of the stones are calling you, because that’s going to be your guardian through your healing for you.

Nunaisi 43:28

Right. Yeah, love that. So, go get your stone, right, the stone that is calling you to support you on your journey. And it can even be a little one, it doesn’t have to be jewelry, or you can even put it in your purse or in your bedroom, or… yeah, just to that support. Because really, so much is available to us in our journey of empowerment and healing, and transformation, and so many modalities, so many great teachers out there.

And I remember when I started my healing journey, that was before the times of the internet, and I was really searching, moving stones out of the way, searching for teachers and now it’s so available, it’s so in your fingertips and once you ready, send that message out, make that choice, as we said, make that decision that you’re worthy of feeling whole, of being the best version of who you are, and embodying your brilliance, your greatness, because you deserve it. And once you make that choice, you do a few steps, the universe comes towards you in such power and comes to meet you, and sends you the right messages and the right teachers, and the right books, and stones, and modalities of healing, and all of that.

So, it’s really about paying attention after you’ve sensed that – I almost think of making that decision as making an intention, right, of sending that profound concentrated energy into what you want to create, what you’re calling into your life. And once you put that power of energy behind it, it is bound to start manifesting in your life.

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 45:41

Exactly. And here’s the thing, if you were like, oh my gosh, what if I don’t see the signs? What if the book shows up and I’m like, nah, I don’t want to read this, and I totally miss out. This is what I always do, I always ask my guides to make it so clear, make it so in my face, that there’s no way I can ignore it. And even up to like the last book that I got, it just is so weird, because I was looking through like Facebook stories and it popped up, and I literally stopped, looked at it, went on Amazon, ordered it. Like it was just like, no questions asked. It was like “you need to read me”, and of course, it’s about [Magdalen]. So, I was just like, of course, that’s going to come in.

But when you say it that way, it’s going to be like in your face, where you’re like, oh, yeah, yeah, I asked for this, I need to do this. So, you can, again, when I say or when we say that you hold the power, you can state how you want to experience it. Like, universe, I have a habit of not paying attention to the signs, can you make it so clear to me? Can you make it in my face that I cannot ignore it even if I try? And you will get that, the teacher will pop up and literally, like, come right here, hi, in your face and you’re like, woah, the crystal- some will be like, hey, look at this crystal, it’s this gorgeous crystal that you can’t take your eyes off. So, you can ask that and whatever you need will come to you, once you decide.

And I love that you mentioned that making the choice is like setting an intention, because it is. It is, it makes it even more powerful, right? Because it’s like I am intending through my choice to call in this experience to me, right? Versus like, okay, I wish that I want this or it is my intention- no, I am choosing to call in this experiment. It’s not about maybe I want to experience this, no, no, it’s like, I am choosing to experience this.

Nunaisi 47:45

Right. And be as clear as you can to the detail, because the more clarity you have, the more the universe can cooperate with you. If you send mixed messages, if you send a confused message, if you don’t know what you want or what you are calling in, then how would the universe meet you there? Right?

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 48:10

Oh, I have something to say about that. So, here’s the thing, it’s okay, if you don’t know what you want, it’s okay if you feel a little bit confused, but you have to let the universe know that I am saying- because there are so many times, I’m like, universe, I want this, and I’m like, I don’t even know what I’m asking. I just feel this thing but I can’t put into words, universe, do you get what I’m beaming at you?

So, you can, even in this state of I have no idea what I want, I have no idea what to even ask you. But you have a feeling of what it is that you want to ask, so ask the universe, I cannot put it in words, I can’t even see what I want, but I feel it, do you receive this? Can you receive it from there? Or even ask, hey, can you show me what it is that I’m trying to ask for? Can you give me clarity?

I wanted to say that because it can create so much pressure, especially when you are building yourself up and you’re like, I have no idea what I want but I heard that I need to be clear with the universe before it works with me. The universe is like, no, just tell me how I can work with you and I will show up for you. If you’re confused, say, “universe I’m confused, I need clarity”, or you can say, “universe, I feel it here, I can’t put words to it, do you feel me?” Or, “universe, can you just show me what it is that I want? Because at this point, I don’t even know that anymore”. And that is completely okay, the universe will still show up for you in such a powerful way.

Nunaisi 49:42

Right. Yeah, I love that. I love the ability to ask for clarity, if you don’t have it. So, what is it that I want? Show me, so that I know better what is it that I want, or not even want, what I am here to be, to do, to create.

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 50:05

To experience. Yeah.

Nunaisi 50:07

To experience, yeah, to share, to explore. All of that. Yeah, I love that.

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 50:15

Something else coming in, and then it will just come in when it wants to, again.

Nunaisi 50:20

Right. So, I also know that you have created a beautiful gift for our audience. Do you want to maybe tell us about what is it that you’re offering so graciously?

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 50:34

Let’s see, which one did I send you? There was an option between two of them, I was like, which one? Remind me which one I sent over.

Nunaisi 50:46

It’s the heart coherence activity.

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 50:48

Yes, that’s a big one. So, the heart- it’s a little bit of that I walked you through with the meditation. So, it’s really about- this is a good one, especially when you’re in a place of “I have no idea who I am”, “what I want”, “where I’m going”, “but I know that I’m going somewhere, I know that I am somewhere, I just need clarity on that”.

The heart coherence is a visualization that will bring you right to the core self, to your true self, so that you can begin to emanate, express from that part of you. And so, I think I even bring light language in there to support you. It is a very simple visualization but it’s very potent, because we know that just because something is simple, doesn’t mean that it’s not powerful.

I mean, nowadays, we want things to be simple, to the point, so that we can just get as much as what we need from it. And so, this is like- it’s an activation in itself, because it’s activating that core self and is aligning you to the heart, your own heart, your own, you know, like the energetic heart, your physical heart, and also the heart of the universe, and the heart of Gaia. It’s connecting you on all different levels, so you can begin to come home to yourself.

Nunaisi 52:10

Thank you so much. That sounds amazing. And you can download it in the link somewhere on this page and go experience it, you had a taste of it. And if you’re ready to make that quantum shift, go ahead and download it.

So, yeah, any last words, Abigail, before we have to wrap up this call? Any takeaways?

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 52:46

What is coming through is this, that living as a human, we go through so many challenges that can be traumatic for our hearts, our minds. Trauma is not just something that happens just one time, it doesn’t have to also be a big thing, there can be little traumas that we experience, but the key is to be aware of them and notice the tools that you have, the tools that you have to heal. Like, we’re constantly healing, that’s just part of human life, that’s one of the reasons why we came here, to learn that, too. Like, what does healing mean?

What makes healing easy is that you get to a point where you recognize the tool. So, whatever challenge comes up, you’re like, oh, yeah, I can use this tool from my toolbox to heal it, to release it, to let it go. But the one thing that I want you to use as your main tool in that toolbox is working with your spiritual guides, your higher self being the number one in the forefront, it is non-negotiable when you’re healing from trauma.

Work with your higher self, call in the angels, they are powerful allies that are literally itching to work with you, they’re itching to really help you move through this as fast as you can, so you can start living the life that you came here to live. So, utilize them.

Nunaisi 54:26

Yeah, I have my entire mastermind group that I call in before I drift off to sleep every evening. And I share with them what’s coming up, I ask for their guidance, I share with them my gratitude, my frustrations and sure, it’s power. So, call in for that support. It is there for you.

Thank you so much, Abigail. It was such a pleasure to have this conversation and I thank you so much for sharing your bright light in the world. You are an inspiration and I love you so much.

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 55:18

Thank you for having me. And thank you for allowing me to share my story and share some of my gifts.

Nunaisi 55:27

Thank you and blessings.

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu 55:29

Blessings, everyone.

Nunaisi 55:31


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