Trusting your authentic voice and inner knowing, Living your highest purpose as your best source of joy, and stepping into your radiant power and activating your potential.

Nunaisi Ma  0:00  

Hello and welcome to rise. I am so delighted to have one of the most favorite people on earth Ashanna Solaris. She is the co founder and pioneer of the profound practice of clarity breathwork, which is a gentle, nurturing, feminine approach to healing, transformation and embodiment that has shifted 1000s of lives. Clarity breathwork leads people on a powerful path of releasing their blockages so that they can open and live their greatest potential. So this is the formal introduction and the informal introduction is that I met Ashana in Pachamama, Costa Rica, back in 2013, and the ID the entire training of clarity breathwork. And it was so impactful and so transformative that I became a raving fan and I assisted Ashanna and her partner, Dana, in all the the retreats that they have led in Pachamama for the next couple of years that I was living there. And Ashanna is a great teacher, such a compassionate healer, and she’s a great friend, a teacher and a mentor. And I’m so happy to have her here with us today. So welcome, Ashanna. 

Ashanna Solaris  1:31  

Thank you, Nunaisi, what a beautiful introduction and all those memories of that incredible training we did and all the time she assisted us.

Nunaisi Ma  1:38  

I was just in constant awe to witness how people truly transform in the setup of that sacred space. And then how they almost like drop years of their life, they, they they become alive, they become a lighter, they become so vulnerable in transformed in the it was it was really soul moving for me.

Ashanna Solaris  2:14  

It’s true, you know, we want to transform it is it is inherent and innate in our system, to have transformation, awakening and healing. But if we don’t feel safe, we won’t do it. And so when we’re given a safe space of unconditional love, and presence, our natural being, and we are held, and we have tools that can help us like the purity of the breath, which for me is like the number one tool out of everything I’ve learned being a practitioner for over 30 years, the simple tool of breathing a conscious, connected breath in a safe space, the system goes, Oh, I can unburden myself, I can let go of all this baggage, I can let go of this false self that’s been living this life that maybe isn’t even me, or what I really want to be doing. And that’s the magic when when people see that they’re safe, and that they have a tool. They can just unburden themselves and become who they really are. And it’s the most exciting work I can imagine doing on the planet right now.

Nunaisi Ma  3:25  

I second during that for sure. I also have been trained in dozens of modalities, but it is when I came to the breath is like all the dots were connected. It’s it’s like surrendering to the to the air, which is really spirit. Right? Yeah. It has that divine intelligence that works through us without the mind without us trying to analyze and figure out what is going on. It’s beyond us. It’s bigger than us. Right? That’s

Ashanna Solaris  3:58  

right. It’s a direct connection to the lifeforce energy and the consciousness that carries us and and a lot of us were impacted at the first breath when we came out of the womb, often with medical interference, and perhaps bright lights and loud noises and the umbilical cord cut too soon. And often in my generation, hung upside down and spanked, and then taken away from our mothers, which is perhaps the greatest trauma for many people is being taken away from that source of nourishment and love, and then spending a lifetime wondering why we feel disconnected. Why we have a hard time bonding, why we can’t breathe. And perhaps it was because the first breath was compromised, and we didn’t feel safe so we children, babies can gag on their breath.

And it’s the greatest mammalian terror to not be able to breathe. And then throughout our lives we learn To start holding our breath as trauma happens, or just family activation or school, and so we get we get to early adulthood, you know, and we’re just like this. And then we just see again, and again, as we give people that permission to just breathe it and feel it and let it go. It’s like Rumi says, we come into full color, we come alive, we come into our full life. And then it’s as if, for me, it’s, it’s as if I get to help people be fully born, you know, they were born, but they didn’t fully come in to their body and bring all their gifts, they got afraid, they got stuck somewhere along the line. And if we can just come in as spiritual midwives and just say, It’s okay, come on in, then we can watch a life change from living a very limited life to skyrocketing like you are right now with this rice summit and all the work that you’re doing in our world.

Nunaisi Ma  6:02  

Right, and I witness you doing that. So you just have such an incredible capacity to hold safe space of love and compassion, and really, really have that assistance for people to go through what they have to go through to come into into their full sovereign power.

Ashanna Solaris  6:27  

That’s right. That’s right. And you said earlier that you had done many other healing modalities. And it was the breath that really, you know, brought, it brings everything together. So we may be learning all these tools, I had a lot of different trainings before I came to breathwork. And then the breath was the master tool. You know, someone said, Let thy let thy plant be thy medicine, let thy food, be thy medicine, let thy breath be thy medicine. It brings all of our tools together. And as breath workers, it helps us connect to this greater source, this greater source of guidance, of insight of intuition, so that we might know things or see things or sense things that we couldn’t sense with our three dimensional brain, but that when we open to this source of life that is flowing through us, then miracles can happen. 

Nunaisi Ma  7:24  

Right? And because Yeah, exactly, exactly. I saw it. In my own eyes, I saw how people literally going through a second birth, in in the in that birth, they come in fully online, fully alive, fully embodied. It’s incredible. It’s incredible. You know, we used to have so many sharings, and people just cracked up in and vibrant in the, I mean, you’ve got 1000s of testimonials.

Ashanna Solaris  7:54  

That’s right. And when we are given a safe space, an unconditionally loving space without all the judgment, and we can just be heard and seen as we are, you know, we can we can lay it down, we can let it go. There’s that famous story about the tribe in Africa, where the archaeologist or the anthropologist comes and says, Where, where are your doctors? Where are your healers? And they said, Oh, the whole community is the healing. If someone has an issue, we have a community circle, and they get in the center. And we ask what has been left unsaid. And sometimes it takes five minutes, sometimes it can take longer days to share everything. But once it is let out, that usually is the healing. So we need more spaces, because many of us just simply haven’t been heard.

And it has not been okay, especially for the sensitives and empaths that are watching this, it hasn’t been okay for us to be as sensitive as we are. And as feeling as we are in a patriarchal culture. And yet it is that very sensitivity and feeling nature. That is our greatest gift. And what we came here to bring, and through feeling and sensing, we can then know how to attend to the baby that is crying, you know, and that baby might be in your family, it might be in your environment, it might be in our climate, it might be in the world. But when we when we come online, we know how to start attending to that and taking care of that. When we’re disconnected from our feelings. When we’re disconnected from our sensitivity. We cannot respond to our own needs and to the needs of others. And that’s a very sad way to spend our precious time on planet Earth and with our loved ones.

Nunaisi Ma  9:48  

This is so true. And you know what I’ve experienced as being a mother is that one of the major roles of a mother or a parent is to hold a safe space is again for the child to express the full spectrum of his or her emotions. And what happens is that a lot of the emotions are triggering if they are unresolved in us as parents. And so what happens is that there’s a culture, we have created this phenomena where a lot of parents, they really categorize some feelings as good and some feelings is bad, right? And so and so we don’t feel safe enough to express those so called bad feelings. And in many cases growing up, they have been either suppressed or ignored, or, or even punished, right? 

Ashanna Solaris  10:47  

That’s right. That’s right. That is that’s so true. And how many are walking around feeling that my feelings of grief my feelings of anger, my feelings of sadness, of depression, are bad and wrong, I am bad and wrong. And we try to, we try to hold back, it’s like trying to hold back the ocean, the wave, we try to hold back these powerful emotions. And then we can suppress them and store them in our bodies. And then they turn into syndromes, chronic fatigue syndrome, epstein barr, all kinds of dis ease is caused simply by not feeling our feelings, as well as the epidemic of depression, of anxiety that we’re facing as a culture. A much of this is these these emotions that we have deemed a bad and wrong and don’t feel them and go to your room, until you can be nice and happy. So how many people are, are just hiding out between a wall of shame and pain. And yet, what I found time and time again, in my own process, and in supporting people, that when we face those emotions, of shame, of grief, of anger, of rage, of deep despair, that the gift is hidden in the pain, and through facing it and going in there with a lot of love, and a lot of gentleness and titration is a key word slowly is holy, you know, not forcing it open but but coming in there as if coming towards a wounded animal or a wounded child and just continuing to encourage and allow like Rumi’s famous poem, The guesthouse, invite them all in for tea. And they all have a gift.

Like for women, especially, I just want to give a voice to the, to the anger that women may be feeling. And yet, it’s not okay to feel that anger, we’re supposed to suppress it and be nice and be pretty and be radiant, be attractive. And yet, there’s a lot of unmet rage. And when we need that rage, it gives birth to courage. Because rage is part of courage. It gives it gives it gives birth to it. And then from courage, a woman can move mountains, and what can 100 women do? And what can 1000 women do? And what could 1 million women do? When we come out of that frozen rage and fear and mobilize ourselves to attend to the crying baby that is within our culture? I think it’s going to be absolutely miraculous, and it’s already begun.

Nunaisi Ma  13:34  

Absolutely. And I even like to say that rage is sacred, because rage is the energy that has the fire to create change. It’s it, you know, it brings up that feeling of, I’m actually not okay with with what’s going on. And I’m actually ready to create that change. And so when we stop judging our emotions and categorizing them as good and bad, and rather understand that they are energy motions in the headspace and the F place, and if they are there, they’re there. And, and we actually allow ourselves to feel and process them. Then underneath those emotions, we can find, as you said, the gifts the blessings and the other spectrum, right? We cannot feel the the heights of joy and bliss and ecstasy without those laws of grief and sadness and anger and rage.

Ashanna Solaris  14:33  

That’s right. That’s right. And we need guides. You know, we need wise women and wise men to hold space for us sometimes, because some of these places could be very early. They could be very young parts of ourselves. And so I’ve learned to have deep respect for these younger places itself, that that need holding, and I can’t always do it for myself. You can don’t always do it for yourself. So, so why we need a network of, of healers, shamans, wise women, wise men, brothers and sisters that can hold that space for each other to allow what got bound up and knotted and tied up and tangled to become untangled and free and clear, and really help each other rise.

Nunaisi Ma  15:25  

Absolutely, it is in relationship that we get wounded. And it is in relationship that we get healed. So when there is another person that is there, to hold the space, or even sometimes Mother Earth is a container of safety. If you more advanced, with your work, self work and you feel supported enough by Mother Earth, then even that can be your your, your safe container.

Ashanna Solaris  15:58  

She’s the she’s the Master Healer. She’s the master medicine, Mother Earth. Yeah. So always going to, to her and reconnecting. Because if we are disconnected from our mother, let’s say we were taken away too soon, or there was interference to our bonding or our mothers were wounded from generations of patriarchal conditioning, we might have turned away from the mother. And then we turn away from the Earth. How can we pollute and destroy our Mother Earth, unless we are disconnected from her, or rageful at her, angry at her. So healing our connection to the mother, Mother Earth, our own mother’s, for me, Divine Mother is essential to to returning to the sacred in our world, and with one another.

Nunaisi Ma  16:52  

Absolutely, you know, I’m passionate about this kind of work. And you know, that brings in the inner mother that we also have within us, and that can be activated to take care of that inner child that is still within all of us.

Ashanna Solaris  17:10  

That’s right, connecting with our inner mother. I love that.

Nunaisi Ma  17:15  

And so Shana, you are the master of leading embodied experiences. And I really want our audience to experience that. So I know you you have a some exercise or journey you you can take us through. So you are I would love that. 

Ashanna Solaris  17:39  

Great. I would love to do that. Do you want it to be accompanied with a little bit of music? Or do you want me to just do it without? Okay, great. So let me share some music. Yeah, and I will. I’ll put on my colleague, Dan Darman, Devi, who I know you’re also going to interview, and we do this in our retreat, she plays amazing music. And I channel a little meditation to it. So I will just put that on as a little background. And how long would you like me to guide the participants.

Nunaisi Ma  18:14  

So let’s say about 10 minutes will be great. I really want to get all the audience to experience your transmission and your magic. So you ask for a great treat to say, okay,

Ashanna Solaris  18:30  

great. So I just need to share my sound. And I just need to be enabled as a host to do that. And in the meantime, while you’re waiting for that, just get yourself settled in a comfortable position and you can just stay seating. And just go ahead and clear your lap, set your your phone aside anything you’ve got going on and let’s drop in to this sacred space together.

Ashanna Solaris  19:09  

And I invite you to close your eyes. And just to begin by taking a deep breath and then just letting it all go on the exhale. Let it all go. Take another deep breath and let’s call all of our energy. Right here right now, to this precious and sacred moment. Our time is now we are returning home. Returning back to our hearts. We’re infinity lies inside of us. Let’s place a hand on our hearts and a hand done our bellies and take another big breath and let go again and just come home. Come home to your beautiful heart. Whatever you’re feeling, it’s okay. It’s okay to feel whatever you feel and to breathe.

Ashanna Solaris  20:23  

To welcome like a mother, like a healthy mother welcomes her child into her arms. It’s okay. I am here. I am here for you. And just say that to yourself or out loud, I am here. I am here for all of myself. I just feel them coming home to you. They want to come home, you want to come home and it’s safe. Let’s take another big breath and give yourself a big hug. thanking yourself just for being here on this call.

Ashanna Solaris  21:11  

You made it. You made it through everything that happened to you. And you’re ready for the next step. You’re ready to move forward to rise together. Let’s rest our hands open on our labs to receive even more love from the Earth Mother beneath us send your roots down into the center of Mother Gaia. She’s here. She’s underneath us and all around us. She’s holding you. She’s holding you. She’s feeding you and nourishing you and feel your feet in the grass on a summer day. See the flowers and the birds. See the blue sky clouds going by. She loves you. She wants to hear with her. And she says take off anything you need to let go of your shame, your fear, your hesitation, you resist dents you’re running you’re hiding. Take it all off and compost it down into the earth. There’s only so long we can keep up the pretense of the false self. It has to fall away so that our true self can come out. Let’s connect with the center of the earth and ask for an incredible transmission of empowerment to rise up through each of us listening right now.

Energy Support lifeforce energy, rising up to the bottoms of our feet and legs. Claim your legs. Claim your path, not your parents path. Not your partner’s path, your path, beloved, step onto it now, fortify it. Know that everyone will come along with you because they love you. They love you. They want you to be happy. And let’s receive it to our root chakra open the base of your spine to that Red Bull of vitality, energy, lifeforce pleasure. And let’s just breathe out on an exhale, maybe even a lion’s breath, breathe out anything that stops you from being fully alive. From claiming your path from choosing your life. Shake it out, let it go. I am here I am alive. Say it to yourself. I am here I am alive. I’m meant to be here and shine. Let’s breathe it up into your belly. Bring your hands back to your belly. See that orange bowl. You’re so creative. You’re so creative, and you’re sensual. You feel big feelings. Breathe into your belly. Let it overflow with permission to anchor in your body. To feel your feelings to bring your creativity online. your passion, your sensuality, your sacred sexuality. The Inner Temple. That’s it and invite joy now to fill your inner temple, the return of joy, the return of joy. That’s it.

Let’s bring our hands and cultivate on our solar plexus, tapping into our power, our power to choose and to choose again and again and again, to choose life, to choose love to choose truth, to take up our sacred sword and shield. Just stand with the sacred in this world to not give up hope. To not let the children go hungry, or unloved, but to rise as women and men to protect the sacred with love. With clarity with purpose. Let’s bring it all to our hearts, placing our hands on our heart chalice and let’s hold the baby. Hold the baby in your heart that little one that was so brave, to be born, to come into this world to bring our gifts, our light, her love, her healing energy, her mission, her purpose, hold her cradle her. And let’s see the rows of the mother blossoming in our hearts and infusing us with Divine Mother Love. Healing any disconnect we might have had. Returning us to the heartbeat of the mother the safety of the mother and tuck her in, tuck her into your heart now. Take a deep breath. I am always going to be here for you. I am always going to take care of you no matter what.

Make a vow, make a promise. Even if you have to make it again. Make it again and again. And again. Let’s bring it up to our throats and touch our throats there’s a gold mine. There is a gold mine in your throat. There’s your wisdom, your knowing based on everything you went through everything you went through what’s your holy assignment, and is now your greatest gift to give to others because you got through it. There may be more work to do there probably is. commit to doing it. Commit, commit to it. That’s that anvil legions and legions of angelic beings guides master teachers, allies, shamans healers, Nguni, EC Ma, and all of her connections coming in to support you to rise and see it now. For yourself rising in your glory, in your power in your commitment. Let’s place a hand on the third eye. Take a big breath, see the violet flame in the center of your head and let’s just burn away those limited, repetitive habitual thoughts that aren’t even yours that you took on from others. And let’s sweep them out. Take a big breath. Blow them out of your mind. And let’s see the flowers in the garden of your mind blooming once again, towards the divine towards who you really are towards true recognition of your light of your mission of your vision of your purpose. Bring your hands to your crown and let’s just place them your crowning your crowning now into new life. You’re coming out and there are so many hands of love saying yes.

Join us. Welcome. We love you. We’re so glad you’re here. The world would not be the same without you in it.

You are a note symphony of life. You are essential to the whole and Let’s lift our arms open in a v to the heavens. And let’s just say yes, yes, yes to this downpouring of grace. Feel Divine Mother. She is coming in To the world now as fierce love and sacred tenderness as the unlocking of rage in pain and sorrow, and the return of the blessed heart of humanity, healing, restoring and let’s let it wash down through your crown. Third, I see a vision of who you really are, what you’re capable of through your throat, arms, hands, let’s radiate through our fingers and touch one another as points of light around the world.

Through our hearts and throats through our solar plexus belly, spread your wings, outstretched your arms by your heart and let’s radiate our love. radiate our light. Night our power, root, an anchor, through the base of the spine, bring your hands into prayer position in front of your heart, and in our presence and our witness, say a powerful prayer or yourself for these next chapters of your life, as we rise, as we shine together, make the difference we came to make. let’s dedicate the session. let’s dedicate the work we just did to our highest good and greatest well being into the greatest good of all beings. Take another breath and offer it up, offer up your prayers, set it free. Knowing that all that you need is coming to you and available. Feel the angels are celebrating you. Life is celebrating you.

And as you’re ready, you can bring it all back to your heart. Take a breath, have gratitude for what you are grateful for all that you already are. All that you already have. When you’re ready, you could just gently open your eyes and take a moment to look around your sacred space. Is it the temple that you want to live in? And if not, how can you spruce up the temple now to anchor the light of who you are? In your home in your life? Thank you, thank you so much. And thank you Nuna AC for inviting this transmission. Bringing this huge group of people together.

Nunaisi Ma  32:58  

Wow, this is just wow. Is it’s here it’s time it’s all here for us. Just got to listen and love ourselves and trust. Trust the goodness of life and not by the the nightmare, the bad dream, the fear driven dream, but to see the good. See the good to focus to water. What we want to grow every thought. Ah and I know that you’re very passionate about women rising into leadership especially right?

Ashanna Solaris  33:43  

I love that. It’s happening all over the world in small ways, and in big ways.

Nunaisi Ma  33:56  

Ah, so I know you have an amazing gift that you offer in our audience. So for those of you who have been completely wowed by what you just experienced, if you want more of that. Tell us what you have for our audience.

Ashanna Solaris  34:17  

Oh well. We are so excited. You can join us from August 25 to the 31st for vibrate up. If you want more of this medicine, come vibrate up with us through clarity It’s seven days, seven chakras, seven tools to elevate your life and we’d love to have you and that is absolutely free. And then you can also sign up and opt in for our free download that we want to give you called embracing the sacred feminine for women. There’s a woman’s healing journey. And then there is there is a really powerful initiation Journey to really receive your leadership in this life. And then we wanted to invite the guests on the show to also attend us to attend our weekend right now at ISI, September 10 to 12. And we’re giving a free gift to your to your group, while we’re giving you a discounted rate of $97 for that workshop, which is valued at 297. And it’s called, it’s called Breath elevation tools to evolve your life and engage your purpose. And we would love to have you it’s a three day event, September 10, to 12. And you can find everything on our website at clarity.

Nunaisi Ma  35:41  

Great, and we’ll have a link right on this page. So it’s just the click, and you’ll get there. And then Shannon will be doing that with her partner Dana, which is also going to be on the show and they are together just such an incredible team. You have heard the flute that Dana was playing. And she’s also just such a graceful, compassionate, loving mama. And yeah, I highly, highly recommend your work as you know, I’m a fan. And then yeah, also, if people want to work with you personally or find you on social media, what’s the best places?

Ashanna Solaris  36:27  

Well, I’m most engaged at clarity You can also come to my website, which is a Shana salon And we are on Facebook, live at experience, clarity, breathwork, and we’re on Instagram, and we’d love to interact with you, we’d love to train you, as breath workers just as we train new new AC, our whole training starts in the fall. And it just gets better and better. And we just see so many people launch successful careers and take this work into an existing practice. Share it at festivals, like you’ve been sharing it in any AC, share it online, one on one sessions and group sessions. And breath is the is the miraculous medicine of this time. And I would say when we when we join breath and the unconditional radiance of our hearts, it’s just the sky’s the sky’s the limit. And yet the Earth is the place. So we want to bring it down to the earth and make a big difference right now.

Nunaisi Ma  37:29  

Right. And so if you want to experience breathwork for your own journey of healing and transformation, then you know the the level one and two, is that right? And then if you if you

Ashanna Solaris  37:43  

if you just want the healing track, you can come to level one and two, you will get to clear through birth, conception, birth delivery, womb experience to childhood, into your relationship sexuality. That’s our level one and two, and we’d love to have you. And if you want to be a professional, you can join us for the one on one training where you learn to give sessions the level three, four. And then the level five, you learn how to lead groups and you get to lead one online to our global community, which is an incredible, awesome training. So you can check it all out at clarity Thank you so much Nguni AC, I’m just so dazzled by what you’re doing and how you’re bringing all of these speakers together to create a movement of feminine nurturing love that you are so while raising your family while being in a global pandemic. And locked down. It’s really extraordinary.

Nunaisi Ma  38:48  

Thank you so much. Thank you for seeing me and I really, really cherish our connection in our friendship and thank you for coming and sharing your beauty and your light and your medicine. You’re really such an inspiration.

Ashanna Solaris  39:06  

And so grateful. We’re so blessed.

Nunaisi Ma  39:10  

We so blessed and blessings to you too. Yeah, so,

Ashanna Solaris  39:17  

blessings to every one of you that is watching and listening. And I just want you to know how valuable you are right now. What a gem you are, what incredible gifts that you have to believe in yourself and to commit to unfolding that diamond that’s in your heart and to remember that, that you know we only become diamonds through undergoing great pressure and to trust that everything that’s happened to us is meant to hone us to become the radiant beings that we are. You can do it. I know it’s

Nunaisi Ma  39:57  

thank you so much and ciao guys and till the next time

FREE GIFT: The synergistic blend of Ashanna’s meditations and Dana’s uplifting flutes and sacred instruments, along with a soundscape of healing sounds from nature, guides women into profound transformation and empowerment. Designed to take women on a deep healing journey to connect with the Sacred Feminine for healing of body, mind and spirit.

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The Miracle of Breath: How to Transform Your Life & Change the World. Are you Ready for Miracles in all areas of your life?

Join my friends, Clarity Breathwork Pioneers, Ashanna Solaris & Dana Dharma Devi and a stellar line up of Renowned Global Experts: John Gray, Marci Shimoff, Sage Lavine, Amara Pagano & Me!

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