Nunaisi Ma  0:00  

Hello and welcome to rise. I have such a beautiful woman on this session today and her name is Dana Dharma Debbie and she has been involved in the global breathwork community for over 40 years as a certified clarity breathwork trainer and practitioner, inspirational master teacher and guide. She is also certified by the A RTI association of rebirth authors and trainers International and former el arte loving relationships training as well as Condor Blanco in Chile, a holistic and ecological Mystery School. She is the co founder and CO pioneer of clarity breathwork and clarity productions producing seminars retreats around the globe, and has been guiding and holding space and healing 1000s of people that have been touched by the power of clarity breathwork and she has led clarity breathwork at many conscious festivals worldwide. Dana is also an international recording artist, and gifted florist kirtan chant leader with several CDs, both solo and in collaboration with other major artists. She has been featured workshop leader at Shakti and bhakti. Festival yearly. Welcome, welcome. Welcome, Dana.

Dana Dharma Devi  1:42  

Thank you so much honor to be here, sweetheart. And so beautiful to be in your Divine Presence.

Nunaisi Ma  1:49  

Oh, it’s such a pleasure. So I just want to share with you guys that Dana has been my guidance teacher in the clarity breathwork journey, she has been facilitated my journey unfolding. When I went through the training, and they had to process a lot of my own stuff and her presence, her loving kindness, her heart is just so amazing that I had to share it with you.

Dana Dharma Devi  2:19  

Thank you for having me so much. And I, I wanted just to say that it’s an honor to see you have grown wings and just flown in this magnificent way you and your family. And it’s really exciting to see your book and the rise of your book and all the amazing speakers that you’ve had. And so I’m just so proud of you and NAC just so incredibly proud of what you’ve accomplished and how radiant you are. So it’s an honor to be with you.

Nunaisi Ma  2:52  

Oh, my sweetheart, I love you so much. Thank you, thank you. And then I really have not met many people that have the heart and the gentleness and the kindness that Dana had. And I want to share with you her magic today. And her wisdom and her beautiful, beautiful energy. And they I know that Dana also wants to do in heart invocation with her masterful skills in in playing the flute. So how about we start with that, because that is such an heart opening? You know that we can flow then into the conversation?

Dana Dharma Devi  3:37  

Sure. So the flute, I would just say, I probably will start with a Hawaiian flute since I’m in. I’m on the island of Maui, and prayers for Maui because apparently we have a tsunami coming in a few hours. So this is how the power of the breath works, that you can just take a deep breath and surround yourself in safety and breathe out any fear. So in the moment where something is arising like that, so I want to just bring in an invocation to help open our hearts whatever we’re processing what any of us have going on at the tsunami in our lives, then so there may be there may may be something a loss or fear or or another level of goodness so that we have four chambers in our hearts. And the flute is the greatest instrument household. Inayat Khan, great Sufi Master has spoken of this.

The flute is the greatest instrument to open the heart. And this particular instrument is a Hawaiian nose flute name, my Hawaiian master Anthony Navidad. And he, he instructed that the the Hawaiians exchange the Coronas great master teachers exchange nostril breath, and you can say something negative with your nose. I mean with your mouth, but never with your nose. So, the point is that it’s very pure sound. So just listen to the sound and feel what’s in your own heart what’s reverberating. So just set an intention, whatever you’re passing through, may our hearts open wide to really deeply listen to dropping.

Dana Dharma Devi  6:06  

Stay in your heart and when to switch foods, they all have a power and a majesty to them and feel what is reverberating in your perhaps placing a hand on your heart and will connect with Holly Alcala, the great magnificent crater that is right in front of me and the ocean is also right here mountains and ocean.

And taking a deep breath, maybe two or three and just feeling what’s there that your own heart? Maybe wanting you to know. Certainly if it’s from your heart, it’s always something pure and simple.

Nunaisi Ma  8:10  

Oh, thank you so much for that. That is such a heart opening. I don’t know if you can feel but I certainly feel lit vibrating in every cell of my body and really a feeling of integrating myself into my heart. And that’s so beautiful. It’s lendinghome

Dana Dharma Devi  8:31  

Thank you, honey. My honor. And yeah, the heart is a place of you know, it’s the center chakra between all of them. It’s right there. And if our heart is closed, then how can we really heal from whatever it is that we have going on. So it’s a way to open and whenever we’re really attuned and listening when I’m playing I often look in the audience and people are just touching their hearts and they’re just so when we do that, it’s it’s just natural for us to feel more love. And with love all things can be healed by the power of our love.

Nunaisi Ma  9:21  

And in so many of us had to place our mores around the heart right to protect which is really a survival mechanism. So it’s not it’s not a bad thing when it happens. It’s there is a layer of protection. But then comes a time when we can melt that that are more we don’t need it anymore. We are adults we are safe. And I know that the work that you do I mean I’ve watched to so many times holding space for so many people when that are more really melts and there is a crack right

Dana Dharma Devi  10:00  

Yeah, it’s true. There’s a crack in the in the protection, there’s like underneath our, our fear our, perhaps our anger or resentment out there. Underneath that is our vulnerability, right and under the hurt that we felt, and we don’t want people to see that because it’s, it wasn’t safe in the past to expose and to be heard, and maybe we were really killed and so under, if we are willing to create a safe and sacred space, that’s the beauty of all these profound healers that you have coming on your show, and, you know, on your summit and revealing what, what they did, and, for me, it’s a matter of seeing who the person really is underneath the armor. And seeing like, for me, you know, Jesus was a teacher, for sure of mine, as many as well as many other teachers. One of the things that he did was he saw the blind man is able to see, and in His presence the blind man could see. So my job is to hold space for the person’s wholeness, that I really see who they are beneath the pain beneath the armoring. And underneath that, of course, the vulnerability and underneath that pure love and every cell of our bodies. So I always trust it’s not me the great healer, but it’s my ability to work my I do therapy, receive therapy, I do breath work, and do a lot of chanting and prayers and going I just spent 10 days in a jungle remote area of Maui. And just taking sanctuary in the waterfalls and, and just sitting by the ocean.

And so listening to birds and watching rainbows, and that speaks to my heart and and as I surrender and see that there’s an always another level to love in myself. And the more I love myself, the more others can love themselves, in my presence. And so it’s it’s that place of seeing the wholeness of the other beneath the armor, and then bring that out. But you cannot tell someone, it’s a discovery that they, you know, through the practice of breath works through the practice of inquiry, and it’s the gentleness giving room and space for the person to feel deeply what is there. So that means an embrace of perhaps anger, and an embrace of, you know, they’re really intense, no, and letting the heart crack open, stay open, and then keep breathing and seeing and what I find is the breath, always I’ve watched people that are in the most intense suffering, maybe not even wanting to be alive anymore. And yet they breathe. And then just, it’s just the power of the breath, and you holding the space of knowing that their breath is enough. And their love is enough. And your love is enough. And your breath is enough. The simplicity of that. And suddenly they say I’m opening, I’m opening, shifting, and again and again, I’ve seen eyes that are perhaps light blue, that have turned black out of fear. It’s amazing that pupils can really show so much especially in light colored eyes. And, and suddenly, they turned to clear like crystal clear water and they look and they’re like, I’m safe, I’m safe. I’m remembering it. So it’s, it’s really an invitation the breath helps us to it invites us and helps us to remember who we are, we’ve always been and we can never truly truly lose it. It’s the fear that’s in the way. And sometimes it’s only a few thoughts away and a few breaths away.

Nunaisi Ma  14:04  

I love that. A few breaths away. And yeah, almost feel like you midwifing this process of rebirth, right? Because I’ve seen people literally having a rebirth in experience where they either go through their physical birth and heal the trauma associated with that because so many of us especially, you know, in our generation in the past few generations have been born in traumatic circumstances in hospital environment with a very medicated so I have seen that happening many many times or spiritual birth, you know, birthing into themselves into their higher, more Hall. yourself so, yeah. Would you talk a little bit about the birth trauma because we haven’t touched that and I feel that this is really In our our first entry, our first rite of passage,

Dana Dharma Devi  15:03  

right, so our birth script we say, includes our conception, messages we received right at conception, if parents were in love, or mother was trying to trap the father or was unconscious, or there was, you know, drugs or alcohol involved in which is unconscious, and you were an accent, and so there’s already, you know, or they really, they wanted you so much, perhaps they want you to save the marriage, you know. So, there’s a lot encoded in conception, if especially like, one in, we used to say, one in five babies, but it’s actually even higher. Many babies are accidental. So they’re not planned, and many are not are unwanted. And so right there from the conception, it’s like, Oh, my God, a shock to the mother, and how did she feel when she told your father or, and then told, if you were, you know, born out of wedlock, and it was, you know, there’s so many nowadays does matter, but back then it did.

And so sometimes there’s a lot of hiding and shame involved, and an affair and all that kind of stuff. So there’s a lot can be encoded from conception, messages in the womb, as you know, you see, and then also the, you know, the delivery itself. So people look at the delivery or after, but it’s pre verbal decisions. So we don’t even know how mother felt really supported. Because she doesn’t usually talk about it. While you’re in the womb. Did they have to move? Did did? Did your mother and father get along? Were they in love? And were your siblings welcoming? Or did they have to move? Do they have enough money? Or was it wartime? So there were a lot of messages there of your the inner environment of safety and support and, and connection and was mother taking the time to really take care of herself and nurture herself. So you know, they’re all of that we are resilient, all of that can be healed with a gentle and caring and nurturing environment. But I have seen because I worked in the fashion movie industry for many years and, and I’ve seen the most beautiful is incredible women perfectly sculpted, and really, you know, stars and, and yet they had such an imprint of they weren’t enough. And where did that come from? You know, right there for most of us the cord was cut too soon, there wasn’t an our imagined separation from the Divine, which is breathwork really does help that if we knew we were connected with infinite intelligence, infinite divine grace, would we really have a problem? If we really knew that? Probably not.

But most of us the cord was cut so soon, that’s our first separation where you know that first breath was a gagging for our our life, and, you know, tongue upside down and spanked for many. And that that’s a kind of a normal birth. And it doesn’t even include the cord around the neck or induced or forceps did or, you know, breech, baby, all those kinds of things. So, again, it’s not to make the doctors wrong, or the parents, it’s that we didn’t really, we weren’t really educated to understand that these first imprints, since this is what it took for me to be alive. I need that to survive. And we recreate traumatic experiences and say, if you were forced, separated, it’s very often that life is a headache, you know, it’s like, and I see so much when I have clients that were forced up did for example, they hold their head they have, life is really difficult, and they just know they’re processing something, and that they’re upset because they didn’t get to do things on their on their own time. And yet they create being rescued. So it’s not as much what happened, but the decisions that we make one force that baby, for example, might decide, I’m loved, and I’ll always be, you know, rescued no matter what. I always get what I need, you know, another feels interrupted and doesn’t trust support, support, support was painful, and they can be really angry. So we know we can’t say it’s across the board, but it’s really a discovery between you and and clients that people that feel drawn into breastwork, many had some form of birth trauma. And I want to just also add that and the first experience of support the authority figure, the the obstetrician and the delivery team, that has a lot to do with how you allow yourself to be supported in life. And there are also many gifts with birth. So many, like if you’re fast, you, you know, you get what you want, or there was a celebration, but for some of us, there were mixed messages, that initially it was a shock, but then you were so celebrated and so wanted, and I had a client the other day, and she was, she was her first, like, her mother was quite a bit older, and they’re already eight children. Yeah. And so the children were like, so embarrassed that mother was pregnant now at 48 years old, and it was like, considered like, Oh my God, and so they were so upset. And then, so she had mixed messages. And then when she came out, they all fell in love with her, she, no one could get enough of her.

So it’s like, you know, we may recreate a similar situation, again, because we think that we need that to be live. But we can breathe that out, we can see how I have recreated my relationships to be that way, or I don’t trust men and viewer, you know, hurt by the obstetrician or pulled out. I think Sylvester Stallone is a good from the movie, The Rock, Rocky, I don’t know if you saw it, but he was a force that baby and he was grabbed by, you know, he had a four step injury. And because of his injury, and his you know, his scar, that he actually became quite famous and made a fortune from his movies, and being a fighting star, you know, so we can make the best of it. And, and also, I want to add one last piece on that is that if you were wanted for the opposite sex, then you know, if they prefer to boy, then no matter what you do, no matter how many skills you have as a, as a woman, it’s like, it’s never going to be enough. And so we have to then see how that’s affected us take a look, and then turn that around to see, hey, wait a minute, they didn’t really they would prefer to boy, but doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with me. I’m actually incredibly valuable, and powerful and wonderful as a woman. So you know, all things can be healed by the power of Allah.

Nunaisi Ma  22:46  

Absolutely. And yeah, of all people know that. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I witnessed that in action so many times, and I was constantly in Oh, and amazed by the sharings of the people, you know, when they all of a sudden connected all the dots, and all of a sudden saw this pattern, this unconscious pattern that keeps again and again perpetuating their life, and all of a sudden, they, they make that link that it actually has to do with the birth or conception or, you know, they can see clearly that that one thread that runs through all their choices and decisions and actions. And when they see that thread and it becomes clear, well, then they shine the light of their awareness, and then they can you know, just by the power of their awareness can can change that and reprogram that in really, yeah, as you said, The great news is that everything can be healed. And I think this is really the the main the main message of this whole summit is that nothing is a death sentence. Nothing is you know, have been carved in stone and there forever. We are forever changing, transforming, growing, evolving. And it’s really when we are coming with our willingness when we come in with our choice, then we don’t wait for chance. Right?

Dana Dharma Devi  24:18  

And your question question or beliefs like if you came if you were made wrong of like you shouldn’t have even been conceived. And because it was the wrong time for the family, they didn’t have enough money so it was after war like in my family, you know that that it was already like oh my so I decided I was a burden. And so how many times do we carry that forward until we see like, this is something I came to believe like and so it’s not even anybody else thinking that but we we’ve been in once we forgive ourselves for for having that expectation and and then setting other up others because everybody’s our mirror right so then We say, Oh yeah, this is how I’m going to be treated. And we expect that. So when we forgive ourselves for expecting to be treated that way that and we’re actually the ones that are treating ourselves that we did we really love ourselves as as little younger, you know, children, that will really look in the mirror and say I’m wonderful and beautiful. Yes, because of how we were treated, you know, possibly by one or two parents or, you know, in school, but it’s really us that carries that forward.

And we have to go back for that little one, you know, whether it was the little baby or the younger, three year old or five year old moments where we came to believe that we were worthless, or wrong, or that we were, you know, we that we would never be really wanted, that it was our job to please others, and then we forget ourselves. And we don’t even honor ourselves like, we don’t matter. So it’s simple as that sounds, it’s actually quite, it takes time. But I also believe in the holy instant, because it’s the moment that we wake up and we say, Oh, I see that, what if I just don’t need to keep doing that over and over again. You know, we don’t have to in it’s like, the moment of opportunity when we catch ourselves, that that’s the moment to love ourselves even more to turn around and look at ourselves with eyes of love.

Nunaisi Ma  26:30  

Right? And in that moment, there is expansion that is even bigger, then then then what were before because now these more wisdom, there is more love, there is more depth, right? More compassion.

Dana Dharma Devi  26:46  

Yeah. Yeah. And it’s interesting, because we’re, we are, I mean, my, as far as I know, we’re aging.

Nunaisi Ma  26:54  

As says they know, okay, let’s just stop. Right there. I just want to share with you guys that Dana is how old so it’s,

Dana Dharma Devi  27:03  

it’s hard for me to say six, I’ll be 69 August 19. So I’m not quite 69. But I’ll be 69. And I do have a 97 year old father who is thriving and beautiful. He still has dark hair, and he’s, he’s very handsome and works in the garden. And everybody adores him, you know? So he’s, you know, he’s an inspiration, but I have to say that it isn’t jeans necessarily. It’s, it’s beloved that we received the loving kindness and, and I want to, I want it say that like, recently, somebody I know who’s a dancer, an incredible dancer, she posted about her famous psychologist and who who made a movie about basically the Holocaust, and how she survived and it was like I had to write on it because I felt compelled because my parents lived through those dark times. But what they came away with generosity of spirit and loving kindness so they’ve been my as, as much as I’ve been to the to the far ends of the earth to find my gurus and teachers and shamans.

My parents were really and still are my greatest teachers because I know what they lived through and I know what they came to share and to to really give lovingly to to everyone and you know so I think that’s what I was going to say we age but but actually we’re getting wiser and in a way more beautiful because our hearts become more pure and so maybe our eyes like I love this something I read once it’s like the most beautiful eyes are ones that look for the beauty and others know it’s like to see into someone else’s eyes to see into you know, it’s like I was on the beach tonight before this interview in and it was dark and I and I was by the ocean listen to the ocean I looked up and I saw the stars and I was like you know I knew everybody on the beach left but me but the safety of the beauty of the night canopy and the stars it’s like we feel once we feel our connection with our in love inside of us, right and then Infinite Intelligence, Grace, God, whatever we want to call it. And then it’s like we feel connection with everyone like the stars The moon. You know, you’re in your where are you in South Africa? Yeah. And it doesn’t matter. We’re so connected. Was like we’ve never been apart. You know, it’s like

Nunaisi Ma  29:55  

and you’re such a you’re such a walking, talking inspiration of the ageless goddess, right? So I just want to take a moment and and reflect that back to you and the and I hope that our audience can get inspired by your grace and by your Yeah, just ageless beauty. I’d say. It spins that whole aging process into such a different

Dana Dharma Devi  30:28  

Thank you. Yeah, I appreciate that. Yeah.

Nunaisi Ma  30:33  

I’d seen you doing splits here, I must say splits.

Dana Dharma Devi  30:41  

I can’t it’s it’s not that it’s a perfect split. It’s how it’s how I do it. And it just came like, you know, like a kid doing cartwheels in the in the schoolyard. You know, it’s like, just jumping in the air and landing in the splits. And no, it’s the death is the jumping in the air and landing. And this was, like, it’s funny, because it’s funny you say that, because I hadn’t done that in so long, because we’ve all been COVID Not, you know, not being in public so much. But we would do a beach dance here, you know, on Maui. And so I was, I thought I would an opportunity. It’s not marble, like it was in Osho. Hall, but it was in on the sand. And so I was like, okay, and I and it was so fun. I was like, Oh, so much softer on the sand. But it had been a year and a half, you know, so I found that it’s still it’s still within me. And, you know, I’ve I have to say that an inspirational person that I saw once her video and it showed this woman 90 Something maybe 99 She’s still teaching yoga, 90 something, and she’s in a perfect splits. And a mine was imperfectly perfect. But she was in a perfect splits like side, you know, this way, like full on? And? And she said yes, I started yoga. And when I was at five, and, and I was like, I thought I was doing well. And it’s you know, 69? And she was it? She said yeah. And I’ve started violin as well. And I started learning Italian and Italian cooking, you know, last year and so she said, Yeah, I have some arthritis. Does it stop me?

Absolutely not. You know, so it’s the it’s to keep going. And I want to return to like, thank you for that acknowledgement, I receive that. And you’re such a beauty and you keep getting more beautiful, every minute. And so that’s wonderful and inspirational to see. And it’s, I think when we live our passion, and we do what we came here to do, and and we don’t hold back, no matter if we have three children, five children, 10 children, you know, we’re missing a limb. It doesn’t, it doesn’t matter. One of my favorite yoga teachers currently is missing an arm. And she’s still you know, props up, she’s missing part of you know, up to here. And it actually hers was birth trauma, because the umbilical cord wrapped around her arm and in it, she lost part of the arm. Yeah. And yet she didn’t let it stop her and she teaches perfect yoga and she just puts up you know, she uses weights and she uses blocks there to to prop her arm up. And she’s just strong and vital and amazing. Her name is Hana. So I just see that nothing has to stop us no matter what we have and to not give up and also to not judge ourselves if we have stopped if we’ve become depressed it’s it’s because we’re believing something that is no longer serving us believing doing or saying something that is harming us.

And once we take a few deep breaths, I like to say that we can save a marriage, a relationship a career just by taking a few deep breaths because when we do that we we suddenly lose our position are I’m right, and they’re wrong and saying something really cruel and mean that we don’t mean in our protection. We were talking about the armoring but if we take a few breaths it has the power to really set us free and and to then come from a more balanced place instead of you’re wrong and I’m right and you know self righteousness. So I think that from that place, we can have such a better world that we would we couldn’t help but share and care about each other. How can help it’s what else is life for?

Nunaisi Ma  34:55  

Yeah, exactly you. You are talking about when we are a aligned with our passion when we do what we love, then the Spirit flows through us. And actually, Spirit makes us shine from the inside out. And this is beauty. Right? It does not matter. What is the shape of your nose, the size of your hips, the color of your hair doesn’t matter. It’s the beauty, the aliveness of spirit that that makes your soul shine outward. And that’s beauty. That’s real beauty.

Dana Dharma Devi  35:29  

Yeah, right. Yes, I agree wholeheartedly, and, yeah, seeing the beauty in ourselves and in others, and just being willing to share no matter what, then then nothing stops us. And, you know, we just, we don’t give up, we just keep going forward. And, and then then, following one thread of our passion, something we love, leads to another and another, and another, and it just keeps opening all the doors, as you know, right. And even the very thing that you know, that we are challenged, you know, like, like one woman that Shona and I are on this beautiful course together, right, and the women rocking business. And it’s, you know, it’s another level of coming out, they’re going out there and, you know, it’s it’s new and different for me. But I want to say that one woman that, that while she was doing her, you know, big launch, she found out that her husband had cancer, something else went wrong, her mother died are big, two really big, big things.

And in the midst of it, she had this huge launch, where she just used that to completely use that medicine, her trauma hurt, you know, intensity that was going on, how can she do this? How can she not do it, so she brought that medicine into her work into and it was hugely successful event that she did, she was just following her passion, her guidance, and people loved her for being real and authentic. And then, and then it was immensely healing. And then on top of it, like, we got to see her what she was doing on top of it, and then she donated all this money, because of the big success to Nepalese children that had lost their family members, you know, so it was like, it’s just like, when we share our gifts that we have more than enough to share with others and give generously, you know, in all, all kinds of directions that people that really could use our support. So it’s an honor,

Nunaisi Ma  37:50  

I love that I really feel that we all are alchemists. And we have that ability if we choose. So to transform to alchemize, you know, any metal, any unvalued metal into gold, and this is really the work of the Alchemist and using life events. Because challenges are always there, you know, life will never, ever be free of challenges, just the reality of it on a personal level, on a collective level, and then if we change our perception that it’s not there, against us, life is not there to harm us. It’s quite the opposite. It’s there to teach us it’s there to to evolve us to the to the highest version of us and you know, to the highest of our soul yearning, then we can use what happens as a fuel or we can use it as a stepping stone to go even higher. So yeah, completely this is really my message is that once you transform trauma, you thrive because you you almost through the process, you receive keys that will unlock your inner doors of greatness, right?

Dana Dharma Devi  39:13  

Yes, exactly. I watched a documentary of Gabor Ma Tei where I do inspirational teacher and, and trauma healer and he was you know, thriving medical doctor and transformed his life. And but when I saw the story of his life, he was that showed his mother giving him on some street in Hungary like when, you know, during wartime she gave him to a strange woman and anally and said, You have to raise my child now because I’m going off and to a camp or she was going during the war and she you know, got him back but I forgot how long later but so he had this incredible trauma himself and through that At trauma, he learned how to thrive and I wanted to say that you know, for me playing a flute is a big deal because I You might remember but in 2011 I fell off on very high 17 summits Terra summit church actually and, and in really severely damaged my my arm and my hand and it’s full of metal.

So I was told I could never play again and I would be disabled for my life. So for me, it was difficult, it wasn’t an easy road, it’s still not perfect, it still grows the wrong way. But I’ve never let it stop me. And because of that, I appreciate every note more that I can play. And then I’m able to transmit to people that have been through major accidents or traumas that they can heal anything by the power of their intention, their breath, their their love, that we can overcome these things. So I know you’ve been through a big journey yourself Luisi and, and so we’re, we’re living, breathing examples of you can do it. And many great teachers have have done this and paved the way for us to say Yes, look what I lived through and not to boast about it or say, Oh, poor me, but have compassion. And then what did I come like you said the alchemy. But did I come to alchemize and turn it into gold so that I may share it and this is your Miko

Nunaisi Ma  41:44  

Oh, thank you, Dana. For this beautiful conversation. We are coming to the end of this session and I know that you have a beautiful gift to share with the audience.

Dana Dharma Devi  41:53  

I do yeah. The it’s called the awakening heart. And it’s it’s a CD that that I made and it’s soothing healing and it’s designed specifically to help I play you know, both 30 role flutes and it’s designed to help open the heart and so you know, I’ve already spoken about that but once the heart is open that there’s no stopping us so it’s it’s a it’s a gift and I think that people will find it soothing and healing journey

Nunaisi Ma  42:28  

Oh much thank you so much. Exciting, I’m definitely gonna get it I love your music. It’s really transforming it’s it’s solid music I always want to play it’s like takes me to to meet the angels. I don’t know how else to describe it. Yeah, so thank you for that and the link will be on this page. So go ahead and get that CD, it’s it’s life changing. And the moment and then if people want to work with you breathe with you, what’s the best way to find you?

Dana Dharma Devi  43:01  

And or WW dot clarity info at clarity breath and they can find me and I have lots of trainings coming up and and Sean has been part of your network as well I know she’s done something so she’s wonderful colleague of mine and so we co teach many things together and and help 1000s of people around the world and it’s such an honor to be with you and and to share the gifts that we all have continued blessings and just to say that whatever anyone has going on that’s the listener that just taking a few deep breaths and always coming back to the breath whether nine deep connected breathsor three ah always brings us home back into the remembrance drops us into the now where really all the magic is Thank you sweetheart.

Nunaisi Ma  44:17  

Thank you Dana so much thank you for being here. Thank you for sharing your beauty and your Oh your heart and blessings on your journey and the prayers for you and for Maui. Let you know you’re safe. Yeah.

Dana Dharma Devi  44:41  

Take a look and yes and loving energy to where you are in the world and our whole beautiful, blessed planet at this time. We can all use all the help we can get in that we’re already safe and held. So lots of love to until the next time

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