Upgrading your vibration will help you come out of the place where you are really holding yourself back from being the most aligned vibrant thriving version of yourself, and giving you the tools to actually make those different choices to actually create that different life.

[00:00-01:30] Nunaisi Ma

Hello everybody and welcome to the RISE summit. I am Nunaisi Ma, your host, and today I am so delighted to have Alison J. Kay with us. Alison for more than 25 years has practised as a mind-body energy healer, founding the Vibrational UPgrade System and working in yoga meditation, Chi Gong, energy medicine, mind-body fitness, longevity, and holistic health with a specialisation in the Chakra System.

Considered one of the leading experts in her field, she has taught the world and has written three books; the award-winning What if There’s Nothing Wrong, Vibrational Upgrade: A Conspiracy for Your Bliss- Easing Humanity’s Evolutionary Transition, Reasonable Dragons- How to Activate the Field of Possibilities Where Logical Magic is the New Normal and her latest masterpiece; The Dragon Master Creatix- Conversations with a Female Spiritual Teacher for these New Times. I am so excited for our conversation today. Welcome, Alison.

[01:31-01:39] Dr. Alison Kay

Welcome to me and hello too, thank you. I’m so excited, I can’t even speak clearly apparently.

[01:40-01:50] Nunaisi Ma

Yeah, so let’s get to it. I would love to ask you how you ended up doing what you’re doing. What brought you into this field? I’m sure you have an interesting backstory.

[01:52-04:01] Dr. Alison Kay

I actually have always been doing this work, it was a matter of learning how to work with my gift and bring it forward more and give it the space and then get the necessary training and cultivation but it’s not caused by any crisis or anything like that. It’s just natural and it’s been an aspect of learning how to allow that, I mean especially- I have a nickname as a Maverick, and some of the nicknames my masterminds and upgrade practitioners have named me as they’ve worked with me for a while and Maverick is definitely one of them- I mean learning how to give myself- I seem to be talking about this because this is out there and in the audience- learning how to not need approval for what I was choosing and doing and honouring my guidance no matter what others wanted without it necessarily feeling sticky to others but just me honouring my own voice and connection and guidance.

It has caused me to leave my family for a decade at a time and move over to Asia to study subtle energy in energy medicine. It’s caused me to make choices that my father couldn’t make sense out of or that my mother would prefer I be not making, and living in a bedroom community now where there are people around me, not living life in a lifestyle the way I am required. I have a lot of courage, people tell me I have cojones of steel. So, I find that courage is needed to follow one’s intuitive guidance and without it you just spend- I see my clients and students over the years just lose so much time and self-doubt.

[04:03-04:24] Nunaisi Ma

I love that you brought it up because it’s really important to transmit that message that when you have a calling you don’t need permission, not from your mum and not from your dad and not from your community to do your sacred work that it is your path. It’s calling you and one does need courage to pursue it, right?

[04:26-05:16] Dr. Alison Kay

Yeah, especially like being able to self-affirm. I mean I’ve always known through college and afterward to look for a community. I went to a school where the first book from a westerner on mindfulness came out, Jon Kabat-Zinn went to my university. I knew to seek out community but I also knew not to look for the affirmations outside of myself that I had to be self-affirming and that’s another aspect too because I see so many people stop themselves by the question of if I actually choose this big thing to follow my path who will I lose? What will I have to give up? Who and what will I have to leave behind? paralysing them as well.

[05:20-05:26] Nunaisi Ma

Yeah yeah. Tell me, what is the vibrational upgrade? I would love to hear more about it.

[05:27-09:46] Dr. Alison Kay

It’s a combination of the five different energy medicine modalities I learned, kind of topped off with Chi Gong that I learned over in Taiwan and Thailand when I was on breaks with the yoga and meditation teacher background where I was certified in India. So one-half is using energy medicine to clear out people’s unconscious and subconscious blockages that correlate to the relevant chakra and the other half is applied mindfulness.

It’s not the kind of mindfulness where if you’re eating a juicy peach, you notice the juice dripping down your chin and you’re really present, I don’t mean that kind of mindfulness. I consider that more as beginner’s mindfulness. I mean instead permanent behavioural change. I have certification as a specialist in permanent behavioural change so I’m not going for like small ships, I’m going for permanent behavioural change and I understand that from my background as a meditation teacher we have neurological pathways that get formed from habitual thought patterns, so when there is a clearing done on somebody like I need the approval of others in order to honour my intuition and I run that clearing on them.

It gets loosened up in the relevant chakras and that unconscious belief, I need the approval of others in order to feel good or comfortable so they cannot look for the approval of others and follow the wrong path once that blocked consciousness is clear. Then it becomes fresh vital life force energy at the front of the mind and consciousness so when they’re making a choice now, they have more space.

There isn’t the automated trigger or mind-body connection so they don’t have to go down that path of the habituated unconscious behaviour or choices but they need retraining to come out of that momentum and to create a new neurological path based on new thoughts like, “oh so it’s ok for me to choose this even though I know my husband isn’t going to like this” and then they having the necessary clearance and activations to boost their courage that they do actually choose something that will lead to possibly not having the approval of others. So it’s like it’s not like done all at once, people don’t change all at once obviously, but it seems to me, the vibrational upgrade system is really well-honed to help people come out of the more nuanced places of where they were really holding themselves back from being the most aligned vibrant thriving version of themselves, and giving them the tools to actually not just feel shifted and not know how to proceed to have a different life and different possibilities within which to make different choices, but how to actually then make those different choices to actually create that different life that they’re saying they want and that their higher self is telling me that they want.

And they may be blocked from even hearing that that’s what’s coming through and so in the beginning I lay into it for them that this is what I hear your higher self saying as they develop the musculature or the training wheels. Eventually, I take the training wheels off so the person is in that new space being able to be awake and conscious of their choices. At least 85- 90% of the choices we’re making every day are at the unconscious or subconscious level.

We’re making choices of what we do and don’t do, who we listen to and don’t listen to, what we eat and don’t eat, what exercises we do and don’t do, by the voices we can’t even hear, the thoughts we can’t even hear, so if we want to change, we want to get rid off, we want to clear out all of that place we were making all of our choices from to have less and less of that locked down and unconscious meaning. We can’t hear it, it’s not conscious or subconscious meaning it’s under the conscious mind. We can hear it on a more conscious level so we can make more conscious choices, so that’s the system.

[09:47-10:03] Nunaisi Ma

Right, and touching on that need for approval, that’s very primal. Where do you think that comes from so ingrained in our society?

[10:04-12:51] Dr. Alison Kay

Truly that’s a great question. Where my mind goes to first is, it’s interesting because when I was in the traditional tea houses in Taiwan and I was going for my Ph.D. writing my dissertation, my first book What if There’s Nothing Wrong is the outcome of that and I found myself being taken back into the history of the West, to understand how we ended up being so closed down to the holistic and being so closed down to the energy and consciousness because I was living in the half of the other hemisphere where energy is honoured even more than the physical.

So, where I go to is a lot like the same thing that I experienced writing What if There’s Nothing Wrong. Do you remember like in France especially, not the guillotine but when the face would be in that wooden thing and the hands would be there too, people would throw bad fruit and veggies at the face and the person would just have to sit there? So that ostracization was used as a tool for shame and you don’t want to engage in that behaviour because then you’ll be treated like this. You’ll become an outcast before there was Law and Order and police.

Then I mean, they used to in England, hang people from a high point and the crowds used to come and watch and cheer and even buy refreshments while watching people get hanged as a means of maintaining Law and Order. So, it seems like that is an old tool, shame and you don’t want to stand out because then look what could happen. That’s deeply subconscious in the collective psyche, but then also the sense of torture being accompanied with ostracization, its sense of torture being accompanied with if I stand out, if I’m alone, if I’m solo.

So, there is some kind of unconsciousness around that trauma collectively, but it also just feels good to get approval, right? like our dogs love approval, their tails wag more but I feel like what I just did, for example, is I intertwined approval with love because dogs are unconditionally loving, right? So maybe it’s actually their tails are wagging and they’re expressing their love and joy in having us come home, you could infer that’s also approval that I’m home, thank you for wagging your tail and showing your pleasure that I’m home. But it’s possible that I also feel like part of what sticks people in the need for approval is that it is misconstrued with love. Like I can love someone and not approve of a choice they’re making, I just did it earlier today. Do you know what I mean?

[12:50-13:48] Nunaisi Ma

Yeah, I know what you mean and it’s a big lesson, right? especially now when there’s so much division between ideas and opinions and decisions to make, you know, in the times that we’re living in and the ability to love somebody without enforcing my beliefs on them and respecting their choices for what they do is a big one, right? I think there is such a rift between family members even in these times, right? when it comes to all sorts of decisions, you know, pro-vaccination anti-vaccination, pro-masks, anti-masks, all those, yeah. So, it’s really a big one to be able to love somebody and agree to disagree.

[13:50-18:44] Dr. Alison Kay

Yeah, we used to do that more rather, even in politics. I mean in democracy, debate is inherent, right? so it seems to me this is a healing crisis. You know how the fever peaks before it breaks, so the way the body, mind-body-spirit system seems to let go of tumour or of chronic pain or a block is sometimes or I consider one block as its own thing, but usually, it’s like a ball of yarn where it’s an entangled family of beliefs. So, one block doesn’t usually standalone, it’s with a bunch of other ones. It’s all a big ball of yarn of entanglement that’s behind a core behavioural pattern we want to change and I feel like when somebody- I’ve killed off enough layers and I’m more towards the core of people’s system, mine included, let go in a way that sometimes it has- the Pendulum swings into an intense direction.

The intensity increases because the body is doing what it does, it’s burning it up in order to burn it out. Homeopathic medicine is much the same with the venom of the snake in the actual antidote. So, it can seem like this is getting more intense as we’re clearing something at a collective level. Unity is part of the new era; the opposite of that is polarisation. If we’re moving out of the time of polarity like one of the examples is that we are so conditioned to believe in and function from either or rather, than both and, and not even of itself.

Playing with that in a moment-to-moment basis in your day is a way to start bringing yourself out of the conditioning for polarity and more into the energetics of the new era, where it’s inclusivity and unity so I don’t be- yeah, it’s helpful and it doesn’t seem like I’m making it up just to feel good, it’s the nature of -its like a universal law of fever peaking before it breaks. In unity, our hearts, if you look around, more people are open like doing things like what we’re doing right now. There are more yoga studios.

There are more meditation studios before Covid before the stress of covid. We are in the Spiritual Awakening times, you know, and if we are awakening spiritually, the heart is a part of that. In the Chinese and Yoga culture, the word Xin is the Chinese word for heart but it’s also the Chinese word for spirit. Both the Chinese and the Yoga cultures believe that the spirit resides in the heart and in there everything is- it’s all one so I’m not making it up just to have us all feel better, that maybe there’s more polarity right now because we’re moving into unity. It’s based on observation of multiple universal laws, nonetheless, it’s nice because it does feel good.

I mean that’s part of the subtitle to my second book Vibrational Upgrade- The Conspiracy for Our Bliss or for your bliss because our systems are designed for health and thriving and bliss. I remember I went in as a psych major into college for my first major and three semesters in I was like, you’re not teaching me how to be the most thriving, happiest, joyous, adventurous person I can possibly be or how I can help others do that. You’re focused on like application to industrial management capitalism in the hard wiring, there’s nothing here- focusing on telling the same story over and over again through talk therapy and psychoanalysis.

You’re not answering the question of how do I be the happiest in mind, body and spirit in this gift of life I’ve been given? And so, I’ve been looking at the holistic model ever since -conditioning that you can see implied in my first book titled What if There’s Nothing Wrong is if you don’t work at the mind, its natural presumption is this is a problem I must fix it. Particularly in the west, particularly in America to be problem-focused and being a fixer is a good thing.

It’s valued in our society more than like you’re kind, that’s excellent, let’s give you a tax credit because of it- you know we do do that, we do that with charitable donations, let me correct myself there but then that can get misconstrued, right? Like, am I only doing this donation so that I can get the financial benefit you know? So, what I’m saying is, that kindness is a good value to have as opposed to like I can accomplish so many things at once because I’m so busy and I’m so productive or my mind is great at figuring out how to fix problems because in that, leads to looking for problems to fix like attracting like you know.

[18:45-19:37] Nunaisi Ma

And this is very much the masculine paradigm, right? The masculine you know, God bless it, we all need it and it’s got its place and I’m all for that collaboration, corporation, and balance, right? Yeah, we need to really find that within us before we can find it outside of us and it definitely has its space, but you know often when a woman talks to a man and she shares her story, she shares it from a place listen to me I’ve got something to share, just like I can offload it from my chest and I can have an ear to listen and the man will sit there, how can I fix it? how can I fix it, right? So, it’s good to be aware that it’s got its place, it’s necessary. Sometimes there are problems to be fixed but not everything is a problem to be fixed

[19:38-20:11] Dr. Alison Kay

But I’ll tell you what I love about that aspect of the masculine because I don’t want to get into a mechanical thing and learn how it is working and fix it. I love that men build machines that do stuff that make my life easier. I dig that. It’s a sweeping generalisation that it’s never women doing it but seriously I love that aspect of the masculine but I love what you just said too because about it balancing within each of us where it’s not even genderised. It’s just the yang and the yin and they just need to be in more balance, before we’ll see more of it outside of ourselves.

[20:12-20:47] Nunaisi Ma

Yeah exactly, exactly that and so I love how you started from the western, you went to study medicine and then you took it into, you widen your horizons, you realised that there is more to what you have studied perhaps in university and you went and you accomplished more studies and you brought in that integration with the east which is so necessary, especially now.

[20:49-24:09] Dr. Alison Kay

I feel like I was a detective or like Hansel and Gretel following breadcrumbs. It was almost like that same since I had walking in the woods growing up with my older brother and feeling connected to everything or the journal writing I did in my teens connecting to my higher self and in the voice of the Divine through me and then meditating by the time I was 19 like it just seemed like I was allowing that voice to speak through me and guide me and it was the feminine, you know.

I mean it was listening to the intuition to tell me to take the appropriate actions. Now there’s the yang so it felt like there was some bigger plan going on and if I just got the hell out of the way and listened, it knew what to do. Yeah, so just following that voice guiding me to piece this all together, I did ask before I moved to Asia frankly, you know, I was working in a session on a woman who’d been getting great results. We were both really pleased. It was my part-time gig next to my classroom teaching and or my second revenue stream, and yet at the same time, I was like “how can I get even more robust results from my clients” and within two months I was moving to Asia to teach at the International School level instead of in the public school system. So yeah, it’s just phenomenal existence to- and like in Asia- early-late teens or early twenties I think, there were a couple of times when I didn’t listen to my intuition and knowingly saying I don’t want to and it sucked.

So, I learned early on, like you really mess stuff up dude when you don’t listen to that voice and do what it says- I don’t know that I used to then yeah. So allowing for that guidance in following it’s very feminine, it’s very much you know in that first book again, I’m going to refer to it because I was really asking like how did we become so mind dominated in the west, in my What if There’s Nothing Wrong book but I feel like I was being led back to when the masculine paradigm came in with the church and the state after Medieval times, after the renaissance in the age of Reason and then just came in with order as if to suppress the wildness that had just been going on from all the centuries before of Superstition.

Sure, like which was like spinning out people using it just to get a neighbour that they didn’t like out of the way but still that the wildness- it happens when we listen to our intuition, the unpredictability that if we follow an intuitive choice like my parents were expecting me to move to the other side of the planet you know, nor were my local friends and they were quite hurt frankly when I chose to uproot myself away from them. So, I mean there’s a sense of control within the mind that we don’t have when we go in and listen to the guidance of the yin, the intuition, and I feel like it’s tame. There was a sense of control that came that wanted to tame down that wildness and we’ve been living in that paradigm in the west for centuries now, and people are just crying out for more life.

[24:12-25:46] Nunaisi Ma

I’m so with you on that one, completely resonating. And yeah, we have been in the patriarchal times for thousands of years now and that suppression and oppression of the feminine, we’re paying the price for it, right? I mean not to say it’s right or wrong, it’s there so it’s part of evolution and I’m sure that you know we will swing like a pendulum, from one extreme to maybe to the other and to the middle but it’s really about allowing that wildness of the feminine to come online.

The way I love to see it or the way I see it in my perception is that you know, the now is that middle point between time and space, and I see time as the masculine energy because it’s linear and it’s got you know, a certain, you can measure it and it’s progressive and it’s directing and planning and the space is you know, that unknown unpredictable wild energy which is the feminine, and the meeting between the two is the now. So, this is a nice analogy that I like to use.

[25:47-27:47] Dr. Alison Kay

Yeah, it’s beautiful. The present moment is a gift. Let me ask you this though, what do you make of the fact that time can be perceived differently. I don’t consider- because I’ve been playing with this for a while now with what you just said, totally dig it right? The spaciousness is the feminine, like the place we go when we’re doing the intuitive work, the receiving, the listening, exceeding all of that in that spaciousness and it’s needed for, so it seems like the yin qualities require the spaciousness.

And the yang qualities are that what you said, the linear can be chopped up and measured but what do we do with, so if the meeting point is the now- work with me on this please because I’m actually wanting to get to a new place with it thank you- if the meeting place is the now of space and time, that the yin and the yang, space-yin, time- yang but we can change time from our perception of I’m having fun so it’s speeding up, I’m bored so it’s going slower. To me, that means it’s a projection. That means we’re affected. Time is neutral like money, it’s a neutral thing and our projection makes it what it comes across as like either we love money, money loves us.

We don’t think, “if I love money, I’m one of those types of people who’s not spiritual but greedy so let me reject money, so I’m more spiritual” instead we invite money in and it comes the same with time. Like if I’m a neutral projection and I’m just a lot- if I have no projection, I just allowed time to be what it is does it go- is that spaciousness? It’s a confluence like you mentioned. Do you know what I was talking about?

[27:48-29:05] Nunaisi Ma

So, the way I see it is that time can be- we can tell into different dimensions of future and past, right? So, it might not be that meeting point of the now but we can definitely and perhaps living in some dimension, in a zone of no time where we are I think- yeah that’s a possibility and it’s definitely something that can come up in a ceremonial space, right?

Where you tap into parts of your younger self or your older self and you can clearly see or leave it as it is happening. So, I think that we exist in this meeting point if we manage to be present right? So, if we know time- but if we are here then we can experience the gift of the present moment fully embodied in the now, and then we almost experience no time because we’re so present but at the same time we can travel along that linear line, so we’re not bound to only the now, does that make sense?

[29:06-29:10] Dr. Alison Kay

Yeah, that was great. So, it’s our choice how we want to use time.

[29:08-29:14] Nunaisi Ma

It’s our choice, yeah, because it’s so little we really understand in this dimension, right?

[29:15-29:18] Dr. Alison Kay

Yeah, yeah that’s great. Thank you.

[29:19-30:00] Nunaisi Ma

Yeah, I went the other day, I took my girls to the planetarium and we watched you know this huge dome and then very high-resolution pixels and music, it was phenomenal and you know, they were talking about the universe and the planets and giving a little bit of reference to the earth and the other planets. And we can’t even comprehend infinity. It’s not something we in our minds can understand and when I saw that I was completely blown away. So, little we actually do know, right?

[30:01-33:48] Dr. Alison Kay

Yeah, in this field of universal laws and metaphysics. It’s so compelling, like the more we learn of the Mystical, the more we want to learn, and the more, I know I’ve seen, the more there is to learn. You know, I mean if you just keep the veil down and you don’t ever look in you know, it’s like almost easier than if you start and wow, you know, it’s just so much. I love that you brought up the planetarium though because I feel like I had this experience part of what I do when I train my people in the Mastermind, who become Vibrational Upgrade Practitioners, they meet me in the UK and I take them on retreat to different sacred sites and stone circles and depending on the level, we go to more and more sites.

Well, I’m also attuning them in a certain way in training them in how to flow energy, first to themselves and then to others and then on the planet. So, I found like after I did a certain round of four different levels of trainings, to create more Vibrational Upgrade Practitioners and then I took one of them- we went to more Stone Circles throughout Scotland and Ireland. Man, like I had to ask to have some of what I had accessed closed down because I felt like, in all frankness, and I came out, I feel a little bit edgy about saying it, I talk about in my most recent book; The Dragon Master Creatrix but it was like there had to be some connection between the stone circles and UFOs or E.Ts, because when I was back, usually takes me a couple of months to integrate everything that I get myself from giving what I’m giving and receiving when I’m receiving at the sites too.

So, I had to actually ask for the sense of the galactic that I had connected with, to close down a little bit more so that I can go about my day-to-day with more presence. So to someone- yeah there is something about and we’re becoming more galactic now, right? like more and more people are tuning into the moon cycles and the eclipses. I mean they are even covering it on local news where they wouldn’t before so I know, and NASA N-A-S-A is talking more about like different constellations and new planets are getting discovered.

So I feel like but we can point to other causes, I know that it seems like part of this Vibrational Upgrade and Spiritual Awakening time is that galactic awakening but how to use- but my approach is always like, okay great, like even the example I just gave about myself okay, great I can connect in with some galactic places that I wasn’t aware of before but how is that going to help me thrive more in my body here, on planet earth as a bridge between heaven and earth and help others do the same.

So, I tend to have that cut off point where like okay, like even when I’m working with a client and past life info comes up, I stop before I go in too far into the story just to give information to entertain the mind and instead, I take out, okay this is related to the thing that you want cleared and then stop and then clear. So, there’s a lack of indulgence on my part. I could probably be really annoying like, I’m pretty like I can just see and clear like, and I love to laugh and play for sure, I’m correcting myself in that but I probably could be pretty annoying because I don’t entertain the mind, a lot like I don’t indulge it. I help people come out of that because I think our society lives such a mind indulgent level, like how you access all this mystical stuff, it’s not by indulging the mind.

[33:51-34:43] Nunaisi Ma

Well, the mind is or the story that we keep saying to ourselves is very subjective, right? It’s not objective at all and its objective to our interpretation of it, the lenses we have, you know, it goes through our belief system. So, I mean, the story is you clear it, that’s great. That’s the best that can happen, right? because when we let go of that story, that identification, we can actually open up to the energy to move through us and embody that energy, right? and be that vessel between Earth and you know the higher intelligence.

[34:44-37:11] Dr. Alison Kay

Yeah, it’s funny. I love how you said that because there are like 12 commandments in the Vibrational Upgrade Practitioner’s manual and the first one is ‘do not ever project’ and the second one is I think ‘do not ever give advice’ because I mean as an energy medicine practitioner, you’re in such a row when people are expecting advice but that’s not what we do.

We attune it, we go into the higher- beyond our mind and I just, I find like so many of the

energy medicine modalities or anyone else getting trained in one of them at the beginner level, we were practicing different people, 5 practice sessions a day, weekend long. We’re training each person as they were supposed to go in and dig and into it and something about me was projecting, it wasn’t, it was like they were going to the most reliable place of what people usually go to in intuitive readings; are you missing somebody, for example, none of them were right is what I’m saying. It was phenomenal for me to experience that and I say this not obviously from a place of ego but I just came back from the 10 years in Asia.

I had done a whole lot of purification on my own conscience for the previous 20 years and so I was able to just clearly see. So even in Taiwan, when I was living there and interacting with exorbitant cultural differences and when I lived in Istanbul too and travelling in Bali or Thailand or India, massive cultural differences, so what I would say-what I came to say is, I don’t need to be right. I need to have an accurate perception; meaning am I understanding you from your whole lens with my lens accurately? And so, I just really see how much way these like 35 mm projectors on top of necks just- seeing what we expect to see, and when we purify it or clear it, it’s what you said, the Divine life force or you use different wording but then the energy can flow through us and then that helps everything, including more courage to follow your intuition, including hearing more intuitive guidance, including a thriving vibrant healthy body and including great levels of creativity. So much so you can barely keep up with yourself.

[37:17-37:26] Nunaisi Ma

Yeah, exactly that. So, thank you for doing the work right? It’s so needed and I really honour you for that and I know that we all have-

[37:27-37:36] Dr. Alison Kay

Thank you and you- that book behind, over your shoulder. I love what you’re doing.

[37:37-40:10] Nunaisi Ma

Oh, rise, it’s time to rise and it’s really time to let go of that story and to embody our greatness. You know, I really am a true believer that we all have our zone of genius. Nobody is excluded, nobody. We all have our gifts. We are here for a very good reason and a lot of us have forgotten along the way because we were born into patriarchal times, because trauma is so predominant in our society and has been running in so many generations that we kind of normalised it.

We don’t even see it for what it is and once we step out of that, once we see it

for what it is and we do the work to clear, there’s nothing to learn, there’s nothing to acquire, we have everything inside of us that we already need. It’s there, it’s really to clear the mark that stains it and what is in our way, so we can tap back into that divinity that we all have inside. And the world, especially now, is calling for you and you and you, for everyone to step up and to embody your greatness and bring that online and share it with all of us, so we can move to the next level together.

Exactly because when I rise, we rise right? and especially, women I found that once they get into something that helps them and they manage to transform something or they’re excited about something they discovered, they are the first ones that run and share it with everyone else, right? That’s the nature of women.

So, I like to quote the Dalai Lama. I quoted it in my book ‘the World will be saved by the Western woman’ and you know he said that. I believe that you know, the eastern woman is as powerful as the western but you know, it’s the woman that will carry the torch of transformation because we are closer to creation, right? We are the transmitters of life. We have the equipment to bring life into the physical and this is a huge gift and so it’s time to bring that in everything we do, right? in our creations.

[40:11-42:39] Dr. Alison Kay

You’re saying parts of each of my books. Right now, I’m just sitting here like grateful to have another voice saying what I’ve been saying for years and really, I quoted that same quote ‘it is the Western woman who will change the world’ the Dalai Lama. I think in my first book, if not my second, everything else you just said in one form or another, I’ve said in my books. I feel like it’s because we’re freer, societally-wise able to step out more.

The Chinese woman, the Indian woman, the Sri Lankan woman maybe not a Thai woman but there’s still so much more that they have to fight against to be a voice. I mean the Taiwanese woman. We have a president in Taiwan that’s female which is great. Malaysia has had female prime ministers, in the United States we’ve never had a female President, so they’re not quite so far behind in some of the countries but there is the Dalai Lama sitting from his perspective in Tibet saying that about the western woman.

I listened; we have a certain freedom that they just don’t have with which to express ourselves in our societies. We are not collective, we’re individual, some of that keeps feeding in throughout than easily speaking out, so I believe that those are some of the reasons why he said that but yeah, the Western woman. I love the idea though, of our men. I love seeing so many of the conscious men. I love the fact that the Huggies diapers now have a man on the cover of the diaper package.

I love that our men are becoming so much more conscious and supportive. I love that there is sometimes in a couple of men who are doing this spiritual awakening stuff and the women who are not. I love that its men that are just so aware of- there’s so many more men that are so aware of their role in supporting the Divine feminine and that the Divine masculine supports the Divine feminine and trusts the Divine feminine while not giving away their own inner authority.

There are men who are just waking up left and right too but a woman is- it’s funny because on my fridge I have a magnet ‘behind every successful woman is herself’ My mother gave that to me and that used to be the old way, but I feel like with the new Divine masculine what’s becoming true is, behind every successful woman is a divine masculine man. Isn’t that a shift?

[42:40-44:10] Nunaisi Ma

It’s a big shift and I am so with you on that. First of all, I see men awakening in that, which warms my heart. It’s beautiful and what I see also is that in conscious relationship right, where there’s no overpowering the woman or even as it used to be before the patriarchal times, the woman used to envision together, they used to gather during the moon time and envision what the village needs what needs to happen and when they communicated that to the men in, you know, with love, then men are so eager to be in service.

They are so eager to go for it and make it happen and I think this is really a beautiful collaboration, where it’s not overpowering. It’s just going together towards a mutual vision that is for the better of all right? So yeah, I think that men love to be in service of the feminine when there is that love relationship, when it’s not overpowering when they haven’t just submitted their balls, so to say, right? because that is also happening, where they just give their balls to the woman in their life and that is emasculating, right?

[44:11-44:14] Dr. Alison Kay

Yeah, that’s the non-Divine feminine, the passive-aggressive and a bit of non- Divine feminine.

[44:15-44:19] Nunaisi Ma

Right right, but when the Divine Feminine and the Divine masculine come together-

[44:20-44:28] Dr. Alison Kay

Yummy, I want some of that please, yeah more.

[44:29-44:39] Nunaisi Ma

Yeah, so unfortunately our time is coming to an end and then I want to wrap it up. I know that you have an amazing gift to share with the audience.

[44:40-45:43] Dr. Alison Kay

I totally forgot about that. I’m so excited. So, this is not typical, for those of you on my list who are following me, this is not a typical free gift that I give away on summits, and for all of you listening, this is an hour-long clearing and activation recording of a long list.

You can go to the page and see the long list of typical ways women stop themselves from what we’ve been talking about; I can’t, I don’t deserve to be free, and I’m afraid to listen to my intuition, like so much of what we’ve been talking about, but the bottom line focus is opening up our capacity to receive, so that you’re not the multitasking supermom and so that you do allow yourself to receive your intuition so that you do allow yourself to engage in self-nourishing and self-care that give you that expansive space so that you can live in more of a balanced yin yang, divine masculine, and divine feminine balance and live out more your- I’m going to call it divine rising as we all rise together. It’s a really fun- it’s a free gift and happy to give it.

[45:54-46:14] Nunaisi Ma

That sounds amazing. So go ahead and download it. You will find the link on this page and enjoy it. It’s one more tool that is so graciously given to you for your rise. So, thank you so much, Alison, it was such a pleasure.

[46:15-46:17] Dr. Alison Kay

Such a pleasure. Thank you. I agree.

[46:18-46:23] Nunaisi Ma

Yeah, and so until the next time. Ciao

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